what I used to run 1 provocation eval mage 2 discordance eval mages The serpents and what-not have a tenancy to run away from you at break-neck speed once their health is low. I found that a pack of provoked/disco'd serpents were much more "manageable". The damage from a string of ebolts on a disco'd mob was exceptionally high.
I have never had a serpent run from me at low health. The only seamob that runs from me is shipwrecked krakens.
I use to triple box tournaments using Kirbys method/guide and it's great. The last 2 tournaments I attended, I had reduced my fishers to 2 because I wanted to do odds and ends with the third and found that I was still pulling up serpents and big fish at a satisfactory rate and even placed pretty good (though that's up to rng) Ebolt turrets are pretty great and i liked them better than using 2 archers with reptile slayer bows and found resist unnecessary. Though it would probably help if I ever run into pirates but never had the opportunity. Fishing Magery Meditation Eval-Int.. I liked having hiding on my fishers Even 1 mage can take down a serpent easily. I like the idea of using @wylwrk disco fisher.. Even sounds cool. I might adapt that soon to one of my fishers as anyone who has used a Disco-Tamer knows they tear some shit up.
Anyone wanna buy the plans for a small boat from me or i pay you to turn it into a boat? I thought it was a boat deed. *scratches head*
I have thought about this myself and will share my thinking... First I had to decide how many accounts am I willing to have set up for this and with using more than one account how I would spread out the skills needed to kill mobs.. Using 3 accounts I would use the below, for 2 accounts I will remove the last fisher. I have a Bard mage already with all the bard and mage skills - so will use this to E-bolt mobs 1 fisher with archery (my pirate) 1 fisher with not a lot else that's useful - not yet decided on template - possibly a gatherer mule or BOD collector.
At 75.1 fishing now and starting to get excited! No serpents yet though... I am ready to pay someone to take my small boat plans and build me a boat! Anyone?
Honestly, having 3 chars that are way different (like one archer Fisher, one mage fisher, and one bard fisher) seems like a good idea at first, but it's really not. I can tell you from experience that once you see how easy most sea mobs are, you'll want to retrain them to all be the same. Having them all different is more of a pain than it's worth. Fishing isn't all that complicated. Most of the time, unless you're netting or more than one of your fishers pull up serps at once, you're only fighting one monster at a time. It's easiest just to forget barding and archery and just toss a couple ebolts at the monster and be done with it.
I wonder if I create an extremely cheap way to GM archery, if @Chris and @Telamon will give me a fortress on my own Island. I have a theory.
It's not so much the cost of GMing the Archery, as doing the same for Magery is expensive, but Magery only uses cheap regs that can be bought in bulk quite easily. Arrows/Bolts on the other hand are more expensive and slightly harder to get. And lastly/most importantly, Magery offers consistent damage. Archery can be random. But I guess personal preference can sway it either way.
Feathers you can buy from npc bowyers for i think 2gp a piece if you dont feel like farming harpies. Will take you an evening to build the npc's selling quantity to 999 and purchase the amount you need to gm. Logs are also cheap. And you really dont need to be gm to be effective against sea serpents. They're much weaker than sea-noobs realize. Melee is fine against them, but peacemaking will be beneficial if you dont want to put forth the effort just yet towards magery or archery on a char. In all honesty though, magery is king for fishers. The utility alone is enough to trump archery. And if for whatever reason you die while at sea like stepping away from computer and you lose a sweet bow, magery you just need some black pearl and nightshade and you're back at it and just as strong with hardly any time lost.
Just to be clear... so if I'm pk'ed on my boat, someone can loot my key and take my boat? I want all the boat info before I set sail.
As long as your gangplanks are locked, someone can only loot what is on the edges. So if the key is on you, as long as you are in the middle, you are safe. They can't loot the key from your body if it isn't accessible. But, as long as the key is in the hold, there is no risk. So always keep the key in the hold.