Recharging your wands

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by DiscoD, May 10, 2015.

  1. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    I like the idea of using wands to charge other wands of the same type. It would help the player economy as well. For example, a new player who has collected a bunch of GH wands with very low charges left, like 1 or 2, could consolidate those wands into a few 5 max charged GHeal wands. It would make those wands look more appealing to others on the market rather than just a afew one use Gheal wand that will get tossed in the trash after it's spent.
  2. DiscoD

    DiscoD Active Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    Yes you do use them for surviving anything. Having 2-3 reds pre-casted will interrupt your 'hit your escape macro as fast as you can' method. If you are unsure on how to tactically use your wand send me a PM I don't mind teaching you or setting up some razor macros.

    I also really like Chris' idea of being able to create wands but I would think they should be sort of difficult, but not having to spend days leveling up skills on a character for junk that I would never use other than the wands. Tmap rewards can be discussed on another thread. My goal was to get more people outside farming for a new resource or fun/adventure.

    If you have noticed a trend there are a lot of house sitters or templates being built where it only benefits stealing from inside a town or being 'safe'. PwN (Powder of the Night) came along and is bringing the server out on champ spawns - kudos to you guys!

    Refilling your wand with another wand is another great idea since there are a lot of wands that only have 1 charge and any of you RAZOR using people would know this is an inconvenience.

    I understand this could affect all the small fry players but there is no real market for wands as no one sells them. I have posted twice on separate occasions and have asked in #uortrade multiple times on different names and have not received any sellers. Currently wands are worth something compared to other things on this shard but when they aren't really in the 'market' there is no point in having that value.
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    If precasts are hitting you, you are not attentive enough while farming. Although, I assume we are talking about non-tamers. Anyway, my opinion is, dont change anything. With higher prices there will be much more wands around. There are already alot wand vendors out there and the number of auctions strongly increases.
    Milk, you should have maxed your LP to roughly 95 before picking dungeon chests. This way you could have started with lvl4 chests.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    While I like the concepts of merging wands together (within the confines of their spawning max charge) or creating wants, I moreso agree with BlackEye and Liberation. There is a strong market for wands, that is increasing as PvP picks up on the shard. Several players are out there hitting the dungeon chests and treasure maps harder than they were a few months ago due to the high demand (take note of the trade forum listings).

    Cool ideas but really not beneficial to the player driven economy.
  5. DiscoD

    DiscoD Active Member

    Feb 25, 2015
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    I see it as cool ideas and helping the shard become more 'busy'. Tmappers and LPs have runes marked at each chest and recall pick locks loot done let me go hide in my house for the next chest spawn and collect platinum.

    I've seen 2 dungeon chest crawlers in my lifetime on UOR for less than 3 minutes.

    Everything has a chain effect, you guys just need to think into the future. :)
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Do you even realize how many dungeon chest hunters are stealth that you'll never see?

    Personally, I only did dungeon chests to train LP and now I only do treasure maps with that character. I'm about to start running some dungeon chests again in my spare time at work though, just to up my wand inventory and help out the folks I play with most often by probably sharing or selling to them at a discounted rate.

    In the future, hopefully we'll still have a market for wands that makes it worthwhile to dig for them and put them up for sale. As it stands currently, there is no reason at all other than wands, for me to hit dungeon chests. The only reason other than wands for me to do treasure maps, are the chances at platinum on top tier maps.
  7. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    I would suspect charging the wands is out of the question as it would do as you indicated. However taking 3 1 charge wands and merging them into 1 3 charge wand does have merit. It could actually increase the value of wands as the lower charged ones could now be imparted with some value.
    Gideon Jura and Vlar like this.
  8. Milkman

    Milkman Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Disco- The market is there. You have demand, but are having trouble with supply. Frustrating, I know.

    Blackeye- I ran out of LPs. I couldn't find any more in bulk. I ran 1-3 chests with newbie picks to get money for ingots because I don't like mining. I made tons and will be at 95 soon.

    Chris- Good point.

    My point overall is that it takes very little in game investment to get them. If people aren't selling them, they're probably keeping them.
  9. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    It was/is a quite under-developedsupply chain. But the prices were too low before, you could ean more via PvM. But with that prices it will change. I am sure, we soon will have over supply.

    Lockpicks are scattered everywhere. You have to check every of the smaller vendors in Yew. You will also get all the needed chests, right now. I saw alot 70 and GM tinker made chests recently. Anyway, good luck with becoming GM in LP. ;)
  10. Milkman

    Milkman Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Thanks. 5 points to go.
  11. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    I read the proposal and thought no. (I like the idea, ideas are GREAT!!!!)
    Didn't read thread and still think no. I dont think there will be a wand shortage with rate of market flood.
    I used to deal in rings, cloth, and the such so see how it can be an imbalance
  12. Yen-lo-Wang

    Yen-lo-Wang Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 19, 2015
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    I disagree with this on a multitude of levels.
  13. nilmer

    nilmer Active Member

    Dec 5, 2018
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    What if you added this to a semi useless skill?

    like using item Identification skill above 80 on a wand will add a charge to it?
  14. Baler

    Baler Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    This thread is from 2015. :confused:
  15. Arnold Lutz

    Arnold Lutz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    This was basically implemented, not a recharge, but combining. It isn't skill based though, all wands can be combined with a wand of the same type to a max charge. And character can do it with the 2 wands in his main backpack. Simplifies using and collection for pvp use.
    Gheal - 5 charges
    Mana drain = 30 charges
    Lightening - 20 charges
    ID - 175 charges

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