5-finger Discount [5D] is a guild for thieves of all types! Recruitment is currently OPEN. BlackEye is the guildmaster and point of contact for all things relative to 5D. Please read through our guild requirements below before inquiring about membership. Requirement(s): @Your character must be a thief. This means you must either use the stealing skill to take items from other players (orthodox thief) OR you must have a character dedicated to house-looting. @If you're an orthodox thief and do not have GM stealing at the time of joining, you are expected to train stealing to GM as soon as possible. This doesn't take long and requires very little gold to achieve. We DO NOT: @require members to display guild abbreviation @force members to play certain amounts of time in order to maintain membership @regulate actions (murdering, griefing, etc.) ..do as you wish to whomever you wish to <-- proper English? I don't know or care @steal or attack other 5D members without consent (but our alts are ALL free game.) Thievery is really only for enjoyment anyways... its not that profitable. Not to mention those of us with thieves usually know how to protect ourselves from other thieves so there's not much danger in allowing alts to be targets. @require much of anything... just have fun! If you're interested in joining 5-finger Discount, then reply to this thread or contact me privately on the forums. My IRC identity will remain a secret in order to maximize my stealing fun. You may choose to do the same or not (I will not release anyone's information against their wishes.) Once you are in the guild we will use guild chat as well as IRC channel #5D. Not much coordination is needed for stealing so this guild is really more like a social club for people of like mind. Come now, let us brag about our conquests and laugh about our failures together!
We too live in the shadows, so you will rarely find a member sporting the [5D] tag but we are very much alive! PM sent.
Most of us don't display the 5D guild title for obvious reasons. We would love to have you. I'll send you a PM next time I'm online.
***5D is under new management. If you would like to join or have any questions regarding the guild, please contact BlackEye on the forums.
Hey, i would like to join your guild but i cant find you on #5d channel for past 7 days. Maybe because i'm in diffrent time zone ;/ Pls contact me BlackEye