Renaissance 2013 House Decor Contest #2

Discussion in 'Shard News' started by Chris, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Eisensaft

    Eisensaft New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    Entering in large category





    Entering for the best design element is my bloody blood tub filled with blood

    Be safe!
  2. Atraxi

    Atraxi Member

    May 9, 2013
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    My entry for Most Unique Design Element is my Counselor statue atop the C^V Tower of Truth at Honesty Shrine.

  3. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Loving this!
  4. Mutombo

    Mutombo Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2012
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    Tater Memorial Rune Library

    Just wanted to enter in the large house category the Tater Memorial Rune Library.

    Runes are positioned so you can recall in and access them from outside. No Doors!!

  5. Atraxi

    Atraxi Member

    May 9, 2013
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    Unique Design Element:

    My Squishy
  6. Atraxi

    Atraxi Member

    May 9, 2013
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    Unique Design Element:

    My Bunny

  7. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    This is my keep. I'm entering it into the massive house category :)
    This is the dragon-training area.

    The main living area.

    The secure courtyard.

    The second floor living area.

    The Smith's workshop.

    The front.

    The Fisherman's Lair.

    Time for a snack.

    The Tailor's workshop.

    The back stairs.

    The E.R.
  8. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    You really like those shadow candelabras! Took me a long time to clean up the roof of the sandstone you sold me! Diamonds sold nice though :p
  9. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    My entry for the small house category:

    ALL HAIL THE KING (sorry, not blaise)



    A tribute to one of my favorite shows of all time!
  10. Atraxi

    Atraxi Member

    May 9, 2013
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  11. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    ReZon's Tower (Large House Entry)

    I started working on this when the House Decor Contest was announced. Here is what I have accomplished on my limited play schedule. My focus has primarily been on the first floor but I have included the other floors as well. Hope you like them, and good luck to everyone!


    1F - Closeups
    The Mason Corner - Too thrifty to use valorite ingots when making statues, we use plain old rocks and valorite paint!

    The Craft Room - Here is where we spend our time crafting and staring at shiny things...

    The Lobby / Pub - Sit back, relax, enjoy the band, play some cards, and eat some food.

    The Stairway - The shelves are getting full from the holiday loot!

    2F - The Library - Where the weary travelers come seeking their purpose in life.


    3F - The Bed Room, Training Area

    3F - Kitchen

    3F - Dining Area

    4F - The Humble Roof
  12. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I just got the fort yesterday, I'm not a big Deco kinda person, but i have massive OCD, so here I present my fort where you can see I horde everything and can give Martha Stewart a run for her money with organization.

    Secure gate in/out area with a complete rune library and all secure containers. You also see my magic armor organization in the apartments.

    Restock and misc. items area.

    Magic weapons area and front of the house.

    I haven't even stepped foot on the other floors except to place table walls. This thing is freaking massive, anyone that can decorate this thing and make it look non-empty should win this category IMO.
  13. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Ok, I think I am done with the decoration attempt. But there are a few days left. I am entering the house in the "Best Decorated Medium House Includes: Sandstone, Log Cabin, Villa" category.

    There are also a couple of unique design elements, at least to me they are :). I also wrote up a narrative to explain the house, theme and why I decorated it the way I did.

    Yew Ole Workshop is a working and functioning vendor shop in Yew. It looks good, but first and foremost it is functional. Check the Item counts and weights of the chest to prove out this statement, The ingot stack are not just decoration. This house is a tribute to my UO interests, play style and achievements. When you come upon the Shop, notice the fishing nets including my prized colored net. To the left of the door is a small rune library to spawning rare locations. Inside and out you can see the semi rare items I have collected using those runebooks which are available to the public. Pixels are for everyone is my motto. You can immediately see the fishing loot on the front of the Shop. The custom lanterns are composed of my most prized trophies from the inaugural Pirate Invasion on either side of the entrance. The final piece of important decoration is the birthday cake on the far left.

    As you walk through the front door you are immediately struck by the open floor plan. Utilizing hidden blocking objects, the shop area is free from the clutter of small tables. If you look to your left you will see the main workbench comprised of Stone and Marble for that unique yet durable appearance. The forge is compact arrangement with a stacked anvil to save floor space. Across the middle of the floor plan denoting the back of the public shop is the smith's stack of ingots. The custom shelving holds all raw materials, tools and finished products ready for sale on the 3 vendors. The colored BOD books at the bottom of each shelf denotes the Craftsman Skill of the shelf stack. Grey for Smithing, Orange for Carpentry and Green for tailoring.

    Separating the working area of the shop from the living quarters is a custom Swinging Door feature backed by a hanging tapestry to give both visual and sound isolation. It is here that the craftsmen and Shop Owner relax after a hard day in the shop. A large custom fireplace across the back of the room roasts a Whopper of a Fish for supper. Decorations adorning this room range from Tailoring rewards to Fishing exploits as well as the adventures of hunting Ancient Treasure from sunken ships and World invasion events.

    Next we progress upstairs to the private shop owners quarters. More trophies from Sossarian adventures adorn this room. The very first large painting I ever fished up is here along with the first Marble object (small pillar) I ever made. Atop the pillar is one of the trophies from an early event on UOR for me. As you exit out to the balcony, you will see a fine sheep pen. Sheep farming is a hobby for me that helped me get my start here. There is plenty of green grass, feed, water and hay for bedding. There is never overcrowding with my sheep. Sheep will always have a honored place in my home. In keeping with the working shop theme, the tailoring station is strategically placed next to the farm.

    This concludes my entry into the contest. Win, lose or draw, it was fun decorating. Remember this not a glass house decoration. I live and operate vendors out of this location. I have obviously exceeded the available lockdown count, but am confident that the house security is strong. Key/unique design elements include the open vendor floor plan, the swinging door separating the living quarters and the custom shelving for all my crafting supplies.

    All this was done with what I consider easy to obtain items. There are no ultra rares, no million gold worth of rewards. All were earned by me through crafting, playing, farming and trading. This place is proof that anyone can rise from noob to respected player in a few short months.


    Attached Files:

  14. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Entry 1: Massive House Category - Gideon's Tavern

    The view from out front:
    *I'm particularly happy with the way this turned out - I spent a long time trying to figure out how to make the exterior work with the stonework.



    Bar and Spawning Rares Library:

    Game Table and Runebook Library:




    First floor:
    *I'd really recommend people try using stone tables specifically with the furniture dye tubs - I think they turn out the best. You can see the dark red one here. My favorite part of the entire house is still the dyed runebooks - pooling plat with other people to accomplish that was a lot of fun.

    Valentine's Display (thanks Deacon!), Storage Closet, and Water Feature:

    Obligatory Necromancer Room:

    Grow Room:

    Raised Fish Tank and Master Bedroom:

    Second floor:
    *You can see the rewards for the bi-monthly Guide Writing Contest in the main living room. I'm really happy with how the water feature worked out here.

    Cat Statue:

    Water Feature and Stage Area:

    Fireplace and 1st Year Anniversary Display:

    *I put a lot of different ideas together to make the stable. I used some ideas taken from other houses I've seen for the hanging plants and boxes and I put in my own idea of the wooden floors which I think turned out well.

    *You can see most of the water feature here. I'm really happy because I was finally able to make the roof accessible to the public. This has been a long time goal and making it happen was rather difficult.

    Entry 2: Unique Design Element Category - Cat Statue on Water

    Gideon's Tavern would not have been successful without these two establishments:

    Entry 3: Medium House Category - Gideon's Tavern Yew Bank

    Not an Entry - Gideon's Tavern Yew Gate

    Please feel free to come by and check out the properties as they are all open to the public. I'd like to thank everybody who has helped me over the past year - it took a lot of help to make it happen. I'd also like to thank everybody who's posted and continues to post pictures of their deco - I've borrowed tons of great ideas and hope to keep seeing new ones.

  15. Nars

    Nars New Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Entering my tower for the "Best decorated large house" category, done with mostly normal and shipwreck items.




  16. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    The Study is where we learn, contemplate, and consider without judgment


    The Sitting Room is constitution, evaluation, and enquiry


    Transition is amorphous and sudden


    Awakened is final

  17. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Welcome to Wulver's Warehouse! Entrance into the small category!
    1st fl is also entered in for unique illustrated death scene.

    My young shop hand, Shartinhand, was a diligent worker on his first day on the job... the little turd didn't even put in a 2 weeks notice!!

    Items need to be Identified and placed away neatly, by only the finest of workers:
  18. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 10, 2012
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    Large House Category
    Country Living, House decorated by Xevec & Cattie. I did the upstairs, the fireplace, and the porch.
    Possible unique designs, fireplace and drink dispensers.

    edited (10-4) because I had to fix the fireplace
  19. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Dammit Gideon......stop being so good.
  20. Diablo

    Diablo New Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Hello Everyone, This is Cherie,
    I had to submit these photos through Diablo.

    As most of you know this is my first ever computer game or for that matter any kind of game since the atari and joystick days. Never in all my life would I have EVER played games. I watched my kids as they grew up playing.

    So now my turn, This is my entry for large house category.

    Attached Files:

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