Renaissance Compendium Project - Bounties for Creative Writers

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Renaissance Guide to the Mining Profession:

    Okay, so you want to be a miner. Well things are a bit different here on UO:R compared to anywhere else and I'm here to tell you everything you need to know. Doesn't matter if your new to UO or a veteran of many years coming from another shard.

    First I would like to say thanks to Markos for allowing me to use his original guide to save recreating great work. I have added a few things to his section and then you will find a whole new section below added by yours truly.

    The goal of this guide is to give a thorough review of the mining profession. Mining can be a very profitable skill should you choose to put the time into it. Just about every other crafting profession, in some way depends on mining. Ingots are needed to craft tools for other crafting skills as well as to craft things such as weapons, armor and many other miscellaneous items.


    Equipment Needed for Mining

    Shovels and Pickaxes are the tools needed for mining. These can be bought from NPC tinkers or can be made by other players that have the tinkering skill. Now, there are a couple of things to take into consideration when buying shovels or pickaxes. Shovels will cost you around 12 gold per, while pickaxes will cost you around 25 gold per. Also, shovels only weigh 5 stones and pickaxes weigh 11 stones. In my opinion, the shovel is a better choice due to the fact it is cheaper and it weighs less.


    Blacksmithing Bulk Order Deeds have a few rewards that are very useful to miners. Sturdy tools and gloves of mining provide the ability to mine more efficiently. The sturdy tools have a far higher durability than standard tools and the studded leather gloves of mining will provide a +3 skill bonus to mining and ringmail gloves of mining will provide a +5 skill bonus. You can find these on some PC Vendors or by checking on the #UORTrade Channel on IRC.



    Depending on the strategy you choose while mining, a packhorse may be something well worth the roughly 650 gold it costs. A packhorse can carry up to 1600 stones which is 133(1596 Stones) piles of ore! This is TWICE the weight of PackHorses you may have used on OSI or other servers. Packhorses make mining more efficient due to the fact that you don't have to run to a forge every time you become over weight, which is roughly 20-25 piles of ore. The down side to this is that the more ore you stash before smelting, the more it's going to hurt if something happens such as getting pk'd or killed by a monster of some type. Pack horses can be bought at your local stable....


    Safe Mining Locations

    It is highly recommended to stay in a guarded zone when first starting out mining. Venturing out to popular mining spots that are unguarded is very dangerous. With the new player system in place, Occlo is a very good place to start out mining. You can explored this whole cave system without fear as a Young Player. Monsters will only attack you if you attack them. I will show a few recommended places to mine that will be safe from pk's although you may run across the occasional thief. Another thing to keep in mind when mining, whether it be in guard zone or not, is to find a spot with a forge nearby. This can greatly increase the amount of ingots you produce. Many forges can be found around mountains and caves as well at player's houses.





    Smelting Ore
    When mining ore, it can be mined up in different types of piles as shown here. These piles can also be combined with each other....


    The ore that you mine up can be smelted at a forge. To smelt the ore, simply double click the stack of ore and then target the forge....


    While at low skill, it is recommended that you smelt small quantities of your ore at one time. It is possible to fail at a smelt attempt resulting in HALF of your ore being lost.....


    As your skill increases, you will also start to see different types of ore. The different types of ore and the minimum skill requirements are listed here....

    New Mining_14.jpg

    Gargoyle Pickaxes and Stone Ore

    Gargoyle pickaxes can be looted off of gargoyles and can also be given as a blacksmithing BOD reward. Gargoyle pickaxes are needed to mine up stone ore which is used in stonecrafting. The types of stone ore that can be mined up are stone, sandstone and marble and are found where colored ore is normally deposited. When you use your gargoyle pickaxe in a colored ore location, you have a 50% chance to spawn a colored ore elemental and 40% of those times it will be a stone ore elemental that will need to be killed in order to loot the ore from it. All types of stone ore requires a minimum of 50 mining skill to smelt.



    Note: The Magic of the Gargoyle PickAxe also increases the level of ore by one. So Agapite locations give Verite ect.

    Marble Elementals are found where you would normally find Agapite, Valorite and Verite ore.
    Sandstone Elementals are found where you would normally find Gold and Bronze ore.
    Stone Elementals are found where you would normally find Shadow, Copper, Dull Copper ore and Iron Ore

    There is a full chart near the end of this page that lays out all the different effects of the various Mining Tools. (Thanks to Gideon-Jura for making it)

    This can also be stacked with the Prospectors Tool seen below. Therefore it's possible to go to a location that would normally give you Agapite and get Valorite Ore and Golems.


    To learn more about the UO Renaissance stonecrafting system, click here,

    Common Templates for Miners

    Tinkering is a highly recommended skill to accompany any miner's template. This will allow you to create your own tools from the ingots you produce which in turn, will decrease the cost of mining and keep you from having to run back and forth to town to purchase shovels or pickaxes.

    As a miner, you will definitely want to go with 100 strength to be able to carry as much ore and ingots as possible. Depending on how you integrate magery into your template will dictate the amount of dexterity and intelligence you choose to have. While mining, you will come across the random monster lurking about and also ore elementals that spawn from gargoyle pickaxes. Therefore, it is very important that you be able to deal with these threats. I will list a few recommended skill templates for mining characters.

    The "Tank" Miner" build. 100 str / 100 dex / 25 intelligence.


    The "Mage Miner" build. 100 str / 25 dex / 100 intelligence.
    The purpose of the anatomy here is for defensive wrestling.


    Keep in mind these are just recommended builds. There many other combinations of skills that may suit your UO play style better.


    And now to add in a few details from GM Bates (Me)
    Gargoyle Shovels:

    Since Patch 55 ( ) we have had new toys coming from the Smithing BOD's. These shovels come in all the ingot colours from Iron to Valorite.

    You take it out and dig, vary similar to the Gargoyle Pick Axes. But here vein doesn't matter, the shovel sets what kind of Golem you will pull up. Each shovel only comes with a few uses (5-7) but you have a 20% chance to get nothing, a 60% chance to spawn a golem of the same type as the shovel and a 20% chance of spawning TWO at once! And on the last swing of the Shovel you will ALWAYS get an Ore Golem Lord!


    Currently Smelting ITEMS in UO:R is not skill based (it's on the list) Player crafted it's will return 50% of the ingots used in their creation (Rounded down) They are looking at updating this code so please keep an eye on patch notes.
    When Smelting Ore it is skill based I have updated the chart above but here are the numbers for those that like them.

    Iron Ore: Starts being able to successfully smelt at 25 skill, at 0%. This increases by 2% per full skill point of Real Skill. Wearing Gloves adds to your REAL SKILL.
    All other Ores: Once you can mine it you have a 50% Chance to Smelt it and this increases by 2% per full skill point of Real Skill.

    Smelting Vendor Items or Loot Drops yields 1 Ingot. Again this is being looked at in a future update. Keep reading those Patch Notes!

    Coloured Ore:

    You won't be finding any of this stuff until you hit 65.0 Real Skill. Coloured ore veins are spread through out the land. Each vein will always spawn the same colours so you can map them out and come back later to get more of that colour. Now there are ways to adjust that, the Prospector tool will increase the Veins colour by one Level so a vein that normally yields Dull Copper will instead for the remainder of that spawn give Shadow. Gargoyle tools also increase the spawn by a level and can be stacked with the Prospectors tool if you do this then that same Dull Copper Vein will give you Copper instead, of course you will have to deal with the Golems that come with them. :)

    As your skill increases you will gain more colours and get more of the coloured ore instead of the Iron. If you are looking to mine Massive amounts of Iron you are actually better off to lock your skill at 64.9 at this point you will have a 79.8% chance to Smelt, Add +1 Gloves to get to 81.8%, +3 Gloves to get 85.8% or get a set of +5 Mining Gloves. At that point you will only get Iron ore but you will have a 89.8% success rate of Smelting.

    Ore yields.png

    (Thanks to Gideon Jura for the above chart)

    While there is no reason to use coloured ingots to make weapons (Does not retain hue or gain any bonus attributes, the hued weapons you see are made using Runic Hammers (go see the BOD's Guide for more info) there are reasons to make armour out of coloured Ingots. First some of the colours look COOL! Great for getting decked out to go bank sit or hang out at your local tavern.

    Second they do give bonus attributes to your armour.

    Material Bonuses Exceptional & Material Bonuses
    Ore Type Bonus Ore Type Bonus
    Iron (+0 AR) Iron (+12 AR)
    Dull Copper (+1 AR) Dull Copper (+13 AR)
    Shadow Iron (+2 AR) Shadow Iron (+14 AR)
    Copper (+3 AR) Copper (+15 AR)
    Bronze (+4 AR) Bronze (+16 AR)
    Gold (+5 AR) Gold (+17 AR)
    Agapite (+6 AR) Agapite (+18 AR)
    Verite (+7 AR) Verite (+19 AR)
    Valorite (+8 AR) Valorite (+20 AR)

    Boat Mining:

    With the reduced load on the mining areas due to the Gargoyle options I haven't actually seen much boat mining going on, for those that remember, go try it out, but I personally can't be bothered, way faster working the Golems.

    So there you go, that about covers all there is currently to know about mining, smelting and basic Ores.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  2. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Ughhh I hope they can straighten up my Table at the end. The Tab's didn't carry over from Notepad. :(
    newme likes this.
  3. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    great work folks... thanks
    Halabinder likes this.
  4. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 1, 2013
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    Done :)
    Halabinder likes this.
  5. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    @Bates - Fantastic Mining guide! You sure about which veins spawn stone/marble/sandstone? From my experience, Verite and Valerite spawn Marble, Gold, and Agapite spawn sandstone and the rest stone.
  6. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Wow bates, some seriously good info for new miners in there.
  7. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    I'm referring to the Base ore of the Vein, IE when you go with a Normal Shovel or Pick Axe. As the Gargoyle gear Bumps it by one level. I have updated to make it a bit clearer. (I hope)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
  8. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Thanks for fixing the Graphics, Still need that under "Coloured Ore" Spaced properly.
  9. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Glad to see someone add the newer mining changes to the guide! Thanks Bates!
  10. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  11. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    "Note: The Magic of the Gargoyle PickAxe also increases the level of ore by one. So Agapite locations give Verite ect."

    It's there I missed it... I guess I have been using Gargoyle pick axes for so long now I don't know the actual color of the veins I am mining lol.
    Gideon Jura likes this.
  12. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  13. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    New Entry For

    Gargoyle Shovels

    These items were introduced in patch Patch 55: July 8th 2014 - Mining Update, Misc Fixes

    They have replaced Mining Gloves as a reward on the Smithing BOD Charts.
    This item comes in 9 varieties (Iron, Dull Copper, Copper, Shadow Iron, Bronze, Gold, Agapite, Verite, and Valorite)
    When used in a similar fashion as a gargoyles pickaxes players can unearth ore golems.
    These items spawn with 5-7 uses.
    These items will spawn with the same color changes as bulk order deeds.
    So you have the same chance of getting a copper shovel as you would getting a copper bulk order deed.
    These shovels will provide a targeted alternative to fill the need for ingots of various colors.
    These shovels can only be used in caves around the world. This will eventually be expanded to dungeon regions as well.
    Trying to use the shovel in an area where you cannot find an elemental will result in a message indicating as much.
    Each use of a shovel has a 20% chance to produce no golem, a 20% chance to produce 2 golems, and a 60% chance to produce one.
    The final use of each shovel, when used in a cave will always produce a ore golem lord.
    Sturdy shovels have been assigned a new color to help differentiate them from the new gargoyles shovels.

    For More Details on how to use this item Please see Renaissance Guide to the Mining Profession <<<Staff Please Insert Link Here to the Guide>>>
  14. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Carpentry House Add-Ons

    To access the carpentry menu, double click any of the carpenter's tools (Dovetail saw, draw knife, froe, hammer inshave, jointing plane, moulding planes, nails, saw, scorp, smoothing plane).

    - House add-ons are crafted in a deed form.
    - To remove an addon, doubleclick an axe and target the addon
    - Housing Addons that have been crafted can be re-deeded for 24 hours
    - If you use an axe on a housing addon that has been placed for less than 24 hours, it will immediately re-deed into your backpack
    - If you use an axe on a housing addon that has been placed for more than 24 hours, you will be prompted that the item will be destroyed
    - The above rules only apply to craftable housing addons, as listed below. BOD rewards, holiday rewards and platinum rewards that are deeded will always be re-deedable
    - Housing addons do not take a lockdown slot in your house. This can be used to your advantage in houses with low amounts of lockdowns.

    Misc. Add-Ons
    smallbedeast.jpg Small Bed (East) - Resources: 100 Boards or Logs, 100 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    smallbedsouth.jpg Small Bed (South) - Resources: 100 Boards or Logs, 100 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largebedeast.jpg Large Bed (East) - Resources: 150 Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largebedsouth.jpg Large Bed (South) - Resources: 150 Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    dartboardeast.jpg Dartboard (East) - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs - Skills: 15.7 Carpentry
    dartboardsouth.jpg Dartboard (South) - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs - Skills: 15.7 Carpentry
    ballotbox.jpg Ballot Box - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs - Skills: 47.3 Carpentry
    pentagram.jpg Pentagram - Resources: 100 Boards or Logs, 40 Iron Ingots - Skills: 100.0 Carpentry, 75.0 Magery
    abbatoir.jpg Abbatoir - Resources: 100 Boards or Logs, 40 Iron Ingots - Skills: 100.0 Carpentry, 50.0 Magery
    smallnakedbedsouth.jpg Small naked bed (South) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs, 75 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    smallnakedbedeast.jpg Small naked bed (East) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs, 75 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    smallunmadebedsouth.jpg Small unmade bed (South) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    smallunmadebedeast.jpg Small unmade bed (East) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    smallunmadebedwithpillowsouth.jpg Small unmade bed w/ pillows (South) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    smallunmadebedwithpilloweast.jpg Small unmade bed w/ pillows (East) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largenakedbedsouth.jpg Large naked bed (South) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 125 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largenakedbedeast.jpg Large naked bed (East) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 125 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largeunmadebedsouth.jpg Large unmade bed (South) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 200 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largeunmadebedeast.jpg Large unmade bed (East) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 200 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largeunmadebedwithpillowsouth.jpg Large unmade bed w/ pillows (South) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 200 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largeunmadebedwithpillowseast.jpg Large unmade bed w/ pillows (East) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 200 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largebedwithsheetssouth.jpg Large bed w/ sheets (South) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    largebedwithsheetseast.jpg Large bed w/ sheets (East) - Resources: 200 Oak Boards or Logs, 150 Cloth - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 75.0 Tailoring
    churchstylebenchsouth.jpg Church style bench (South) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs- Skills: 94.7 Carpentry
    churchstylebencheast.jpg Church style bench (East) - Resources: 125 Oak Boards or Logs- Skills: 94.7 Carpentry

    Blacksmithy Add-Ons

    smallforge.jpg Small Forge - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs, 75 Iron Ingots - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 75.0 Blacksmithy
    largeforgeeast.jpg Large Forge (East) - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs, 100 Iron Ingots - Skills: 78.9 Carpentry, 80.0 Blacksmithy
    largeforgesouth.jpg Large Forge (South) - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs, 100 Iron Ingots - Skills: 78.9 Carpentry, 80.0 Blacksmithy
    anvilsouth.jpg Anvil (South) - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs, 150 Iron Ingots - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 75.0 Blacksmithy
    anvileast.jpg Anvil (East) - Resources: 5 Boards or Logs, 150 Iron Ingots - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 75.0 Blacksmithy

    Training Add-Ons

    pickpocketeast.jpg Pickpocket Dip (East) - Resources: 65 Boards or Logs, 60 Cloth - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 50.0 Tailoring
    pickpocketsouth.jpg Pickpocket Dip (South) - Resources: 65 Boards or Logs, 60 Cloth - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 50.0 Tailoring
    trainingdummysouth.jpg Training Dummy (South) - Resources: 55 Boards or Logs, 60 Cloth - Skills: 68.4 Carpentry, 50.0 Tailoring
    trainingdummyeast.jpg Training Dummy (East) - Resources: 55 Boards or Logs, 60 Cloth - Skills: 68.4 Carpentry, 50.0 Tailoring
    Tailoring and Cooking Add-Ons
    spinningwheeleast.jpg Spinning Wheel (East) - Resources: 75 Boards or Logs, 25 Cloth - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 65.0 Tailoring
    spinningwheelsouth.jpg Spinning Wheel (South) - Resources: 75 Boards or Logs, 25 Cloth - Skills: 73.6 Carpentry, 65.0 Tailoring
    loomeast.jpg Loom (East) - Resources: 75 Boards or Logs, 25 Cloth - Skills: 84.2 Carpentry, 65.0 Tailoring
    loomsouth.jpg Loom (South) - Resources: 75 Boards or Logs, 25 Cloth - Skills: 84.2 Carpentry, 65.0 Tailoring
    stoneoveneast.jpg Stone Oven (East) - Resources: 85 Boards or Logs, 125 Iron Ingots - Skills: 68.4 Carpentry, 50.0 Tinkering
    stoneovensouth.jpg Stone Oven (South) - Resources: 85 Boards or Logs, 125 Iron Ingots - Skills: 68.4 Carpentry, 50.0 Tinkering
    flourmilleast.jpg Flour Mill (East) - Resources: 100 Boards or Logs, 50 Iron Ingots - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 50.0 Tinkering
    flourmillsouth.jpg Flour Mill (South) - Resources: 100 Boards or Logs, 50 Iron Ingots - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry, 50.0 Tinkering
    watertrougheast.jpg Water Trough (East) - Resources: 150 Boards or Logs - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry
    watertroughsouth.jpg Water Trough (South) - Resources: 150 Boards or Logs - Skills: 94.7 Carpentry
    eherruh, Halabinder and Gideon Jura like this.
  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
    Halabinder likes this.
  16. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Gideon can I add that to My article? Credited of course!
  17. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Pretty sure why he put it out there.
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019
  19. Bates

    Bates Member

    Nov 20, 2014
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    Until I have permission.... ;)
  20. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2019

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