As some have noticed I've been pretty busy IRL lately. I wont have enough time to keep my vendors running so I'm going to sell what I've got in stock. BOD collection auction: First up: Scrolls! 19633 scrolls. There are at least 300 of every spell (except gate travel, of which there are 93). 425k or 65 platinum. -------------- Leather suits: 21 gm barbed leather suits. 25k or 4 platinum. ---------------- House addons: SOLD 5 water trough south, 4 east 8 stone oven east, 8 south 7 flour mill east, 7 south 6 large bed east, 6 south 5 small bed south, 4 east 1 loom south, 1 east 1 spinning wheel east, 2 south 2 pentagrams, 3 abbatoirs 9 picpocket dip east, 10 south 9 training dummy south, 10 east 1 large forge south 1 anvil south 30k or 4 platinum. -------------- Cloth/leather: SOLD 16071 yards of cloth 2144 horned leather 5142 barbed leather 70k or 10 platinum ------------- Ingots: SOLD 4062 iron 1921 gold 619 dull copper 477 shadow 220 verite 523 agapite 221 copper 194 bronze 45k or 7 platinum I'll post more in the morning once I go through it all!