I hereby log into the log of logs this thought where common communion in theory may practice to prevent the dispensary caused by a$$hat fourteen year old. On this day at this time, I hereby produce a challenge to all. Let's formulate a plan to discombobulate the negative Nancie's and to provide an event that will assist in harboring our newbies. I say on the second day of November at 1800 hours AZ time, there shall be an event hosted whose start shall be in Ocllo. The idea of the event is to start on the main level of Hyhtloth utilizing magical portals to transport Ocllo hunters to the entrance of the dungeon. At 1805 hours once our contribution of free reg grab bags, bandages, potions, arms and armor have been given to the hunters, the hunt shall begin. The purpose of the hunt is to seek out the evil that lurks deep within the dark tunnels of Hythloth, and to exterminate it once and for all. The hunt will end when the Balron and his brothers have been slain and their Succubus queens have been eradicated. If you wish to write more I ran out of coffee. Dankah, Stark of Lichend
Hahaha yeah, usually the spam bots are advertising magical penis revitalization cream or some such crap