Small rant..

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Torrand, May 1, 2018.

  1. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I'm still relatively new here. I made my toons about a year and just sat on them. Only recently have i started venturing out of occlo. I got pk'd twice so far. Both Pks could tell i was a pathetic newb and left my newb crap and just took my regs and gold then rezzed me. One thoughtful red who i will leave unnamed as to not hurt his reputation left just enough regs for me to recall out of there. Now I keep that recall on Hotkey. I've become exceedingly good at bouncing out at first sight of a red ( or blue ) for that matter. Cannot trust blues at all. I usually farm alone as i have sproadic and unconventional time to play. Like others said i usually stay off the hot spots especially during peak hours. To be honest though-- i never carry anything of extreme value on me when i'm farming and i usually get such a rush from seeing a PK jump at me that i truly i enjoy the rush and the escape. The fun part of this game is that there is actually a risk and cost to being killed. It's not extreme if you don't deal with stat loss. One day soon when i feel competent enough i will look forward to the fights. But for now-- Kal Ort Por

    Also some of those big hot spots you can hit up for a good chunk at a time. If you make frequent bank runs you will be able to make a good amount -- even if you do end up getting killed eventually it'll still have been worth it if you banked the rest of what you made.
    Leopold, One, Balian and 1 other person like this.
  2. Valient

    Valient Active Member

    May 6, 2016
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    Reds on this server are pretty bad. They either group you or are stupid enough to shit talk you right after they tried soloing you with your pets.
    UrinalCake likes this.
  3. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I've found the majority of the PKs on this server to be incredibly respectful of my time. Sure, I've been dropped a few times and had some shinies taken away from me, but the vast majority of them end up not even looting anything from me, ressing me afterward, and then leaving me alone to farm in peace.

    I've run into very few (if any?) griefers who wanted to camp me to the point of having to find something else to do. They are just looking to have fun with their play style, and usually are uninterested in wasting their time or your time if you're simply looking to farm peacefully and avoid PvP. This has been a nice change from what I was used to, as prior to joining this server a few months ago I hadn't played since OSI around the year 2000 - suffice to say that at least on my server PKs would always dry loot and, given the opportunity, were willing to spend the majority of their evening tracking you down and ensuring you had as little fun as possible. I think it's safe to say that at this point the majority of UO's player-base are a bit older and generally have better things to do with their time.

    PVP was a really large part of the game for me when I played back in the day, though with my limited play time now I've been exclusively playing PvM. That being said, the community on this server (PKs and Blues alike) is really getting me excited to get back into PvP here on Renaissance. I'm sure that it's going to take me a while to brush the dust of, and I have no doubt that I'm going to be getting dumpstered quite a bit in the beginning. However, I really think that as far as non-Trammel UO is concerned - this is a REALLY forgiving setting to learn and get better.
  4. Jordan

    Jordan Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    Its sad that Runescape has more players..

    that should tell you something, but whats broken lets not try to fix
  5. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I can't help but assume this was meant for another thread. What do you perceive as broken here? The fact that PK's exist? The fact that there's full loot? If that's the problem, there are plenty of Trammel servers out there that perhaps is more your speed. If you have a legitimate grievance, you might get a bit further by explaining what you see as broken, and perhaps some ideas on what you would do to fix it.

    In terms of population - you are playing on 1 of I-don't-know-how-many player made UO servers are in existence (not including the official OSI servers which are amazingly still online). If you are trying to compare UO:R's population to Runescape's without taking into account the litany of players who prefer to play on a shard including newer Expansion packs ... I'd call that a rather flawed comparison.

    Lastly, I couldn't help but get a chuckle about the fact that you called this server 'Broken' yet referenced Runescape. I assume that to mean you've never actually played Runescape, as it likely has more exploits than most other games I've played combined.
  6. Jordan

    Jordan Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    If you want Old UO, then this aint it...

    you can travel around the world in less than 2-3 minutes. PKers even back then wouldnt run up on people in the old UO like they do today
    but hey, to each his own, right?

    10+ year vet to the new people... dont like it? go fishing.

    GG, next
    Rextacy likes this.
  7. Jordan

    Jordan Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    I did play runescape for a bit.. in 2017 for the first time. they have more people talking at the bank than UOR as a whole
  8. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    You and I apparently had very different experiences in 'Old UO'. It was much more cutthroat back then - at least on Catskills where I played.

    Again, you have yet to state what you consider 'broken', so I'll just assume that you're butt-hurt over getting dropped while soloing at a popular spawn.
  9. eherruh

    eherruh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2016
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    UO:R's vision is to be History Perfected™ not to perfectly emulate the old production OSI servers. So you're right but so what?

    More people play soccer than American football. So what? Don't like football? Can't play football? Don't play football. If you showed up at a football game talking shit about how much better soccer is, people would tell you to shut up and leave.

    Shut up and leave.

    If this place isn't what you're looking for then leave. You have thus far added nothing constructive to the conversation or the community.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
    One likes this.
  10. Jordan

    Jordan Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    cutthroat? please explain to me how one pk back then could kill 3-5 blues at lich lords EV/Fire Field.. please, ive been here.

    Majority of the people here are younger brothers who played long before and now theyve come back with revenge because the 35+ have retired from UO
  11. Jordan

    Jordan Member

    Mar 2, 2016
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    Where did I say one is better than the other?
  12. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Not much has changed between combat mechanics back then and UO:R now. If one PK was able to kill 3-5 blues at once and get away with it ... I'd say that 3-5 people were not very good. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure EV and Fire Field haven't changed since those days. If 1 EV managed to wipe out 5 people and no one dispelled it ... that's actually pretty funny :D
    eherruh and Andrakus like this.
  13. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    Same dude I wish we could all just farm together sing songs and hold hands. Definitely why I play on a felucca server. Hey you should try FarmVille on Facebook it’s great to just mindlessly stare at a screen and pick pixel tomato’s. I heard that my little pony has a good franchise of interactive games to. Thumbs up bro!
  14. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    I was about to say the same thing. That's really funny. How can you even be mad at a pk for killing all of you? When it's 3-5 pks killing 1 of you fine-- you can complain. But 1 on 3-5? Give credit where credit is due. Either he is a master at work or you guys really stink. Nothing wrong with stinking -- i stink But you got to start somewhere.
  15. Raajaton

    Raajaton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 21, 2018
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    This is starting to feel like a thread that belongs in the Trash Talk forum lol.
  16. Meradin

    Meradin Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Lets play a game, its called "Who can spot the guy Mera'din dry looted last night" In this thread. READY GO!
    Willy likes this.
  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Sanshi likes this.
  18. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 3, 2017
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  19. Meradin

    Meradin Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    Here. End of conversation please.
    Dash likes this.
  20. Dash

    Dash Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Oct 31, 2017
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    I think a lot of the frustration comes from how long it takes to get back in it after being killed if you don't have a runebook or ethy. If you come home from work and have 1-2 hours of game time to enjoy and it takes you 25-30 minutes to find a rez, find a bank, suit up, get a new mount, etc it's not worth it anymore. We're not kids anymore spending our entire summer in Sosaria.
    Leopold likes this.

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