Stealing is so nerfed for any reason?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by MaryKate, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    This is another thief nerf, we're supposed to be able to steal from criminals and reds without going perma. (Ie it's not a criminal action to do a negative action against a grey or red)

    I really wish you'd revamp the stealing system to get rid of these nerfs, there's more than 5-10. If players can't handle thieves they need a trammel server.
  2. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    you can edit your post and "add to it" at any time - FYI just in case
  4. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    I humbly apologize for my multiple posting spasms. I'll try to keep it in check next time wylwrk ;)
    wylwrk likes this.
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Did you even read my explanation on why this is. You cannot build a successfull server based on bad mechanics, nor can you justify bad mechanics by saying "well thats how it used to be, so it has to be that way here. This is not a certain T2A server I will not name. Now read what I posted.

    I explain clearly why this was changed, what led to the change and why the change was necessary. If players had not taken it upon themselves to abuse the functionality as it was, it most likely would not have been changed. But once players realized this was an option it was open season on these players. Even criminals and murderers deserve common sense mechanics.

    All that aside no one has provided a single piece of evidence that this was not how it worked on OSI. And one vein of thinking is that this is exactly how it worked on OSI because there is so little documentation on it. Stealing an item = perma grey. What everyone seems to refer to as a "nerf" is fixing what are most likely trammel/broken features of stealing built into the default RunUO that every server has.

    Stealing in RunUO was primarily meant for the Doom Dungeon and Trammel rares. Not player vs player stealing.

    I have laid out our policy for development, and the logic that has led to the mechanics we have in place now. It is up to the players to discuss things honestly or continue to complain about nerfs. I will make one thing very clear. No change will ever be made to the server because people on the forums complain about it being a nerf. That is not an argument, that is simply grandstanding. If you truely want to help then do it in a constructive manner, and take into account the the statements I have made in this thread.

    Going forward I will be locking other "stealing is nerfed" threads and re-directing them here as the amount of time it takes to explain these same topics over and over is exhausting.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
  6. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    You could steal from criminals and greys without penalty on prodo during era. This was a commonly known thing that I'm sure many people can verify.

    But we have that removed here (I think even if you random steal and get a non stealable item like a spell book you still get a perma grey status)

    Stacks are nerfed
    Weight stealing is nerfed
    You've put 10x the amount of guards around banks
    Some npcs will reveal you (like guards in some cases) and the town crier will call regardless of which direction it's facing
    you took out the chance to steal and stay blue
    fails are more common than successes, even on 1 stone items
    items have been intentionally made heavy and non stealable
    you can pk in the ocllo dungeon but not steal
    no stealing after trades (I support this, but it's still another nerf)
    stealing in town without wall of stone is death (I'd rather rely on successes than on wall of stone)

    this is just the things off the top of my mind I can list, there are plenty of others. It's not that stealing has been balanced for fairness, it's been nerfed to the point that it's in no way similar to mechanics on prodo.

    So it's not just one thing, it's the class has been hit 10 different ways to sunday with no perks or additional content added like fishing, taming, item id, etc.

    The people like myself who play thief mains would like to see this stuff tweaked because it makes it more fun, not to drive people in the ground. Stealing was actually pretty powerful and good in era.

    That's why there are so many posts about stealing. I have faith that you'll eventually give us some fixes and added content, because it's a sub par system here. I know you'll want all aspects of the server to be good.

    It is beating a dead horse, but I think the mechanics while better than almost all other free servers are pretty darn bad. They're flat out awful compared to era.
    Silas Blackeye likes this.
  7. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 4, 2017
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    This is the only thing I'll comment on. Stealing was OP on OSI servers back in era. Many people did not understand the mechanics of stealing and as such, it was stupid easy back in the day if you were GM and had UOAssist. Let's not also forget the incredible advantage UOA gave people (especially thieves) back then because not everyone bought it.
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    This is another of the "You should read what I have posted here claims."

    The chance to steal items based on their weight is the same today as it was almost 2000 days ago. It has not been changed from the RunUO Default. This is a great example of players complaining about a nerf, that is blamed on the staff/server. When we have in fact changed nothing.

    The guards were placed around the banks to match known era spawns, and also matches the spawn data provided in the UO Demo.

    No NPC's will reveal a player unless they are order guards or NPC's with the detect hidden skill. Most NPC's that have this skill have had it removed unless they are related to training the skill (Thief Guildmaster) This was fixed years ago.

    This has been explained repeatedly in the last few years along with this thread. Stealing is broken in RunUo and basically allows 66% of steals to be considered innocent acts. There is no skill check, no logic check, no check of nearby NPC's etc. It was simply 66%. OSI added the notoriety system explicitly for situations like this and using the common sense understanding of a "criminal act" successfully stealing an item would fit that logic.

    Even if this was the most documented mechanic on 1000 websites from the Renaissance era it would still have been changed here to account for the expectations of players and the appeal of the server. Allowing a playstyle to have almost unlimited griefing ability and forcing players into complex decisions (is that a thief, why are they blue after committing a criminal act, will I be killed by the guards if I attack them, how does perma grey flagging work, etc, etc) While the thief can except almost zero risk while stealing from players with impunity does not work. We had these mechanics in place and we watched for over a year as thieves abused them and laughed at their victims inability to determine a safe course of action.

    UOR works because we appeal to players who both know this era and are new to a server like this. Because they can use their brain and apply common sense and understand on a base level how the world works. If a thief steals something from me, they committed a criminal act, and while they might escape notice from the guards I can take matters into my own hands and try to recovery my item.

    We have commited to refining this mechanic to add as many aspects of skill to the thief/rouge trade as possible in regards to how not be noticed by NPC's, fixing NPC LOS issues, etc going forward. But allowing players to commit a criminal act, and remain innocent is not a system that players will ever understand.

    See previous statement on success rates, default runuo code, etc. Additionally anecdotal information is irrelevant. If you believe this, request the staff add debug text to test center, ask for the math so you can design your own formula to emulate 10,000 steal attempts. Don't complain about feelings, complain about raw data.

    Misleading. The blessing/newbied tag has been removed from over 100 items. And in only rare special cases, that we have explained are items given special properties. Zero stone items like Bulk Order Books and Runebooks have special properties as the only two items that weight zero stones.

    Event statues have weighed 10 stones since the beginning of their addition to the server. They were created by the staff and have always maintained that weight.
    Commodity deeds once filled at non stealable items, as a trade off for removing their blessed tag. This is to encourage new players to sell their bulk goods to other players without the fear of a thief stealing hours of their hard work trying to get started on the server. Given that we will not ever allow these to be cashed in outside of your bank we feel this is an acceptable trade off (vs simply being blessed like everywhere else)

    No other items have been modified with the intent of affecting the thief trade. If an item weighted ## stones on OSI, it has a similar weight here. To imply otherwise is disingenuous.

    A. Stealing is disabled for young players, so they cannot steal from monsters without risk of being attacked.
    B. The dungeons are for young players, so not exactly a target rich environment.
    C. Murder is allowed to discourage non young players from seeing these areas as a safe farming zone.
    D. Once the young player stealing issue is resolved that block will be turned off. (as we have indicated in the past)

    Assuming that all players are aware of the last target, trade cancel steal scam is not the foundation of a successful server. We have, and will always, take a firm stance on scamming. This was fixed for months before a player even noticed it. The only people who would make use of such a feature would be someone tricking a player into a trade only to cancel it and try to steal an item that is randomly placed in the players backpack using a targeting feature the other player lacks (they have to visually find the item)

    We want to encourage players to trade with each other and this change has supported that. We also want to discourage these types of players, who use tricks like this, from seeing Renaissance as a server suited for their playstyle. This is one of the reasons for the quality of our playerbase. This type of player quickly realizes this is not the server for them and move on. The code does the work of 10 staff trying to find and remove these people manually.

    Line of Sight is simple to understand. If a NPC is within 10 tiles and can see you steal an item there is a chance that they will call the guards. That chance is based on your stealing skill. Would you prefer the old mechanic where they could see through walls? Is it technically a nerf when we removed NPC x-ray vision?

    Side note: To put this thread in context the player complaining here, using the mechanics he seems to dislike so much, has stolen single items worth millions of gold from players. Contrary to what it is meant to sound like he has had more success than simply being dead at every bank in the land. There are players who have played here for a month who have not made as much money as this player has in a single day of stealing.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
    Felucca and RIN like this.
  9. Everlast

    Everlast Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 22, 2015
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    I support the act of stealing always going perma-grey.
    It matters not who/what/when/why/where a thief steals, it is still and always stealing.
    And I do like stealing - my main was a thief on OSI about 8 years ago.
    I stole powerscrolls at champ spawns, and powerscrolls at champ spawns only.
    Haven't stole much here yet, just a few plats at a few champs :)
  10. Everlast

    Everlast Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Everlast said:
    Do something with your thief and go to a dungeon or champ spawn. The rest will come to you.

    Duz, I was talking to @MaryKate - you know, he person who started the thread?
  11. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    nevermind, disregard, move along

    nothing to see here
  12. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    Come on Chris, it's not about the gold or the items. It's about the chase, the find, and the fun. I like to play against players (I guess I'd be more considered an pvp/afk finder) not against mechanics. The run uo defaults seem to be set for 120 stealing. I dunno, but they aren't really era accurate. I've played a thief for almost 20 years, I know you don't respect me, the class, or my opinions, but my experiences and knowledge on the matter should be worth something.

    You also don't get so many players making posts about stealing not being correct for no reason. I wish you'd take our feedback and tweak the fails and the stuff listed above. And then add a little content such as clothing, deco, a spellbook you can steal while holding, or silly things like that.

    I'm not attacking the server, I'm pointing out suggestions for improvements in the class/game I love so much.

    But once again, beating a dead horse. I know. I still hold on to hope that you'll throw a few perks and tweaks our way. I know you believe that thieves are a huge detriment to population, but I don't see how this argument holds water when you can add up the pk leader boards and see that 10s if not 100s of thousands of murders have occurred. I have never ran a pk, don't care for them really (they hurt business for thieves :p) but I wouldn't ever suggest the level of nerf for them as the thieves have been dealt here.

    It's an area that needs improvement, it's as simple as that. Anyhow, take it easy, this topic has been exhaustive the many times we've had it.
  13. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    No other items have been modified with the intent of affecting the thief trade. If an item weighted ## stones on OSI, it has a similar weight here. To imply otherwise is disingenuous.

    Plants weighed 1 stone on prodo, including potted trees. I'm not being disingenuous at all. Some items aren't stealable, yet can be obtained by killing the player and looting them.

    Anyhow, forgot to mention that in the previous post.
  14. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Plants was a common sense change, not an anti thief one. Its a potted plant . . that weighed 1 stone. Defied a bit of logic there.
  15. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Wait..what? Is this true? No more going to that dungeon with my vanq thinking I'm safe lol wow...thanks for the heads up. I was wondering why a couple of non young players kept running in there and just looking at me...they were prolly plotting!
  16. Felucca

    Felucca Active Member

    Jul 21, 2017
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    I just want to chime in to say that the confusion over what to do when a thief steals from you and remains blue is real

    I'm not sure about every mechanic because it seems thieves enjoy one of the most nuanced classes.

    But I will say that I tested something the other day with a friendly thief. I had always heard about 'perma-grey' but it never seemed to make sense to me and I didn't care about it. I never used to hang around banks, and I never use to have anything worth stealing. Just regs, a spear, maybe some pots lol

    But I tested it the other day and I find it SO dumb that, though the thief appeared to me to be a blue innocent (after 2 mins passed from him having stolen from me) AND I received the 'You will flag grey for this action', when I attacked him, I did not flag grey (except to him)

    That alert that pops up is a kind of an 'outside the immersion' mechanic and it should be accurate 100% of the time

    Also, the notoriety flags should be 100% accurate too. If I can harm him freely, he should be grey or red. There can't be confusion on this mechanic
  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    How did you notice a successful not noticed steal?
  18. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    I just want to say that the opening, not moving, but opening of a bag/pouch/chest/container on a blue corpse in town should NOT guard whack you. Sure snooping is unsavory but is it guard whackable offense? What if a thief wants to steal a specific item within said container. It just seems that this is a glaringly huge screw the thief mechanic.
  19. Cheapsuit

    Cheapsuit Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Looting an innocent will get anyone guard whacked. Opening the corpse is fine, but opening any containers within that corpse is considered looting.
  20. Duz-luk

    Duz-luk Active Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    I know, I'm talking about snooping here though

    The act of just opening the container

    Seems silly that it would get you killed, but that's just my opinion

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