Tamer Stat Loss

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Lichend, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Some people have jobs and are out arresting the scum of the earth and can't reply at all hours of the day like some of us "nerds".
  2. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    It sounds like you just want to insult people who don't even speak English as their first language. Mission accomplished Dyne!

    You can do this using 3 tamers. If one tamer's pets die, use another one while retraining. I am not promoting an agenda. I like the way stat loss works here, it keeps the majority of the population from trying to be PKs. Resist training is a joke on this shard for players and pets. I will give you that training magery on a dragon/mare is a bit harder but it still comes down to running a real basic macro paired up with a time. I have a dragon with 99.x magery on my thief and I've never trained his magery, it's all organically gained through actually playing the game (and killing people's pets and people). Anyone can just as easily do the same, no?
    Stack 0verflow likes this.
  3. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Yes, anyone can do the same. But to erase 24 - 48 hours of playtime in 30 seconds of some asshole wanting to kill your pets (because killing you wasn't enough) is unbalanced as well.

    I am all for risk and all for pking and all that stuff. I'm not even saying I want any of it changed. This is a discussion, not a promote your personal agenda thread.

    The worst thing that can happen is the people that you have been pking on a daily basis quit, and you are left with noone to pk, which in turn causes you to quit, and then the cycle repeats. I'm trying to promote ideas that keep everyone happy and playing. Not just the few. The majority will always be more important than the few, It doesn't matter who you are. 1 pk can always be replaced, 50 farmers not so easily.\

    And I didn't mean to offend or insult PFR, I didn't know English was not your first language and I apologize.
  4. Stack 0verflow

    Stack 0verflow New Member

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Dyne, your idea might be valid if simply being red allowed you to insta kill players at range and solo big bosses without ever taking damage from them. PK's are PVP, Tamers are PVM (or at least, they should be). You can't just have one class that dominates everything. Why would you want to force statloss? being a PK is all risk with no reward, it's not like PKing is overpowered and everyone is a PK. Your argument makes no sense.

    I have both tamer and pk chars, and I'll stay tamers are highly overpowered. With that being said, more than confident that the vast majority of players that have their mains as a PK do also have a tamer, and I can guarantee that they agree with me. Why? Because PKING doesn't pay. It's just fun to kill people, get a "score" and move on your way.

    I mean hell, if you can't gate your dragon out before they dump on it 10 times, then maybe you shouldn't be crying about how they should be stronger, but about how you should consider better preparing yourself for a situation in which you might have to take a risk. Nobody just goes killing dragons for no reason, and nobody ever has, and as mentioned, if it happened in the past, it was griefing, but now there's an actual point to make:

    Don't attack me with your pets if you don't want to lose them. Oh, wait - everyone would cry if we removed bonding. What are we arguing about? oh yeah, that 2.5%. big fucking whoop.
  5. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    That is Ok.

    I wouldn't call my comments a personal agenda. I like PKing the way it is. I do think it's a shard issue if tamers have an easy ride, poorly trained Adept/Expert dragons still farm gold fast enough (and with the large amount of quality farming locations) to be a problem. This however is what scares me.


    Yes, more people are playing UOR now then when it started, but the uptick in gold exists and the trade forums show the effects it's having already.

    This isn't my agenda, I don't care about gold for myself because I already have everything I could ask for. But I got it from PKing, not from PVM. Like you said about population disappearing because of a PK problem. I see population splitting because of an inflation and imbalance problem Lowering the power of tamers (slightly) levels the balance for non-tamer PVMers, it will slow down the rate of gold/hour generated. People might roll less tamers, further fixing the gold rates and further diversifying player templates we see in the field every day.

    As you know, I am a bad man who does bad things. This means I see famers more than the typical farmer. Should I start a study to show how many tamers VS non-tamers are in dungeons farming? Good news, I already have.

    I loot. I loot very well. I don't PK for the "pvp" - PKing is not true PvP as some reds argue (just as blue-PKs aren't actually PKing, they are leaving the actual PK experience out of the equation). My job is to make sure people have to watch their UO screen. People need to realize they are going to get murdered if they stand idle for too long outside of guardzones. I hunt people, just as people hunt monsters here. You better believe I'm taking all the loot that's relevant (reagents, potions, runebooks, quality magic items, gold/plat, etc). I don't dryloot though, because I'm not PKing to be a jerk. I'm PKing because this shard has no one playing the other side seriously.

    Also, I kill non-bonded dragons and mares to maintain my Lord status as much as possible. Due to the uptick in bonded pets people wield, I've started using other means to maintain Lord status and it sucks (I have to PVM for fame, not for anything the monsters drop).
    One likes this.
  6. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 1, 2015
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    I havnt experienced this personally.

    I happen to die a fair amount on my tamer, 99% to PKs.

    I personally have not had one single instance where they kill my pets. They loot my kills. They take my gearbag and clean out my Tmap chests/etc....but....so far not 1 PK related pet death and I always run with 3 pets farming (NM/Drag/ + 1 other)

    Pork Fried Rice likes this.
  7. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Stack, I have personally never been pked nor lost my dragons as I don't play in areas that allow that to happen. I have lost my mare a couple times in the level 7 spider map due to poison and it was a big hit to have to remacro my mare. The people who have been pked have told me on more than 1 occasion, after dying, their pets were also lured off/killed/griefed. Without the stat loss, this wouldn't be the case. It promotes griefing just like being able to camp outside of the level 7s. It's the people that have that attitude that griefing is fun that causes the changes that we have seen happen.
  8. Dyne

    Dyne Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    The statloss has only been in for 2-3 days. Give it time. : )
  9. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Didnt want to edit my previous post but just to add, after I die I try to make it as hard as possible for said PKs to get my gearbag by having live pets follow my ghost to wherever the PKs are located and try to get them to take pet aggro while looting/etc

    Even despite doing that all i see if ppl invis/loot, or paralyze field my pets/loot/gate away etc.

    Again FWIW....experiences may differ.
  10. Stack 0verflow

    Stack 0verflow New Member

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Erase 24-48 hours of play time because you can't be bothered to play if your mare isn't GM magery? You know, the vast majority of tamers don't train their pets, and don't care, right? Look at the guy above who played for years without worrying about it. Why is it such a big deal to you that you can't even play when most people have far less stats and do just fine?

    However I totally agree with you in the sense that player satisfaction, and putting more players in dungeons not taking out is absolutely imperative, but 2.5% is about as modest as it gets.
    One, Basoosh and Pork Fried Rice like this.
  11. Stack 0verflow

    Stack 0verflow New Member

    Sep 7, 2015
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    PFR, the vast majority of PK's are just people looking to PVP, and while your version pf PKing might be a little romantic, it's far from typical.

    Well instead of sympathizing with the crybabies, teach them the ways of intelligent pvm!
  12. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Ahhh yes I see this was just introduced in the patch on 10/16. Didnt realize this was new content. My experiences may change now guess I will have to see.
  13. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Its actualy old content that ONLY got patched out because of DDOS attacks. Sadly, the slayers I lost to discs meanwhile werent blessed back then.
    Mindless and Basoosh like this.
  14. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
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    Mar 8, 2015
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    They still aren't blessed!
    BlackEye likes this.
  15. TheBreadman

    TheBreadman Member

    Aug 28, 2015
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    I have tamer for farming gold, while not doing group hunts. Sure, no stat loss would make life easier, i could just leave dragons about not care in world. But, it would not be fun. there would not be risk. it would simply be to easy. pk comes, id just recall and come res dragons in hour or two when their gone.

    Now to balance no stat loss..

    You would also need to give dexers blessed(bonded) slayer slots.

    You would need to remove stat loss on pkers allowing them to not pick profitable targets, but kill anyone.

    Bard would need something too... maybe if they got low health and close to death they auto paraylised everything close by.
  16. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Wasn't too long ago, everyone was using Fresh-Out-Of-Wind dragons with random stats and mostly untrained skills because there was no bonding. Pets would die and you'd be starting over, so there wasn't much desire to rigorously train them.

    2.5% skill loss is still more than fair, and still heavily tilted in the tamer's favor. 7x GM dragons aren't "needed" for any PvM content here.
    One, BlackEye, The Musician and 2 others like this.
  17. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    The loss is little. I've always been a fan of no bonding. Play the tamer.
    One, BlackEye, The Musician and 2 others like this.
  18. Descartes

    Descartes Well-Known Member
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    Jun 9, 2012
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    I agree wholeheartedly with the two previous posts. I enjoyed the challenge/risk of keeping semi-trained dragons alive before there was bonding.
  19. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    Haha, OP would have never lasted when bonding was first introduced and it was a 15% statloss on pets.
    Pork Fried Rice and BlackEye like this.
  20. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Really? But....you just told me that you have 14 bonded pets on your tamer?

    You seem like a fan of bonding to me!!!!

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