Taming Quest Ideas

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by DaTamer, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. marine1217

    marine1217 Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Datamer--> "But lets be honest for a moment, since then, KTT has done more of them than anyone else.
    Since the first one went down, it has been KTT who has done the most.
    Day in and day out you'll find us out in the wild looking for these animals. I am not asking that to get easier. It is easy enough. I am asking for it to be more entertaining.
    If you scroll up, as Blaise only half read, I would like more of a challenge.
    Give us some aggressive monsters that spawn wile we farm grizzlys or dire wolves"

    I understand that you may have time invest more than anyone else but that does not make your opinion hold more weight than the rest of the community on this shard. There are many examples of individuals feeling that a certain aspect of the game needed to change and it does... even when most probably don't participate in said game aspect...Like mining for example??? OR champion spawns??? ECT.... I do not think tracking should be changed AT ALL for the taming quest. I as well do not think we need special monsters added for the mobs we must kill to spawn the special tames. I find that you are in a way advocating that you want special treatment because you guys do it most. I do not want to even begin providing examples of how bad this will end up.
  2. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    I can understand your concern, Marine.
    I was merely pointing out that someone who doesn't do the taming quest often doesn't have the insight or experience than someone who does it weekly has.
    This is true in most things, and not just limited to UO:R.
    If you are a Honda mechanic, you know more about broke Hondas than the guy who delivers pizza for a living.
    If you run factions daily, and pvp constantly, you probably know more about pvp than a person who only pvms.
    And since KTT over all does more of the taming quest than anyone else, I feel that our opinion and feedback should matter for something.
    Its not just my opinion that is stated in my comments. It is an overall agreement from KTT on what could better the taming quest.
    Telamon is not a "here it is, take what I give you" type of guy. Telamon appreciates ideas, feedback, and the occasional praise.

    KTT loves the taming quest overall. As mentioned, we are planned to run it several more times. I would say, at the rate we are going, we plan to run it 2-5 times a month for the entire time the server is live.
    All I am saying, is there is room for a small change here and there.
    Aggressive animals, stronger animals (as Blaise suggested), packs of aggressive animals, etc, would give a new challenging aspect for us. We aren't asking for it to be easier, as we have never failed to complete it. We are asking for a bit of excitement while doing it, some danger maybe, and not just at the event itself, but during the animal collection process.

    I don't mine anymore, so I kept my comments about recent changes to mining to myself.
    I don't do BODs anymore, so any changes to BODs are out of my concern.
    I rarely involve myself in pvp (1 or 2 times a week), so changes to it don't bother me.

    But I do spend a majority of my play time involving myself in either collecting animals or preparing for the taming quest event.
    So I do care, am involved, and feel that my opinions on the matter should be considered by those who make the changes.

    I posted my ideas in a private chat to Telamon in IRC and he asked me to post them here.
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    My problem is that I care about the server, so anything I've ever had a mind to be involved in, or could possibly be, I will weigh in on with my opinion. Everyone's opinion matters if they play here, regardless of how or how much.

    The way you came off was "We do this more, so our ideas and opinions have more merit than anyone elses, at all", which is inaccurate and pompous. It sounds like Double Vision or Liberation telling me I have no say in PvP discourse because I'm not PvPing all the time and/or am bad at it.

    While we appreciate your dedication to this option of play, no one cares how much you think you know more than them about it. I also have intention to run this several more times, as time and tames permit. I even spent a fair amount of time hunting for a mob just last night. Your OP was a mixed bag of "make this easier" and "we want more/different challenges added to it". While I agree with the latter, the former was laughable in my opinion.

    Your opinions on the matter ARE considered by those who make changes, regardless of ANYONE disagreeing with them, even Telamon. He is even considerate of things he disagrees with, it just may not seem so apparent.

    All told, thanks for caring and sharing.
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Blaise, You've made your point so lets refocus on the items players post. We want to encourage players to post ideas, with whatever flavor of why they think it is good for the server. People can say they have done 1000 quests or none, but the idea still has to have merit on its own.

    1. Tracking is something that is being reviewed to account for the range + results returned. OSI adjusted this by reducing tracking range to something like 10-15 tiles even at GM levels.

    One possible solution is breaking the various monsters into more groups than the 4-5 available and allowing players to track more specifically, such as Canines, Felines, etc. But with added difficult rather than the existing "100%" results rate.

    2. More variety in world animals is always on the table, the code to enable the tamable special critters was only 4-5 lines of code per monsters. The only downside of this is that these monsters are not tracked any different from their base counterpart.

    This is an area where time will need to pass before we can really come to a decision, as the patch is still new and all our of veteran players are working to find as many of these creatures as possible. Once we achieve some balance we can review the process in more detail. But the overall global point was to give new players, who decide to work a tamer an option to going to the same 3 places to tame.
  5. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    I say make it harder. Also there is no such thing as a co-gm.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    While it may not be functional on the stone (yet), A^T has always had co-GMs.
  7. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    That's great Blaise I wasn't referring to you. More directed at Mr. TLDRX10.
  8. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Many large guilds have co-gms Hazy, sorry.
  9. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Still trying to find anywhere that I said, or even hinted at "make it easier".
    Someone please quote this.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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  11. Hazy

    Hazy Active Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    All I got out of this was, I don't like the way things are now can you please make changes to accommodate my needs. Also KTT KTT KTT KTT KTT KTT KTT KTT 50x
  12. Timbo Slice

    Timbo Slice Active Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    how can you change the taming quest animals as suggested without affecting other players, that have no desire for any of this, game.
  13. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Blaise, the tracking having multiple windows isn't making the game easier. It is making tracking work the way it was meant to. Fixing things is not making them easier. I would be fine in losing several tiles worth of tracking if I could see everything within my range.

    Having special tames added to the tracking gump isnt anything more than having sea monsters added. Didn't this make fishing easier? so why are you crying over my post about it Blaise?

    Hazy, I wasn't asking for Telamon to bend over backwards for me or KTT. I simply suggested that he add a little more excitement to an area that is painfully boring to 7xGM characters. It would not take much work to implement this.

    Do you guys even play the game anymore? Or do you just all troll the forums?
    I don't remember the last time I saw an A^T member in game.
  14. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Blaise likes this.
  15. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    To be fair, I think there might be some subtle differences in the prints left behind by a rabbit with 10 STR or a rabbit with more STR than a dragon :)

    Anyways, I'll just say:

    I don't like the notion that skills are balanced with events in mind. Events should be balanced with skills in mind. Despite all the distractions with taming quests and easter bunnies and gargoyle shovels and pirate instances, most people come here because they are familiar with UO and how it works. Tracking should be balanced within how it should/did work in classic UOR. Then all the specialized custom stuff here can be balanced around that.
  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Please explain how having more options tracked in a single attempt is not 'easier'. Just kidding, don't bother, it's not and you're completely wrong. Tracking works the way it works because of how it was designed. Perhaps these limitations are there for a reason but what in Britannia could it possibly be? It wouldn't be 'challenge' they were looking to involve here, right? This game is all about the Easy Button from Staples, or so I thought.
    I have been fine tracking players and monsters since T2A where I had to read those pesky words on the screen and scroll through a list of NPCs and Players combined reading names. You think this isn't easy? Try last era.

    Gideon about nailed this. For starters, I don't fish, but having a different mob group for an entirely different area of play is completely different than singling out special mobs in the gump.
    Feel free to check the PvM boards, PvP boards, forum tales and perhaps just word around the campfires. We don't hold everyone to the A^T guild tag, as Gideon said, we've got alts in various guilds. The fact that we've been here, playing this game, since Beta and probably wrote half the guides you use, should be enough to squelch any concerns about our play time or interaction with the shard. There's also been quite a lot of hours put in behind the scenes as I know a number of A^T have been Counselors at one time or another, as well as spending plenty of time testing when Chris has need of it. While he may be super quiet, you should realize that Les and others have put countless hours into helping develop things like AMiBs, Boss monsters and other things you likely enjoy very much. While I appreciate your attempt to take a stab at us, we've never asked for the game to be easier.
    Faber likes this.
  18. DaTamer

    DaTamer Active Member

    Jul 25, 2013
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    Good deal then Blaise. We appreciate all you do.
    All we are asking is that more time go into creating a challenge for active players than creating reasons not to play characters.

    I mean, how much time was spent in development for the cave trolls, mountain trolls, and forest trolls?
    How much coding/time went into disabling system messages for mining?
    All that time and effort to avoid having recall miners?

    Comparatively speaking, how much time would it really take to add a pack of aggressive grizzly bears in the forest, or a pack of aggressive polar bears on dagger isle, or aggressive pigs in a stable or two, or even something like a Lethal Grizzly Bear that has high hit points and can poison you?

    I don't want the game to be easier. I actually want it to be a little more difficult on a PvM level. Sorry to disappoint you there Blaise.

    Explanation of Cash Usage:
    In 1997, when I decided I liked playing UO, I took on an additional account. For two years I paid for two accounts, and then for two more years I paid for four accounts.
    When pub 16 occurred and I couldn't farm with twenty dragons, I left for Dark Age of Camelot. I started with two accounts, one for me and one for wife. We played that until WOW came out. When we quit DAOC, I was paying for six accounts a month.
    During WOW, I was paying for four accounts. SWG I paid for three accounts. Warhammer, four accounts.
    So on and so forth, trying almost every MMO that has come out.

    Point is this, I don't mind spending cash on my entertainment, never have.
    I play an android game on my phone called Knights and Dragons and I spend between $10 and $50 a week on it.
    Doesn't bother my check book.

    So yes, I offered to spend money on UOSA, and I did find someone to sell me a house over there for $25.
    And yes, I was in the middle of a trade on this server, and I backed out at the last minute.
    Someone may have bought Tater's stuff with USD, but I assure you, it wasn't me.
    Nothing of his ever got transferred to me, ever.
    So do me a favor, grow up, and stop mentioning my money. You are starting to sound like a middle school kid with "Ya Momma" jokes.
  19. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    I don't think any changes need to be made to this. It IS supposed to be a challenge. The group of people that I worked together with, did the first one, and it did not take us long to find all the quest animals. I think if it was tweeked with improved tracking , you would be hindering the community and team work of guilds. It would give the opportunity for that solo player to go out and do it themselves quickly and sell the slots.

    I do however like the break down of canine, feline, etc.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Way to contradict yourself in five lines of text. Disabling messages and adding those spawns, made the game more challenging. Time went into making things more challenging, it just wasn't where you spend your time most.

    You're trying to save face with this blurb, when the topic of 'easy street' has to do with you wanting special mobs singled out in the tracking gump. Do try to stay on point in the future. Packs of aggressive mobs probably aren't too hard but are really something entirely different and probably pushing too far from what is expected in the game. As I said before, not a bad idea.....like adding special mobs to tracking gumps for ease of tracking them.

    TL/DR: You spend money on free games to have advantage over others. That is sad. I don't care if you're ok with it, proud of it, or actually did it here. I think it's lame and you are forever cast as 'The kind of guy who buys his way to the front of the line". It's lame, you're lame for doing it and that's my opinion. It doesn't mean you've done it here (although I doubt that's true) or that you're a terrible human being or anything. It's just weak and I don't care for it at all and never will. I find it comical to apply it to any conversation where you try to talk shit or attack me in any way, because it's true and embarrassing.

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