Tents, perfected.

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by PaddyOBrien, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    Looks like it's de-railing from the topic.

    Having reconsidered, it would be good to have the change done, but there are workarounds.

    In terms of era accuracy, i know a good server where they stuck so much to their era, it made tons of players leave. It's a good thing to try to remain era-specific, but even better to improve it's loopholes.
    newme, English John and Basoosh like this.
  2. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    I am pretty much always against hand-holding in this game. It wasn't there when I started playing shortly after beta and though I loved UO because it blew my mind that I could play with all these real people but I also loved it because it was scary as heck. Like Brymstone's post, I remember a very similar thing happening at the Vesper graveyard. It probably happened in most towns naturally because so many people were playing.

    On the subject of outrageous wealth, I'm learning to accept that that's just the way the game is played now. The way that the 3rd party programs have changed gameplay is crazy to me but I try not to dwell on it because then I start getting into old-woman-yelling-at-clouds territory.
    newme and English John like this.
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    From a different perspective, one of the members of TKB had a very clever method of making tents in game using about 6 colored hides. He would stack them up and disappear inside.

    @Xander the Scribe

    In reality nothing but the lack of imagination limits RP.

    I agree with Panda that community is what UO:R needs to thrive. Some of these ideas are just nice thoughts for "what do you do after you've perfected everything else? "
    newme and English John like this.
  4. Jittery Sauce

    Jittery Sauce Member

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Well this is all coming together well as planned. There are some Cons and some Pros. A lot of Cons are being countered by previous implementations done on the server which is good. A lot of you have positive feel back regardless of it being a Pro or a Con, all is welcome. Personally the best comment, in my opinion, that I've seen is a comment made about this RP community. Seeing it grow in game vs. debating what should be done with hope of a positive effect for the community in general. I couldn't agree more with that statement and I can only speak for myself. I have been around this server for a while. The last time I really focused on UO was here on this server and I had a great starting group to help things going and then life issues happened. Unfortunately after my misplacement from UO due to life issues the group hadn't advanced and I have been trying to get in touch with that group to no success. This is all changing as we speak there are a great group that are dedicated to bring the community closer.

    Just to break down some points made:

    No use for tents, just buy a house and friend someone.... housing is becoming limited for decent areas and for an affect of a movement group is near impossible for land access availability throughout the land.
    Tents are great uses for raids granted you don't see this now... 1. do you roleplay or have ever planned a plot? 2. raids have been tried with chest through out the land. Once you die from an established plot you run back wait your time for a regroup resupply for another assault. Awesome way to game in UO but it only works a few times a year at most because once its heard of. People go to the area of the planned plot grief and steal supplies not because they are even true PK's just because they are bored themselves and grieving is fun when your stealing free stuff. 3. The average player never roams the land I have always roamed the land here and rarely do i find someone. when I do I either a stumble across a rpler - half rpler or someone who is competent enough to understand i'm RPling and so they don't become an asshole. The average person I see here sits in their homes then gets on runs to the their favorite gank spot or spawn spot with there bard/tamer. Yes this happens in UO in general not just here. 4. As far as changing the taming aspect with the "bonding perfected" you can possibly tweak it a bit to not make it not as dominant, because what i've seen most of all you have bards and tamers. Its not something that could ever be taken away. 5. As far as gold yes I think the Occlo thing is a bet overdone. When you have a server that has been active for as long as this one has gold will always become abundant for those that continue to play. You can't change that unless the economy ups their pricing and now you have an introduction to real life economics through a game.

    I have other points that i wanted to post and I don't believe i addressed the points i have as well as i should of.

    Overall, This is a huge success so far this was meant to spark a debate in which it has. No one ever would think that after a few post and a couple days boom there would be tents. Frankly I have more points and should be more descriptive towards the points I have started discussing but just don't have it in me right this second. Being out of town for work and being drained I am not going to focus much more on this. Though I do not want this topic die and do believe this can be a benefit to the a community who most of you take for granted mostly because its not your style and possibly something you just don't give to shits about. Furthermore I do need to direct the attention I do still have to a new group that has been formed. We have begun to be dedicated and with great brainstorming have started a basic guided path to something we will construct through in game play and out of game planning. Time I believe will show what little changes and adjustments can do for others around that really don't affect the general population.

    Sorry if some of this doesn't sound right or not worded quite the best i really didn't break this down to the best i should have but also I don't want to spend to much more time on this. I have other things to focus in game on while dropping elbows in real life activity and overall work load. With that said though keep the debate going because i still see more positive things then negative.
    newme and English John like this.
  5. English John

    English John Active Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    I'm sure I remember people pitching tents on the roof of their tower or am I going totally doolally?
    newme likes this.
  6. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I think you are right about the time frame. Seems to me tents were removed fairly early in the game.
    Pork Fried Rice likes this.
  7. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I never saw a tent, but it was probably possible. Small houses were definitely used on top of towers and it caused all types of strange issues when the home ownership system came into play. Lock down / secure counts and ban lists got very strange for those properties.
    English John and newme like this.
  8. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    I remember seeing both tents and small houses on top of towers. You're not going nuts, English John!
    English John likes this.
  9. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I really think the Lost Lands would be the best area for these. The ground can be bumpy and the tent should still work as there is no real floor (if it can be set this way). It won't be in the main area next to peoples houses. I know how you feel, I don't want no damn gypsies living next to me either.
    Jupiter likes this.
  10. Geo

    Geo Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 10, 2015
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    Interesting discussion.

    As someone who just arrived I wouldn't like long term tents that impede house placement, or clutter scenic locales. I think the lost lands would be a great place for them and I think they should be lootable with sufficient thieving skills. This would behoove nomads to keep their movements discreet and potentially intimidate/kill trespassers.

    I've been absolutely loving the server so far by the way. I'm a bit dismayed to hear how out of balance taming is as well as what sounds like a young player exploit. The last time I left ultima online official was largely due to absolutely outrageous inflation/people buying gold with real money which distorted the economy in a grotesque way.

    Without some sort of balance some sort of risk and a gold sink, if not from pks than from difficulty, I worry about the future of the economy if tamers/bards which are already the safest most overpowered professions have the additional advantage of safe development as well as bonding.

    I don't think just because pandora's box has been opened for tamers it shouldn't be closed to prevent toxic gameplay. Anyways.. tents.. yes tents. I like the idea but for Lost Lands, short duration <4 days, lootable with high thieving (to encourage defense of tents/territory). However they are implemented 1 per IP is essential.
  11. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Geo from UOSA? last I saw you, you were sneezing like a rocket and looking for a cure
  12. Geo

    Geo Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 10, 2015
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    While I have played on UOSA it was only for a short time because I'm on mac the port I used was extremely dysfunctional. I couldn't hotkey bandages or stay in war mode lol. It was also years ago. I also didn't have any character named Geo. So maybe not me hehe
    Jupiter likes this.
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Very good to have you on UOR all the same!
  14. Geo

    Geo Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 10, 2015
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    hah thanks! It's great to be here. I love it already!
    Alice Asteroid likes this.

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