The Big Order / Chaos thread

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Erza Scarlet, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Hazon

    Hazon New Member

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Oh man, this shard is like a wasps nest... is right in the point and growing.

    This post has put my head (and my runes) in many places already lol but its been my best pvp week at server funwise.

    We need more action!! You can keep what you want, but play more haha
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  2. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Good to see you out there hazon!
  3. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    I farm gold and trade to profit to enjoy pvp. If someone dry-loots me that's fine! I'll hit f2 and I'll have 30 of each reg and a few of each potion. Nbd move on and further enjoy pvp!

    If we all set up restock macros from bank I think we'd have a greater time and get along better ;)

    Let's set up something big this weekend! It'd be fun to do it in a town area with obstacles I reck'n!
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
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  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    napo is right on point about terms of engagement being most appropriate in guild wars. That said, there's nothing out of line about establishing an understanding of who fights how in O/C. Quite contrary to what Kane claims, you do (or can) actually fight oranges that are friends. The best fights I've ever had in any game with combat, have been against people I know and more often than not, people I am friends with. The worst fights are the ones where people feel like there's RL blood spilled that they need to exact revenge for in a pixel world. They will push to any lengths to secure a victory and further to ensure it is as abrasive as possible (see also: dry loot, res-kill, mount kill, etc).

    These are all within the rules of course but that doesn't mean that civility or rule of engagement set between like minded players are out of line.

    If I ever go Order again, you can rest assured that I don't care about your loot and would do my best to see us all back on our feet for another melee sooner, rather than later.
  5. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    That would be pretty awesome. Maybe a town battle with a certain goal in mind.... "Chaos must invade east Britain to kill Order's assigned general or other official", that player being hidden or just camped out in one of the buildings and teammates must protect him/her from the other team.
    ebola likes this.
  6. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I think it's great that you've had fun setup battles. Or even non-setup battles. I remember running into Balla and SAS in 2013 and duking it out without res killing or looting and talking as peers afterwords. And regardless of what happened on the field it's always better to not trash talk in irc/forums or in game after the fight.

    But I'd like to offer you a different perspective:

    You said that the worst fights are the ones where people are bitter rivals (paraphrasing, but I think that's what you're getting at.)

    When AoS had been released in ~2002/3 on Baja a guild had developed named Spawners Inc a bit like O^S here. They maintained a 'good' reputation and didn't have reds in their guild. All their reds were kept off the stone and they claimed no association with. They recruited heavily and through the guild alliance system they either absorbed or allied with every pve/spawning guild on the server (all of which were much smaller.) If a guild didn't enter the alliance they would label them enemies and pk them off the server. From these allies they took half of the power scrolls by policy from the guilds via the justice virtue system (a spawners inc approved 'protector' had to be present at the spawns to use justice on these allies.) It wasn't long before SI was the largest guild by population across all OSI servers as well as ~11 allied guilds that all met under one UOAM session and voice server. This meant that they had 50-100 people on hand at any time running spawns and harrowers and able to show up where needed.

    Napo and I joined our Team Trammel guild with a small PK guild named El Cartel in those days. We were the only red guild on the server and the only players not a part of this alliance that came to felucca. We were public enemy number one there the same way we are here. Whenever we would attack one of these champ spawns the SI map group would respond with an enormous force and chase us out of the area. And like us they had their own ghost scouts and would find any spawn we tried to work (this was important in these days since powerscrolls were needed to progress characters/templates.)

    This was a very bitter rivalry and I'm sure on their website you can still find their version of history. I remember that we could not even post on UOstratics' Baja forum because they had moderators that would ban people associated with us. And at that time I think that was the official UO forum.

    Over time we learned to be a more cohesive group and how to use choke points to our advantage or where field spells were most valuable. We learned how to deal with losing gracefully and escape from a lost fight. The first time we took over an SI harrower and held it to the end was a great feeling for our team. No set up battle with buddies could have compared to that feeling. And you can have that here on UO:R too. The first times we hit the field as an SL group in early 2014 and took the battle to cr3w and jleem's CoM group was a great feeling. And every time a super group formed to fight us was a trial and every time we were still standing on the other side has been pretty great too.

    I get that having a fun fight with your friends is cool. I think a lot of this is because your friends aren't vicious and they let you get some licks in and you're still buddies afterwords. But I think overcoming a real and difficult enemy is even better. All the stuff about res killing and dry looting or using unfair tactics...if you want to be a real pvper you can't get hung up on whether this stuff will happen to you. Everyone says it's just regs or it's just points or it's just a game - but why do they keep complaining about these things and use them as a reason not to come to battle. This is what cowards do. You never saw ebola or sandro hiding from fights because they might get looted. And when they res killed someone nobody was surprised because they're fighters and that's what happens in UO pvp.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2015
    garvey and Kane like this.
  7. Attila

    Attila Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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  8. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Maybe you should just stick to bidding up your own auctions Iago
    AnRobot- and amfeKk like this.
  9. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
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    Aug 5, 2014
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    Killing UO reminds me of killing Sl. They are the same except of keeping their reds off the stone, they join SL
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I'm not sure if you are up to speed on this but [UO] and SL are no longer a thing as of several weeks ago. Erlkonig is still a member of SL however.
  11. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Speaking of UO, you guys did a really good job of taking them apart.

    With so many of you threatening them and telling them how horrible they were for being friends with SL on one side, and Telamon disabling harrowers shortly after they were set up and spawning on the other end. A lot of them have left the server now.
  12. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    This is an O/C thread, can we keep factions out of this?

    @Mes , this is a nice story which i loved to read.
    I also had the experience that on every shard ive played so far, there was one realy big group of pvpers, who would just outmatch everything else just in plain numbers.
    They would be hated from everyone, and accused for griefing, dry looting, beeing noobs or whatever else comes in mind.

    Fact is: It will stay like that, also the fact that a whole group will get a bed reputation for some individuals, or just the fact that other groups are powerless against them.
    (maybe individual names would be a solution too?? just my thoughts)

    I wanted to keep discussions out of this thread, but i realy liked seeing you guys showing up in big numbers to fight our Order force.
    Us loosing was just an indicator for me that we need to add new people to our stone to be able to fight you :)

    A goal of our group: to have plenty of supplies, get restocked fast, keep drama out of the O/C format and learning by doing.
    (We have some rusty players, and i wouldnt count me as experienced player if it comes down to grou pvp. Most of us will learn learn by trial and error, which includes myself)

    You will defenitly hear from us in the future, and i would love to see more people participating in O/C fights without all the drama you will find in factions.
  13. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Not trying to be argumentative here, but if we're keeping factions out of this why would you bring up matching names? All of our chaos characters are individually named.
  14. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    That was my thoughts on your SL group - which i thought was obvious and might be a (little??) solution for all the hate thats going on.
    I appreciate the individual names in Hk though.

    Thanks for commenting Kane.
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Cool story and all, but this part is incorrect. While I may have had more skilled friends go easy on me, that's not remotely what I'm talking about. I'm talking about edge of your seat, I'm not letting my buddies take this win, palm-sweating expletive laden combat. Obviously taking it easy for the sake of any fight at all, like Pax Romain dueling me 1v1, is not in the same ballpark. When I fight my friends in CTFs or Factions or otherwise, I don't expect anyone to be taking it easy unless I'm all "dude, please, help me learn and don't kill me too fast" which is probably something like what I've said to Pax a few times. :)

    I had a fuckin blast in all the large group faction fights I've been in on this shard and can't rightly say I've ever hated anyone or felt the need to go gank their blues or shun them terribly in other ways. I'm still gonna do straight business with them, help them with the game if they're in need and have no fucks given about the fights in the field. I don't need to have all my shit on my corpse, it's just more time spent in a limited time that I have actually in game. I don't need to payback anyone for anything other than wins and losses and believe me, I've got a lot of debts to pay in that regard. If Kane was like "Hey Blaise can you help me with a res at Hythloth" I probably would. I don't really give a shit how trashy he's been to me at spawns. I like to help people and despite trash talk, disagreements or differences of opinion and playstyle, I help people. It's what I do, so I dunno how to turn that off just because someone beat me in another part of the game or got mad that I killed them or whatever. It's all bleh bleh and I keep on keepin on without setting anyone's name in stone as unforgivable or beyond the ability to move forward in a mature fashion.
  16. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  17. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Sportsmanship includes a lot of concepts like not being a sore loser. If you've paid attention to any of this server's pvp history you'd know that there are no good sports. You can't meet someone on some common ground because they will always move the goal posts and find something else to complain about and exaggerate or outright lie about encounters. I was constantly told I was ganking 10on1 and 15on1 when there were only 3 members of TT in 2013. And those players were rarely alone. The complaints change from ganking to res killing to same names to guards to traps over time but they never go away.

    We killed pax and amfekk in a battle near buccs a couple days ago that was a 4on4. Iago and bart ran and amfekk and pax died. Amfekk got in IRC and called it a 2on5.

    The only sane way to deal with this constant crying and complaining (which is most certainly poor sportsmanship) is to hold yourself to your own values and not what others want to hold you to. For instance you can choose to play within the rules of the game and let anything else be free game. You can choose not to talk trash. But none of these things will change the people you play against.

    When we run into stormhold's order team we almost never loot. But they're pretty cordial and don't run their mouths often. I think there's a good chance they wouldn't loot me either. But if they did, I sure as hell wouldn't run to irc to talk shit or come on the forums to make a bunch of dumb posts crying about it.
    Soulmate and Xegugg like this.
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  19. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    Don't believe it was anywhere close to being a 4v4 but I'd say that too if I knownly outnumbered my opponent like any other time. Good game though. I do remember me and pax swapping drops with you guys. Otis died a second before I did. Good fun stuff though.
  20. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
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    Aug 5, 2014
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    Oh yeah lolol this was the night we also killed Vella and she was claiming her pets and Kane killed her. Haha. Enough said.

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