The Current State of PVM and Why It Needs Review

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Melochabre, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Roadie

    Roadie New Member

    May 28, 2014
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    If you change that line to say "player" instead of "warrior", I'd agree with you.

    I just think if you want to take on stuff like balrons and wyrms, you should have more than one person, and expect some casualties. The difficulties dexxers and mages have with high end spawns is how the game should be. Wanting to buff pure dexxers to the point that they can compete with the click n' wait monty haul classes only further breaks a system which already supports nearly no player interaction except in PK'ing and champ spawns.
  2. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 24, 2013
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    I agree that more player interaction is a good thing and I'm all for implementing systems to foster that interaction. However, as it is, even with two people or three people cross healing one ridiculous combo wipes out a party of 3 while a single tamer or bard has no problem.

    I don't think a player should be able withstand a sustained beating from a wyrm or balron but how many non-tamers/bards is a reasonable to party up to defeat high end mobs? 5? 10? Where are we going to find numbers like that when the return for your effort is so low after being split 5 or 10 ways.

    It would be nice if tamers or bards actually needed a melee or pure mage for something but for now all the melee does is lower the amount of loot they get. I can dish out way more damage than any tamer's pets but I can tell you no one is banging on my door for some extra firepower because the content is so incredibly easy for them. Hell, when a tamer needs some help they just turn to another tamer... Why have 2 dragons and a melee when you can have 4 dragons?

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