Hey everybody, I have some questions about the protection spell! 1. Is the protection spell working here exactly as it did during the Renaissance era (is it era accurate)? 2. What EXACTLY does it do(without inscription)? I'm looking for numbers here. 3. How exactly does inscription buff it? Again, looking for numbers/data as strong as anyone knows them. 4. Anything else anyone knows about this spell that might be valuable to know. I've been curious about the exact nature and numbers of the protection spell for some time. If anyone knows this information I would be highly grateful. Thanks for any help!
Hey man, unfortunately I can't give you detailed answers to what you seek. However, just so you know, you can always play around on test to get some idea of what you are asking. Otherwise, I would imagine that someone will reply with more exact data for you but test center is always a good companion!
http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/?page=g_info_s2&stype=2ndCircle I remember it used to decrease your physical resistance by 15, your resisting spells by 35, and gave you a modifier for decrease casting speed...however I have seen no such affects, that I have stated here. I will venture to say that, by being listed in the Compendium with the information and formula provided, then that's how it works here. It would seem that Inscription at GM will give you the maximum spell duration, provided you have GM Eval and Med. Other than that, I can't give you anything else. I'm sure someone with some stature will chime in and clear it up for you
Protection increases AR and helps decrease casting disrupts. About all I can tell it does here. Inscription boosts it's affectiveness and duration. I could be wrong.... so cast reflect then arch protection when your jumping into the unknown.
I ran some tests just now on the live server on characters with and without scribe. Things to note beforehand: Protection gives you no armor (this is era accurate). Arch protection gives you 10 armor (at GM skills, length probably based on magery skill) Tests ran on 2 characters, Both characters have: GM Magery GM Eval GM Med 100 Int One character has GM scribe, the other has 0 real skill in scribe Both tests were conducted by casting weaken against a character casting blade spirits Character 1: Without Inscription: Protection duration: 2 minutes Cooldown: 1 minute Disrupts: 36/118 So over 118 attempts he avoided disruption ~70% of the time Character 2: With Inscription: Protection Duration: 2:45 Cooldown: 1 minute Disrupts: 0/32 So over 32 attempts he avoided disrupt every time I can't account for if different spells had a more likelihood to disrupt but I don't see any reason that they would based on knowledge of the era and this server's mechanics. It's also plausible that shown skill played a factor in the no scribe character, but that information matters very little I think.
Do you know when it was changed to that from just giving additional AR? Edit: I did some searching around and somewhere between T2A and AoS is when it was changed.
Well I've gone through the default RunUO scripts for this spell and think I found out how it actually works. This is quite a complicated one, gimme some likes !!! Code: double value = (int)(Caster.Skills[SkillName.EvalInt].Value + Caster.Skills[SkillName.Meditation].Value + Caster.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Value); value /= 4; if ( value < 0 ) value = 0; else if ( value > 75 ) value = 75.0; Registry.Add( Caster, value ); Let me explain ... we're adding the skill values from EvalInt, Meditation and Inscription for a total of 300 max. This value is divided by 4 - for a maximum of 75. This value is added to some kind of "Registry" for the Protection spell along with the casting char. The duration of the spell should be Magery skill x2 in seconds - 200s for a GM Mage. Now here comes the interesting part where the Protection spell registry is referenced: Code: public virtual void OnCasterHurt() { //Confirm: Monsters and pets cannot be disturbed. if ( !Caster.Player ) return; if ( IsCasting ) { object o = ProtectionSpell.Registry[m_Caster]; bool disturb = true; if ( o != null && o is double ) { if ( ((double)o) > Utility.RandomDouble()*100.0 ) disturb = false; } if ( disturb ) Disturb( DisturbType.Hurt, false, true ); } } Whenever a caster is hurt while casting, this method is called before a fizzle happens. A random value between 0 and 100 is generated and compared against the protection value calculated earlier on (max 75) So casting Protection with GM Med, GM Evalint and GM Scribe gives you a 75% chance to avoid spell disruption. Without GM Scribe, this is reduced to 50% chance. The Magery skill only affects the duration of this spell (2x Magery skill) I can only assume that Telamon has changed something here. The spell duration does not change with the Inscription skill in the standard NON-AOS coding and the disruption protection is capped at 75% as well. Maybe we can get some hard number from Telamon here since this seems to be non-standard behavior.
Oh yeah and that's how the AOS behavior of this spell is described in the scripts : Code: /* Players under the protection spell effect can no longer have their spells "disrupted" when hit. * Players under the protection spell have decreased physical resistance stat value (-15 + (Inscription/20), * a decreased "resisting spells" skill value by -35 + (Inscription/20), * and a slower casting speed modifier (technically, a negative "faster cast speed") of 2 points. * The protection spell has an indefinite duration, becoming active when cast, and deactivated when re-cast. * Reactive Armor, Protection, and Magic Reflection will stay on—even after logging out, * even after dying—until you “turn them off” by casting them again. */ That's clearly not how protective spells work here ...
Yeah the last post/paragraph you quoted is referencing the way it behaved in AoS and wouldn't really be applicable the the era we play in. Basically AoS casters could give up physical armor and casting speed to avoid interruption altogether. The information about 50% expected for non scribes and 75% expected for scribes while protection is running is about what I recall it being during the era. I don't know why it works the way it does here and I wouldn't be surprised if Telamon can't say exactly either. I don't think it's a big deal either way as it has not really ever been a popular spell here and I wouldn't call it overpowered currently. Telamon probably has bigger fish to fry. Thanks for looking up that information though, you haxor.
props for tracing the runuo code, wodan. however it looks like that bit is customized here as mes's tests indicate. source: http://uorforum.com/threads/patch-23-oct-29th-2012-faction-barding-event-fixes.839/#post-3855\ so both prot potency and prot duration are customized here. we have numbers for duration but not for potency.