The way of the Naturalist

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Blaise, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Marcus

    Marcus New Member

    May 14, 2014
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    This has been an inspiring read to say the least!
    Wise likes this.
  2. mafghine

    mafghine Active Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    This is the way I play 9/10 chars. All tho some don't make it to "end game". I turn off all filters, disable all razor functions. I will use a macro like bandage self, and some toggle dress macros for the tele rings and jewelry. i also use Alchemy on 9/10 chars. This lets me rp picking flowers and being able to use them. This lets me have light in dungeons, heals, stam refresh, and all the other benefits of alchemy.

    When it gets dark (i play with dark nights), I light my torch, turn off my radar (I cant see remember) and either make a fire and cook, work on camping skill (for stat gains), craft bows or arrows or tailor the leather i have gathered. If Im brave I try to make it to a town. Try it with a torch/lantern and dark nights and no radar.

    Never go back for your corpse, this allows you to actually use the gear you have in your bank. It will also make you more aware of your surroundings. This will also teach you to be prepared to live, not to die.

    I also walk when im in towns and speak to people when possible. A few macros of Hail! and How fair thee? are useful. I dont kill animals just to gain skills. I will kill some when I need food to cook, (for stam). I never gm cooking, just let it grow natural, on shards with no atrophy I will lock it at around 10 ish.

    Most of my chars will have first and last name. Sometimes I will search a name generator for RPGs. I try not to wear armor in towns as well. Seek out a well dressed player in town and ask them where did they buy their clothing. Always seek out the local smithy and have them repair your armor and weapons.

    I guess the most important and fun thing you can do besides taking your time in gaining skills is not to make other chars to support your main. Use other players and their skills. This is the hardest part when playing a good server with low pop.

    This is the way I started playing UO/ Atlantic on release, cause I knew no different way.I just played the best damn game I ever played.
    Blaise, Slayerik and Dalavar like this.
  3. Slayerik

    Slayerik Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    This thread is pretty inspiring after 7xing yet another mage.....
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Very nice mafghine! Welcome aboard and be sure to come visit the Village of Paws, northwest of Trinsic, sometime. Same for you erik, just make yourself a naturalist. :)
    Jupiter likes this.
  5. Slayerik

    Slayerik Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    Don't ever call me Erik. I'll fuck you up, son. :p
    Blaise likes this.
  6. Traumaturge

    Traumaturge New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    A weird question but... Blaise you mentionned a need for a treasure hunter in an earlier post. Is that still needed? And also if that character participated in your freesist party, does that exclude him from being a naturalist?
  7. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    The naturalist way is more of an honor code, and any violation of it merely diminishes the experience of the person who skirts the true naturalist way.

    That being said, I think most people consider resist training a pass. Only the truly masochist would try to gain 100 resist in the field alone. Plus, you could argue what's the difference if you stood in an area where meteor strikes just happened to be landing or if you took the same treatment from liches?

    Short answer, I don't think you need to consider yourself excluded for training resist in this fashion since you weren't casting on yourself via macro. Consider it a convenient loop hole that is an extra benefit of this altruistic player sponsored event.
    Blaise likes this.
  8. Traumaturge

    Traumaturge New Member

    Aug 14, 2014
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    Do others approve of Jupiter's answer? I wouldn't want to dilute the purpose of this effort by joining up. Better to not corrupt such a nice movement/idea than to bastardize it.

    If I have the approval of the community, I would formally like to present Blade Runner, the treasure hunter, who will gladly join any effort towards uncovering hidden riches! Is there a naturalist guild out there??
  9. Slayerik

    Slayerik Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I, as the official nobody for the server, approve of his answer!
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Aye, I will welcome you to Old World Naturalists and taking part in Freesist does not bar you from taking part. Personally, I'm not likely to ever GM Resist on my naturalist because I absolutely don't train to play, I play to train. :)
    So, that said, I may take a friendly jab at your 'amazing magical resistance', I won't let it change my enjoyment of the game. :)

    I don't get as much game time as I'd like lately but hopefully that will change over the winter. Hit me up in IRC and perhaps we'll go for an adventure if I have the time!
    Jupiter likes this.
  11. Clansman

    Clansman New Member

    Oct 19, 2014
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    WOW, This thread is inspiring!

    Actually, I have always been a kind of "naturalist" player - I am a "lazy" player (occasionally playing on my Notebook in bed evenings or on a nice free Saturday afternoon), I hate macros and hot-key combos, and I play too inconsistently to ever prepare for and engage in "leet PvP". Playing UO has been like reading a book for me (except when I tried to learn some PvP combos or tactics... which has always been irritating for me, making me quit UO for another few months.) After playing this way around 2 years - very occasionally - on t2a shard, I'd never finished a single 7xGM character - I'd always got bored and started anew.

    Therefore, yesterday I decided to look for a shard which does not allow any Razor at all, so I found this nice thread here. Although Razor is allowed here on UOR (as far as I get it, Razor can not be banned because there is no way to detect it, and therefore there is no such "Razor-free" server), I am very excited to find out that there are people like me, who wish to play the game old-style, for the fun, for the tales and adventures :)

    When I get time this week, I consider creating a hard-core survivalist character. I've played mainly warriors till now, so I thing I'll try something different, maybe a Dungeon Lockpicker and Cartographer. I will not use any Razor at all. I will turn on the AWESOME "Dark Nights" option (thank you guys, I never knew this existed!), grab a torch and go searching for a treasure chest in the nearest dungeon or ruin! I may give up using UO Auto-Map (btw. is it allowed/recommended for a Naturalist at all?), or even turn off the Radar, maybe will try to chart local maps and use them instead, or when in a dungeon - leave trails and mark my path in dungeons by throwing single gold coins or sthg like that, so that I can find the way back easily...

    Have fun and see you!
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    M3THMOUTH and Wise like this.
  12. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    M3THMOUTH and Valrick like this.
  13. Awen

    Awen Active Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I am new on UOR but not Uo.

    I played many chars like that on officials's shards and i have actually one on Second age.

    I don't know if some players are active to play like that, but you can tag me naturalist (at least one of my characters).
    Alex Caember and PaddyOBrien like this.
  14. Desolate

    Desolate Active Member

    Feb 22, 2017
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    This has actually inspired me to start a naturalist mage/bard. I have done the warrior before and even gone so far as to avoid cotton fields and limit myself to whatever sheep i ran across. Probably why i have always been more attracted to playing dexxer chars because i was familiar with the foundation of them from trying new server after new server and always found a peace-dexxer the most effective way of starting new.

    Ill make him a stand alone character though with no accepting of hand me downs or assistance from my other 2 accounts. Im thinking of starting with provo and magery at 50. No macroing skills up through razor. Im hoping this will allow me to be more invested into my character and get the old UO feeling back again. Im pretty pumped for this.

    Btw, this was my first post. Despite lurking around here for the past 3 years on and off.
    Aragorn - OCT, Awen and BlackEye like this.
  15. Awen

    Awen Active Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Good luck with your new char.

    That is the way i love playing UO too . That is more passion than love :)
  16. Imbol

    Imbol Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Hi - I'm new to UO:R.

    Very new. I haven't even downloaded anything yet!

    Lately I've been reexploring games that I'd sort of taken for granted when I was much younger and they were in their respective heydays. With what seemed to be a pretty uncommon search query, Google found this (pretty dated) thread through a (pretty dated) Reddit post.

    My latest dive was Diablo 1. Most of my time on there, I spent in Town Square learning the basics of roleplaying and worldbuilding. I was terrible at the game itself! Seems like everyone had one of my ears. :p

    Now, though -- wow, what an incredible game for its time. And Diablo itself: such a great boss fight! I finished the game and thought, "You know, I never did manage to make it to the bottom of Shame..."

    I remember playing UO for hours and hours and hours each week for years in the late 90s on Chesapeake, using my brother's sword-and-boarder, Blake, over a crap 56k connection.

    Moonglow was a regular spot for me. I'd spend a lot of my time traversing the island, picking cotton, nabbing wild reagents and felling trees. Then, I'd hang around outside of town limits and camp, selling wood to people coming through the southwestern entrance. But, ah, silly me, I was burning my profits the whole time!

    I tried UO:T2A a year or so back and, while I liked it, I just hated Razer (Razor?). It felt like a totally different game; not at all what I remembered.

    Anyway, the thought of returning without such heavy third party software is really appealing to me. I'm looking forward to joining up on this server when I have some free time.

    A heartfelt thank you to the progenitors of this concept, as well as to the stewards of this community.

    Update: ... aaaaand I've made an account! ;)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    One, Merek Tybalt, Jason and 2 others like this.
  17. Zapp Brannigan

    Zapp Brannigan New Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    Ohh! I'm game for sure ! I only have to decide which type of character to make and I'll be out running around :>

    @Imbol are you playing the game with this concept in mind now that you've made an account too? ;)

    Anyone who's doing this, feel free to PM me on IRC, nick 'Zapp', if you wish to go out hunting togheter to ease the process and hunt bigger game, or if you perhaps have wares to trade!

    I'm off to ponder on which character to make :]
    Aragorn - OCT and Imbol like this.
  18. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    Welcome to UOR, if you need any help then hop on IRC.
    Its defenitly a great shard to pick.

    If you need any help, just hit me up on IRC.
    Futhermore, i would be glad to invite every naturalist character to visit to Stormhold.
    Imbol likes this.
  19. Zapp Brannigan

    Zapp Brannigan New Member

    Oct 6, 2017
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    I know this thread is 5 years old, but moar peoples need to do this ASAP!
    Imbol and Merek Tybalt like this.
  20. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 13, 2017
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    How can 1 join this guild if it still exists
    One likes this.

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