Town Membership System

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Wulver, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I don't really have a dog in this fight. But I don't believe that's an accurate depiction of ancorp's custom pvp system. It's a really myopic attempt at their own version of factions and it's selling point is that it's better and different in factions when it really isn't. The only thing it addresses is sigil defenses/raids (ie the perceived main faction objective) are bottled into a 1-2 hour period at a set time every day. Which is neat if you are american and can log on every evening at that one time slot. But obviously excludes a lot of players - and even worse than this, pvp is turned off during the other hours of the day.

    I think this system/server was just aggressively hyped and advertised this year the same as it did last year. And just like last year, everyone quit playing after a month.

    The drama surrounding factions is in no way inherent to the system. Think about it. How could it possibly be? It's not magic.

    Organized pvp is competitive. The people at the top of organized pvp get heated. If you somehow created another organized pvp system that was successful - you'd have those exact same players in it competing against each other.

    If people truly wanted an exclusive pvp system that they could seperate from pvp drama and have an RP twist on - they would do guild wars. Unfortunately the players truly committed to being active in this kind of thing are just not here.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Yeah, I understand the point that having blessed items would be a bad idea. I mean look at faction blessed items, they are pretty awesome! I was just thinking you would still lose time/gold depending on your choice, instead of restocking your gear, I figured you would have to drop gold or serve time. I have never played with a "insurance" system. I figured being "captured" would be a spin and have a more interesting feel, your team dies and you are all in prison to get released.

    The idea of Militia only gear sounds a bit better though. What do you think if you wouldn't be able to attack non-militia players like a reverse young system? What if you can't use magery/pets in combat and only melee weaponry has effect in the militia system and no mounts? If you join the militia, you would have to be at war with another town to attack them, so you know who is a true ally or not.

    One reason I didn't want too big of a penalty for "death" is that people run away... a lot. I run away, everyone runs, it is a race until someone gets ganked and then the trash talk storm rolls in. CTF is great in that you have a confined area where only one guy runs away... because he has a flag.

    Would the militia just pvp or would they have a goal or target?
    PaddyOBrien and Arawn like this.

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