HENSE why I followed it up with a quote from Chris. On the subject. ON the topic. Which you can't stay on and continue to troll and derail.
Thank you both for proving my point..."Semantic - of, relating to, or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols:semantic change; semantic confusion."
I can't believe I need to line by line this like it's 2003. When you ask a question in an open forum there are going to be some answers once in awhile you just don't like. If you're going to further engage that person on the topic, try it without the smarmy tone. You might just get an honest clarification in response instead. Call me irrelevant? (that's a rhetorical question, don't respond to it or I'll blow this whole thing out of proportion and make a villain out of you and a victim out of me) .
Like Meradin said, communication devoid of the subtle inflections or gestures associated with a face to face meeting is much more likely to be misinterpreted. I don't think anyone (originally) meant any offense, but we've not got a situation now where *any* communication is bound to offend. Including this one (which is aimed at defusing tensions). To the original question of tracking's usefulness: try it and see. It's an easy skill to raise. Drop another of of your character's skill (that is also easy to raise) and see if it meets your needs. If it does, keep it. If it doesn't, return those points to where they were. You will be the best judge of whether tracking is viable for your build. Personally, I don't think I've found it that useful to have tracking.
Tracking can be useful during some events. Also for finding mares and zookeeper variants. On something like a detective character combined with detect hidden it can be used to track hidden and stealthing thieves but I would not rely on it more than one screen maybe two.
I'm not going to bother reading this thread. Don't use it unless you want to track mobs (like for overworld holiday spawns).