Trying to recruit people to shard VIA PVP tournament Prizes & more. Contact Me.

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Althorn, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    <<<I think that pvp and I are antonyms, for two simple reasons, it's my terrible ping and of course my general inexperience in the battles. Beginners can say that be careful during the hunt and ready to meet with the bandits who mercilessly will try to kill you! I have often been attacked and raided, as well as other people who mine gold. This is part of the game and if it were not for this risk, playing at least would not be so much fun. You can write a bunch of tips and useful macros set up for both battle and attack, and for retirement.
    If you did not have experience in pvp before, then most likely you will be killed! If you have a bad ping, then you'll find out the dead in a couple of seconds! If you are not vigilant and do not know what to do in advance, they will kill you! If you follow the situation and you have useful macros you can fight or retreat!

    I think that the Reds do not like me, because it's not fun with me, I've been trying to get out of late, and as a rule I do not enter into battle, and when I enter, I often bear big losses :D

    Laugh, have fun with this same trammel, here it can not be boring!

    Sorry for my english and for the nonsense I wrote, see you soon ;)
    One likes this.
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    I could help with some 5x breakdowns. I am by no means the best but I understand most of the theory.
    Toxic Narcotic and Althorn like this.
  3. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    For the video contest you can submit older videos. No resubmissions from last year though.

    And I recommend you take the time to improve videos if you can. Not only will it help the shard, the rewards will be worth it.
    Althorn likes this.
  4. Balgami

    Balgami Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 3, 2016
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    I can stream some duels and field pvp and explain whats going on as best as I can and you can co-cast with me and ask the questions or clarifications if you want. I haven't played in a long time so probably rusty on the timings but the fundamentals remain. Hopefully if we have others online we can have a good discussion on it.
    Althorn and One like this.
  5. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    I have around 1mil to put towards some prizes.

    I watched a 1v1 tournament last night, it was great seen some things learned some things.

    I do not think I'm going to allow valorite runics in this tourney lol they seem overpowered. However I would like to do a lot of tournaments will def allow them in future.
  6. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    I'm going to host the competitions on weekends even though I work on weekends and have tues thurs off. This seems like it would make the most sense for most people.

    Going to try for this sat. I actually have it off.

    So this first one will be

    @ 8pm est.

    If anyone needs me to try to change the Time slightly let me know I'll do the best I can to make sure all who want to attend can.

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