UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Excellent first few steals! Glad you're enjoying the thief class again, see ya around!
    BlackEye likes this.

    M3THMOUTH Active Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    I was.. unaware YOU HAD MY KEY! Haha, great fun.
    The Watch and BlackEye like this.
  3. Vizzer

    Vizzer Active Member

    Jun 13, 2016
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    Never feel bad about playing the game, when overconfidence becomes my greatest weakness, there's more lurking out there than just a wayward mongbat. Sometimes you get stuff back, most times you don't. I'm not always afk, and I usually have a vanq axe in my hand. Thieves I respect your craft, come and get some.
    Halabinder, Garresh, Xegugg and 3 others like this.
  4. RavenMagi

    RavenMagi Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 12, 2016
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    I guess that bring up the morals of thieving lol, what do you guys think?

    1. Offer to sell the item back to person. We don't need most of the stuff we steal anyways.
    2. if they're new, give them a discount on sell back, and offer them help in some way (power weapon, tour of a dungeon, get them on irc). maybe teach them how not to be robbed.
    3. Role play a thief, makes it more enjoyable for everyone. I have a lot of fun in role playing while i sell people back their goods.
    4. Don't steal from guild mates.

    These are the things I've been trying to stick too to not be a total dick while playing a thief. It's easy to become hated but i'd rather do it with honor and make friends. Its obvious we're not in it for the money so it's really more about having fun. I have been stealing from other thieves too :) (i don't know how everyone feels about that..)
    BlackEye and PaddyOBrien like this.

    M3THMOUTH Active Member

    Jun 1, 2016
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    As much as I appreciate it; I feel like the roleplaying of a thief would be more along the lines of a greedy bastard rather than a friendly one. But, maybe everyone just is a bit different the same way we are in real life? I don't have a thief so I wouldn't know what to do, nor have I ever played one.
  6. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I agree with most of this and I usually sell people their goods back and underpriced. After all, It's the adventure and the thrill where I get my enjoyment from. We don't steal from thieves (5D) unless we are being targeted first but I could see why you may. If a thief isn't aware that he's making the same mistakes as those he preys on, well that's his fault.
    BlackEye likes this.
  7. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    The main rule I mention when people join 5D is: Don't steal from other thieves (actually all thieves, not only 5Ds). It is kind of the golden rule in most RPGs for thieves. That only includes the actual thief toons. You are free to rob non-thief toons of 5D members. It is even best to not know all the other toons of your fellow thieves, thus no moral conflicts can rise up.

    In the end, it is up to every player, how he restricts himself.
  8. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    With the wife staying with her family in Vesper for the weekend, I was left to my own devices. There would be no slipping out of the window at night.

    I first stepped off to Shame in search of those hunting the Blood Elementals. With remains of fallen elementals in the distance, I took a seat to await the return of our hero. It didn't take long for @NerK to return with his loyal beasts in tow. I followed my mark for a bit but never felt anything in his pack that I could manage to steal. No Platinum, No treasure maps, No weapons light enough for my old hands. With this failure in the bag, I headed for Destard.

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    It didn't take more than a few seconds in the caverns of Destard to hear the Dragon's cry. Following this awful sound lead me straight to the Master of Beasts known as Guilherme, who had an inexperienced warrior on his tail. Dragon after dragon they worked their way through most of the cave when they found what looked like a Wyvern but with glowing green scales. I stayed closed to Guilherme, as I knew this monster would be bested by his own beasts. As its health began to fade, I devised a plan to hold off on nabbing his Platinum in hopes that it dropped a piece of Peculiar Meat once he skinned it. To my luck it had previously been tenderized and the meat found its way into Guilherme's pack. He uttered the magic words, summoning a gate, and just as I was plucking it from his bag… HE WAS GONE… I missed it. I quickly ran through the gate in hopes of getting a follow-up opportunity but he was already shouting for the bank attendant as he came in to my sights.

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    Two failures in one day… maybe @Bamilus was right when he flung his childish insults at me as I cleaned out his bag. Shouts of 'noob thief' and rants of how 5D has gotten so weak as to steal a mans regeants and tambourine. Maybe he was right? Maybe I am just a noob thief that had let my guild down. Thoughts of failure and self-doubt filled my head. "Was it time for me to hang up my boots?" - I sulked to myself as I stumbled up to Occlo Bank after going a few rounds at @PaddyOBrien 's pub.

    At that moment I heard the magical sound of a gate being opened at my 6 o'clock and the footsteps of a death robed man running for it. The words of my Grandmother, rest her soul, ringing in my head "Always take the gate." With that, I slipped into the shadows and made for the gate.

    To my delight I appeared in the second story of a tower. I wasn't out of the woods yet and only opened the chests directly next to me to grab what I could. A man that gates to Occlo Bank from his home must surely reveal afterwards right? … Luckily, this man never heard such rules. Soon the man that seemed to be the homeowner disappeared through magical means. After looting the first set of chests, I took a risk and opened the door next to the two sparring warriors. When they didn't bat an eye, I crept in and headed for the wall of chests and potion kegs. Hmm 'Burt Wonderston', the name giving me shivers as I recognize him from the wanted posters in town. I wouldn't have any trouble sleeping tonight after this deed was complete. With my backpack full of things I needed (a plat, some gold, runebooks, GH wands, ID wands, DP keg, and a few vanq weapons), I loaded the mans stash of regeants into an enormous bag and made for my magical gate.

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    In the end, my persistence paid off and I was rewarded in turn. Pushing on to my next adventure, I cleared my head of the vile thoughts that @Bamilus 's words had created
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2016
  9. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    :eek: TRAMMEL IS COMING! :eek:
  10. Garresh

    Garresh Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    I rather like poking into fellow thieves backpacks and covertly using Item Identification on their gear for them. Though since I GM'd it I dont need to snoop anymore. I just pretend I am for RP or something.

    I have to say though that gate jump there makes me want to pick up tracking instead. It looked like a fantastic haul. Obviously not necessary for that move, but stealing from people in caves or stalking them til they gate would be excellent...
  11. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Occlo would be the first and last of the many locations I visited today in search of treasure. From Occlo, I ventured to many of my usual banks and spawns looking for a possible steal. One by one, I tracked each place in hopes of finding a target but I was soon losing confidence. In a last ditch effort I made for the local rune library by Moonglow Arena to search out the famed Lich Lords. By fortunate chance, I selected the wrong Lich Lord spawn and found myself in a place I hadn't ventured to in a long time... the ol' Fire Lich Lord spawn. As I appeared in the cave, my position was immediately revealed to the man that was working the area. Hoping to not scare him off, I sprinted off deeper into the cave and stealthed my way back to delightfully see him wielding a Power/Silver battle axe. Waiting outside of the door for the most opportune time, a Lich eventually spawned right inside, allowing me to mask my entrance as if he was the one who had opened it. Upon snooping him I decided that I would wait it out and hope to get a shot at the axe. Eventually he traded his weapon for an item ID wand and I seized the moment to snag it, running for dear life further into the cave. When the coast was clear, I returned home to Serpents Hold in order to stash my grand prize.

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    Before calling it quits for the day, I headed back to my hometown of Occlo to give it one last go. Luck was on my side as I spied a shiny little platinum in the bag of warrior as he sprinted away. Remembering its precise location in his pack allowed me to mount my Ethy Llama and proceed to do a drive-by plat steal. The element of surprise on my side didn't afford him much time to chase before vanishing into the distance.

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    Some hours later, I received message from a carrier pigeon stating that the owner of the Power/Silver battle axe wished to purchase his prized weapon back. A quick 60k was enough cash to return it to its rightful owner.

  12. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Excellent steals! *proud*
    The Crooked Warden likes this.
  13. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    So i guess this is more of a con than a steal... But i robbed TnT this morning with ease. All i needed was a disguise and a little smooth talking. Mind you i just started on UOR a couple weeks ago, so this is a pretty sweet heist for me. I have a couple screen shots. I wanted to get more but i didn't have the screenshot key set when i started the heist.

    Firstly i dressed up in a robe, cloak, wizard hat, and half apron. I disguised with a long beard and long hair. my name ended up being Rider. I thought this was perfect. I started engaging in conversation with Rydian. I mentioned that i'm looking for a guild, and just getting started. He found his guild leader for me (Sir Billy), they guilded me, and showed me their rune library house which had a stash of gm black dyed armored. supposed to be for the entire guild. I said sweet. They marked me a rune.

    Next thing i know they are walking me to a small tower and just hand it over to me!! i said sweet again! since i don't even have a house yet. he said one stipulation... the house has to stay there and he has to be friended. i said oh of course, no problem. here is a screenshot of them giving me the house.
    After i got the house i figured i would tell them that i'm going to eat some lunch and i'll be afk for awhile. So everyone left my new house. Once everything was clear i threw on another disguise because i knew my rider disguise was about to run out of time. I recalled to their rune library that had all the gm armor, and i brought pouches. I hid next to their chests and looted every last piece of armor. Here is a screenshot of me looting.
    Next, i knocked down the tower they gave me and placed it in a secret location. I moved all of the loot into the tower... and now im sitting somewhat pretty. Here is a screenshot of all the armor. by the way it is all stacked so its more than what it looks like.
    So yeah this is my heist.... Not bad for my first one. Less than 2 hours for probably about 100k worth of loot (including the house) oh and there was some female armor as well which is in my wifes house.

    What's everyone think about this con/ heist/ robbery?
    Judd and BlackEye like this.
  14. Garresh

    Garresh Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    I think it was excellent work. Although you shoud've left the house there so you could safely taunt them and deny that real estate for a while. :p
  15. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    you said yourself you're new and you just posted with your toon's real name here in the screenshots, so...uhh... was the disguise part really necessary?
    Xegugg likes this.
  16. Fuji Flu

    Fuji Flu Active Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    no i guess it wasnt really necessarry... but now they dont know my chars name in the future...

    I was actually thinking about selling the house to a guild that dislike TnT for some reason. But i dont know enough about guilds here yet. Plus, i kind of needed a house anyway haha
  17. Praetor

    Praetor Member

    Jan 13, 2015
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    Such a low move... totally dislike what you have done. Now because of your greed to collect few pixels this guild may not help someone who rly needs it.
    This is not even a steal, i love reading the stuff that BlackEye, Dimas and the other thieves do - it requires skill and actual intelligence. What you have done deserves no more than a pity.
    One, Rextacy, Rickbrent and 4 others like this.
  18. Garresh

    Garresh Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    Dude. Who gives a new player a HOUSE?! lol. Besides us thieves are always willing to help new players. Gives us a chance to brag and even the scales a bit, ya know? Just send em my way. Ill help a newb out if you wont.
  19. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    The picture of where you put the house you scammed from them will probably be helpful should they decide to reclaim it :D

    And frankly, I hope they do.

    On UOR? A lot of people.
    ichiokada likes this.
  20. Garresh

    Garresh Member

    Jun 23, 2016
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    We'll have to fix that then, won't we? :)

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