UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Amazing! Nothing like the rush of a good house loot
    Baha and BlackEye like this.
  2. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    @BlackEye ... Dang! King of Thieves strikes again!
  3. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Oooops, I did it again. Another (semi-)house looting.

    I simply took another gate at a bank and ended up on the porch of a marble patio. There was activity. A fisher got out of the building and started fishing on the shore. Lord Volta on a mare gated a Smitty in and out, who entered and left the building several times. A first glimpse inside the house showed me several dozen chests that were very full.


    I waited for my chance to enter the house... and I waited some more... but eventually, I got my chance to enter.... YAY! The owner should have been worried that he was unable to move past me for half a second, but to my luck, he was careless.

    I was finally inside:

    The containers in the basement were full of valuable mining tools. Probably 1.5 to 2 mil worth of garg pickaxes and garg shovels. I took some minor items too and moved upstairs, while the Smith and Volta were busy smithing things like mad and gating in and out.

    I expected the containers upstairs to be secured. It was hilarious, they were all accesible:


    I took what I could without causing anything that might warn the owner. For example, I only took 5 out of 11 platinum coins, in order to maintain the pile. I took roughly 1k of stone-ish ingots. Some weapons, some fort powder. Anything that might fall below the radar and is worth a good amount.

    My aim was to wait it out. Wait for the time that the busy craftman goes to his well deserved break.

    3.jpg [​IMG]

    Well, I was out of luck. After perhaps 30 minutes, a detection came out of nowhere. And I had to get out, before that mean looking Mare downstairs would have a bite of me.

    The result: Roughly 600-700k in value.


    The pickaxes and shovels will have to wait for another time.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2016
    Kalvasflam, Baha, Halabinder and 6 others like this.
  4. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    PS: The above loot was traded back for 400k. Voltroth/Volta is a cool guy. I like that, when people aren't whiney or too agressive because of a petty theft.
  5. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Paying a visit to one of my favourite shops and collecting tribute for the shadow folk:

    Xegugg and The Crooked Warden like this.
  6. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    An excellent AMIB grab. Gotta love a good vendor snag
    BlackEye likes this.
  7. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Looting a loot house (he ran right through me eager to do some fighting outside):


    Busy no-statloss reds... always foolishly fighting around and missing what's going on in front of them.


    Result: ~6k regs, 1k potions.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016
  8. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    BlackEye while I have stole my fair share of stuff on this server, it still baffles me how careless people are... Great snags!
    Orange likes this.
  9. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Recalling into Bloods today, I discovered an unattended Diseased Blood Elemental. It didn't take long before Morbius showed up on his tamer hoping to secure it. A quick snoop of his pack revealed 6k in gold but no other worthy treasures. As I waited, he attempted to lure the Diseased Ele on foot, towards his pack of mares that were foaming at the mouth. A split second decision had me blocking him in with the Elemental at his heels. Unaware of why he could no longer move, his body was mauled in seconds. I collected my 6k and his bag of regs for safe keeping. (sorry no pictures of this)

    Not long after, Jake's fellow guild mate Shido appeared hoping to lay waste to the elemental. I made my move, edging into position where I could see his belongings while not brushing up against him. I remembered the location of the platinum coin and continued to follow him through the shadows. Just as he was casting his escape moongate, my new friend Radagast appeared and was instantly attacked by Shido! Knowing what had to be done to this grey Tamer, I hopped his gate, stealing his precious coin, recalling back to town with it safely in my pack.

    1.jpg 2.jpg
    Artex, Baha and BlackEye like this.
  10. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    So there was this big IDOC tower south of the Chaos Shrine yesterday (probably Songbird's tower). Thanks to @Air for announcing it in public!

    I entered this game with two toons. My Mage died instantly to Marge Simpson aka Bart the vile murderer without scruples, one of the main villains of the so called IDERP group that dominates this Shard's IDOCs for years now. So much for the background info.

    This means I had to join the fun stealthed.


    After looting only some minor chests with vanq/power weapons, I decided to hop these gates of the IDERP group instead and managed to get inside.


    Unfortunately, the security standards are pretty high there and the IDOC machinery is working really fast. I was able to grab a 3rd anniv bag and some repond instruments. But the real good loot was already secure behind the wall. I saw a Beholder statue and mountain troll statue being locked down and everything was sorted out really fast.

    I was able to get out without being banned. Yay!


    Well, better than nothing!
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
  11. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    THIS POST HAS ALSO BEEN POSTED HERE: uorforum.com/threads/2016-halloween-thieving-contest-over-1-5mil-in-prizes.19360

    Don't miss the Crooked Warden's thieving contest and participate, all you fellow pilferer's, for honor and eternal fame!


    Okay, let's start this contest like a real smooth operator.

    A little bit of town scouting brought me to this point:


    Fancy horse, right? I waited out their short conversation. Please notice the proof of l33t hax0r skillz in the bag of our True Brittanian fellow.

    Blueish horse and rider recalled. Remains Atiki.

    After 3 min, he opens his bank account and starts sorting some very shiny looking golden items in his bag. Outside of his bank vault.

    Well, that invitation can't go unanswered. A quick decision, which bag is the most valuable, and a golden bag full of goodies has been transfered at one swoop. (No screen.)

    One teleport later, I was out of the annoying copzone, dancing through the shadows with my newly acquired jewelry.


    Turns out, a 2nd anniversary necklace was even included beside the two 4th anniversary bracelets. I sure didn't expect that.


    So shiney!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
    wylwrk likes this.
  12. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  13. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    On a sidenote: Yes, you can steal identifier tools. ;)

  14. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    This organized IDOC mafia thing,,
    It is the one thing i hate about UO, It makes me so sad to see such a level of greed descend upon a person leaving the game or their real life causing them to be unable to refresh. Vultures... Glad you made an attempt to "Strike back!"
    Artex, BlackEye and Xegugg like this.
  15. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    THIS POST HAS ALSO BEEN POSTED HERE: uorforum.com/threads/2016-halloween-thieving-contest-over-1-5mil-in-prizes.19360

    Don't miss the Crooked Warden's thieving contest and participate, all you fellow pilferer's, for honor and eternal fame!


    Right, the fort house looting... it was quite a freak chance that it even happened! My original intention was to farm some holiday coins from halloween monsters. But I got griefed away from Jhelom. :mad: So, I enlisted a friend to counter-grief that player. Well, I have to admit, that I am no expert when it comes to griefing, so I ended up being guard whacked for casting EVs on his dragons. :D

    However, that player left for Moonglow, to stable his pets. I followed as ghost, got my thief (BlackEye) out and was about to rez my other toon, when this gate popped up at the SE corner of Glow and I saw Fireball jump out and back in. :eek: Natural instincts took over and I hopped the gate. I ended up in a (messy) fort.


    Just imagine all the circumstances that lead to this point and how easy it could have been different. Now you might think 'Hey, BlackEye got lucky!", but what followed was coming from painfully earned experience from previous fails.

    1) I instantly took the gate OUT of the fort again back to Moonglow and waited some more seconds until it was about to expire. Yes, that move is risky. Missing to take that gate again would leave me looking pretty stupid on an empty tile in Moonglow. But from experience I know, that many players do the mistake to use Detect Hidden directly after their business with the gate. They don't wait for the Gate to vanish. That's why I returned to Glow, to skip being detected. Natually, I don't know if it was even necessary, but I made it back in time.

    2) I stealthed over to my favourite corner in forts. And waited. And waited.


    The funny thing is, Fireball gated again to Moonglow and my fellow thief and griefing partner hopped his gate too (I was in chat with him actually). This guy would proof to be a perfect distraction. Because when Fireball indeed detected afterwards, he banned that fiilthy thief and didn't see me covering in that dusty corner! :D

    However, Fireball was wary, and did another half dozen detects in the next 10 minutes. I always re-hid as fast as I could. He didn't recognize me. Perhaps, the client he was using was out of range? Good for me!

    After some minutes of silence, I started my duty. Scouting every bag, pouch and chest in that mess!


    The corpse of 'The Babadook' was surprising and a fun moment. In retrospect, I should have liberated his head from it's cold bag and put it to some better place like a roof in Hidden Valley... Well, another time perhaps. :oops:

    So, in the end, I collected all I wanted, moved the bags over to my favourite corner and gated it out. Some minutes later, Fireball opened another gate, which I checked. Who knows, maybe that gate would lead to more riches? It didnt, I saw Nujelm.

    In the end, I simply recalled out of his fort, revealing my identity to Fireball. We had a chat afterwards, and he indeed is a cool guy. It's great, when people take such pixel related things easy. But maybe it helped that no huge values were stolen and that Fireball isn't playing that much anymore these days.


    So, that's the sweet result. No epic trammel items etc, but some solid stuff. I didn't check the bods so far, but the value should be around half a million gold pieces.
    Kalvasflam and Erza Scarlet like this.
  16. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    THIS POST HAS ALSO BEEN POSTED HERE: uorforum.com/threads/2016-halloween-thieving-contest-over-1-5mil-in-prizes.19360

    Don't miss the Crooked Warden's thieving contest and participate, all you fellow pilferer's, for honor and eternal fame!


    Robbing the italian mafia - will it be my death sentence?

    I have observed a increased activity of the Cosa Nostra on UO:R. Italian crime syndicate, eh? In MY HOOD?. Well doing my neighborhood security rounds, I saw some of their evil schemes they were executing!

    What evil is this? 100.000.000gp for an empty bottle?! They deliberately will destroy this poor NPCs vendoring business and and push him to declare himself bankrupt!!! They are probably aiming for his festive day trousers and his last underpants!

    I fear, the business life of poor Jala is already forfeit, but upon snooping I found another working contract signed by another desperate pixel soul! Probably extorted at gunpoint!


    Some quick finger movements later followed by a in-your-face escape, my good deed of the day has been fullfilled.

    Remember all you immigrant criminals, 5D is the mafia here!


    Random and Erza Scarlet like this.
  17. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    THIS POST HAS ALSO BEEN POSTED HERE: uorforum.com/threads/2016-halloween-thieving-contest-over-1-5mil-in-prizes.19360

    Don't miss the Crooked Warden's thieving contest and participate, all you fellow pilferer's, for honor and eternal fame!


    "Some ones lost item is anothers good fortune." - Tasslehoff Burrfoot

    A big fish! Big big fish this time. I must admit, I like this guy. I like to call him 'The Professor' in the IRC channels as he knows (almost) everything UO:R related. And he must like Dragonlance, as one of his homes is named 'Solace'. He's a good boy. *pats head of Voltar*


    But I always thought, his lack of security is very careless: Since forever, he has this table wall installed in one of his houses that simply isn't locked down.


    I couldn't believe that such a experienced vet like @AlexCCCP (nice Avatar btw) is tolerating this flaw in his home for such a long time. He must have become accustomed to the relative convenience of passing through with ease. Or he simply enjoys the old Kender saying "Why insult a door's purpose by locking it?"

    Today, I remembered this flaw, when I saw him at the East Brit Bank and I did a personal security investigation of Solace. Maybe he is Detecting Hidden like a mad man and thus doesn't care for his tables?

    10 minutes pass - he enters several times: No Detect...
    I try to get in: no curiosity why the own toon was blocked for a fraction of a second when entering...
    No recognition of missing items on the ground when other toons recalled out...
    Needless to say, the security check failed.


    "Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you." - Tasslehoff Burrfoot




    I must admit, it is was a very well equipped crafter's home. Good sorted inventory, and a bit of everything.

    I quickly filled a very juicy loot pack of the best goodies and went out the same way as I came in - through the front door. I didn't want to risk fizzling gates and being banned without my loot bag and figured that a shortly opened front door and a mysteriously moving bag that weights several tons will be easier missed!

    The result: ~30k iron ingots, ~75k colored ingots, ~38k bod reward cloth, ~20k leather of all types, ~180k boards, 500 oak, 1.3k bones, 3k lockpicks, 5k crossbow bolts, 14 tmaps (1x lvl6, rest lvl 4 and 5), corrupted plat chest from this year's NoH.

    In the end, I would estimate the value roughly at 3.25 mil.


    Until next time!

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2016
  18. Vemp

    Vemp Active Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Lol what a joke...doesnt deserve to be in this thread.
  19. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    I don't think so, because UO used to be alot about cons and similar stuff. But I also don't want to start a discussion of old long forgodden stuff here.

    Also, by this I am not saying that it was a great feat or achievement. It's not my style at all, but still thieving in the widest sense.
  20. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Today, I will publish one of my big secret stealing schemes, partly because it's not that secret anymore as finally some others figured it out too this year, and I already got an absurd number of holiday coins out of it. Also by publishing here, Staff can't justify their carebearing of players with the claim that they couldn't have known the mechanics. It's all here, but I bet, it won't prevent changes of game mechanics etc (see my next post after this one). But for now, back to the:

    The Post NoH Event!

    If I remember correctly, I invented the post NoH event two years ago during the last NoHs of 2014. But I might be wrong with my memory...

    Back then, Telamon increased the use of the Event Center much more back then and due to popular complains (players idled there 24/7) he added an auto-boot system to kick all these AFK people out of the event center after the Night of Horros Instance finished. The auto-boot time can be 60 minutes or 30 minutes, depending on what Telamon sets up.

    So, what does a good thief do when he is pissed about the Trammel mechanics of the NoH? He thinks about ways to circumvent Trammel and even uses the customized content to his advantage!!!


    Once you know, that players are kicked out of the Event Center potentially loaded with shiny Holiday Coins and other loot it should be very clear how to proceed next: Mark a Runebook full of drop-off spots.


    From then on, it's cherry picking. Watch the results of this year alone (Btw, I counted ~144 holiday coins, w00t!?) :







    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016

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