UOAM Guide

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Jupiter, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    *disclaimer, most of this guide was not written by me personally. But it covers all the features of UOAM so I have re-compiled it and updated certain graphics so it is relevant to UO:R

    UO Auto-Map (UOAM)

    How do I download UOAM?
    Click Here

    What is UOAM?
    UO Auto-Map (UOAM for short) is a supplement to UO's radar map. You could call it a kind of GPS for UO.

    It's a utility that displays a portion of Ultima Online's map. The map can be scaled, tilted to match UO's orientation, labeled and configured in a number of different ways. You can even link up with your friends and have UOAM keep track of their locations as well.

    • Allows you to link with your friends and keep track of everyone's location in the game.
    • Lets you chat with your friends while you play.
    • The map can be oriented with North at the top or tilted 45 degrees to the right just like UO's radar map (only better).
    • The map can be zoomed and resized.
    • Any location on the map can be labeled and categorized.
    • Labels are configurable: choose any icon, font, size or color.
    • You can define your own categories.
    • Places can be grouped and stored across multiple files.
    • Labels can be turned on or off as a whole or by category.
    • Find any spot on the map by name or by category.
    • Keeps the map centered on your player, just like UO's radar map (only better).
    • Labels are available for nearly all of the major locations in Britannia and the Lost Lands.
    • Includes an updated treasure map file which now uses THB labels just like our rune libraries, rather than the old unused NWNE1 coordinates. THB 100 on UOAM is map location 100 on the THB website, and location 100 in any of our shard's rune libraries.

    Upon first running UOAM after installation you may be prompted with this dialog:

    Do not change any check marks, just hit OK and continue.

    If you are not logged into the game already, do it now so we can verify that everything is working correctly.

    At this point UOAM should be working correctly, and you should see your location on the map. Note that UOAM MULTI CLIENT can track all client, but the INGAME CHAT only works with the client you have OPEN when you start UOAM. The best way to correct this is to close UOAM, switch to the client that you want to utilize chat and then restart UOAM (details on how to chat will follow).

    If UOAM is not tracking your most recently opened client here are the most common issues:

    Incorrect UO Client Data File Location detected.
    This setting is set to automatically detect UO's directory, but there are a number of reasons that it might not. So first verify that the detected path is correct by going to the Map menu and choosing UO client data files location

    It should have your correct UO path in it. If it does not then uncheck the box to have UOAM locate the path automatically and enter your correct path, hit ok.
    Invalid/non-existent map cache - after installing UOAM, changing the path to your data files, or tracking error.
    If you are prompted with this dialog for map cache, optimally you should choose the Faster setting for each of the 3 sliders. This ensures quickest response time using UOAM. You access the cache settings by going to the Map menu and choosing Felucca Map Performance Settings. You will see this dialog:

    When you push OK you should see a "UOAM is building data files" dialog. This process will take a few moments to generate the maps. If you do not get this dialog then it didn't quite work as it was supposed to. Go back into the map performance settings and hit the Default button, then hit ok. Repeat once more and move the sliders to Faster again and hit OK, at this point it should generate the map files correctly,

    Those two issues are the only issues I've ever experienced with tracking issues, and resolving one or both of them has always fixed the problem for anyone who I've helped. At this point if it is still not working for you then you have some deeper issue.

    Treasure Hunting
    UO's treasure maps are generated directly from the same map files as UOAM's map.

    If you zoom UOAM out to 1/2 zoom and turn off the tilt (press Ctrl+T until North points up) then UOAM's map will be the exact same scale and orientation as your treasure map. At that point it's a snap to find exactly where the pin is located, especially if you have enabled UOAM's Treasure Map label collection.
    To enable or disable the treasure map file (or any other file), go to Map --> Additional Settings, switch to the Files tab, and check or uncheck Treasure

    You will then see the treasure chest locations on the map.

    Linking lets you create a quasi-party for your guild/hunting group. It throws everyone onto the map like Razor does right now when you are in a party. The party system works very well in UO:R for communicating with small groups, but UOAM link provides a few advantages: 1) it can support a much larger group linked together 2) You can see your party members' position. Go to Link --> Link Controls to access it. UOAM has been pre-configured to work with UO:R's UOAM server.

    Enter your name that you want to be displayed on the map

    and hit Link to Server

    Once you are connected you can see a list of who else is connected to the server and where they are by going to the Players tab

    There just so happens to be someone else connected at the time of making these screen shots, so that works out really well for this!
    Push Track or double click on the player to locate them on the map.

    Connecting to the default server, with no password, will connect you to the public server accessible by everyone, so everyone connected will know you or your hunting party's location. Enter a password, any password, to essentially create a private server. Only players using the same password will see you on the map.

    Party chat is available in game by typing -- <space> message. The UOAM window does not need to be focused for this to work, and the UOAM chat window does not need to be open either. It will show in game just like the old party/guild chat. You can have the UOAM chat window open if you like, but it's not needed. AGAIN THIS IS BUGGY IN MULTI-CLIENT MODE. It only works with the first client that was active when you started UOAM. If you are typing your message and your text is 'vanishing' but not appearing in game, then try closing UOAM and reopen it with the character whom you wish to be able to use this ingame shortcut with.

    Go To Location
    One of the more useful features of UOAM in my opinion, go to a location by world coordinates or by longitude/latitude.
    Right click on the map and select Go To Location, or Places > Go To Location, or CTRL+G

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
    Soear likes this.
  2. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Just some follow up thoughts.

    Since UO:R has a functioning party system I would recommend that. However if you have a group larger than 15 mixed players (not in same guilds) UOAM could be an alternative since there is no limit o how many can join.

    Also you can't control the font color for speech in UOAM. Another reason to use part y chat when possible.
    Rheanon and Azerothian like this.
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Great guide Jupiter. I added a download link at the beginning.
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Thanks for the added link!

    Also does think private session by use of a password work? I'll be sending out heralds through all the land to show as many as possible how to use this incredible map!
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    ^ bump

    I've been spreading the word about the new UO:R server for UOAM. Private sessions by use of a shared password are now effective!

    To use the UO:R server just enter the following as the IP address in the link controls: IP = uoam.uorenaissance.com

    If you are interested in connecting with other adventurers, but don't necessarily want to go through the hassle of changing your entire character story, or joining another guild for a one time PvP hunt, use UOAM to connect with other like minds!

    1. See where your fellow adventurers are at on the map!
    2. Create a private map session simply by using a shared password, no other set up required!! (i.e. if you all use the same password, you'll all see one another)
    3. Call for help and all your friends will see your need!
    Soear likes this.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    ^ Bump don't overlook the usefulness of UOAM! :)
  7. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    ^ bump for new players coming in.

    UOAM is awesome (if you are into PvP then the Razor Auto-positioning might be better for you, but it doesn't provide ingame chat)
  8. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Hey Jupiter. Thanks for the guide. Quick question, does UOAM pick up player housing automatically? Or does someone have to enter them while logged in to the server or something? I just don't know why some housing can be seen on the map while others are not there.
  9. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    The new houses don't show up. So fortress, large keep. You also need to get in range once to kind of put it in the system.
    Jupiter and Halabinder like this.
  10. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I kind of figured it out. I thought I had to go discover them because it worked liked that the first time but then it kinda crapped out and I didn't know why. I am pretty sure it was because I was running multiple games. I closed all and ran a single one and started running around and it started discovering and remembering everything. Thanks for the tips!
  11. My little ponies

    My little ponies Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Does auto map work with Ubuntu? Got game working fine. But am doesn't open. I can't even close it. Any Ubuntu players who got it working?
  12. Kishember

    Kishember Active Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    I remember this from OSI, but just as My little ponies above re ubuntu, I can't find it on my mac. Is there any other Mac or Ubuntu user who can find it?

    Or just confirmation that it can't be accessed from ubuntu or mac would be helpful.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2015
  13. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    im also desperate for a MacOS version or pakage. razor's positioning is plainly rubbish.
  14. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Also, be sure to run UOAM as an Administrator. UOAM wasnt linking to the client even though the path was correct. When I ran as an Admin, it linked.
    Jupiter likes this.
  15. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  16. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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    im trying to get this working. so far i can launch the app, but then the uoam menu is inaccessible for any reasoning.
    Screen Shot 2017-07-16 at 10.47.29.png
  17. Roach

    Roach Active Member

    Jun 18, 2017
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    Inaccessible how? If you're talking about it not tracking you I found I had to run it as administrator.
    Jupiter likes this.
  18. dissident

    dissident Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 25, 2014
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    Great guide, thanks. I have found out that latest Razor ( does log the houses with UOAM again -so long as you use the single client version.
    Labeler likes this.
  19. Lord Oribron

    Lord Oribron New Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    Unfortunately, the path is correct, it is run as an admin but the map is still not displaying the terrain. It tracks accurately but the terrain is black and blank exactly like Labeler's picture a few posts above this. Any info on that would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Lord Oribron
  20. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Windows XP SP3 in compatibility mode?

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