I, Chrisl, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: mort Character Names (Optional): Lews Therin
I, Skanderbeg, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Spider47 Character Names (Optional): Skanderbeg
I, Magnhild Lord and Kronungr of the Vikings, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs.
Ok, I stopped using that forum acct and that irc name. You can find me as Tuco on irc. When invited to a Paws event I also swear that if I can show up it will be on a helpful, adventurous, PVM guy. I will not rob the other adventurers until at least several hours after the event. Still dressin' snappy, though. That never changes.
I, Keza, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Keza Character Names (Optional):
I, Laretheo, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Laretheo
I, Stretch do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Stretch Character Names (Optional): Dr. DoLittle, Mrs Paul, Maleficent, Ramses, Hodor, Stretch, Osama Obama, all [H*O]
I, Alice Asteroid, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Alice Character Names (Optional): Enna
I,Westra, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC= Westra In-Game= (most likey to be for POV adventers) Marjo or Kadyn Forum= Newme
I,Nymeros, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC= Nymeros Forum= Nymeros
I, AzathothTheMan, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC and Fourm AzathothTheMan In-Game Mephesto
I, Maltman, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Maltman Hail and well met fellow travelers. Shall we bear arms together and strip the flesh off the bones of ten hordes of trolls?
I, Frankie, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Frankie Character names: Frankie Axehands, Rincewind
I am not sure why I am not on here yet.. I, Ducky, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. Forum: Ducky IRC: Ducky Character names: Ducky Ducky Ducky ... One name to rule them all muhaha
I, Fuinacius, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: Fuinacius Character Names (Optional): Fuinacius - Fuinacious - Vacalera
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I, One Minus One, a Corporation formed under the laws of the city of Yew, not in my personal capacity but solely in my capacity as Trustee for the Estate of the Beneficiaries listed in Appendix 367 in File Number 55 at the file cabinet behind a locked door in the basement of Yew Library, such Estate acting as Managing Director for said Corporation, do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. However such Waiver of Liability being limited by any limitations on my/our ability to make such Waiver of Liability placed on me/us by any law, statute, code, regulation, By-Law, Organization Document, Document, or Writing, whether on a napkin, bar stool, bar table, paper, book, rune stone, or otherwise. IRC Name: OneMinusOne Character Names (Optional): One Minus One /s/ One Minus One --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I, SirBilly , do hereby acknowledge that I have read the VoP Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability form and would like to be contacted via IRC if and when a spontaneous Paws adventure occurs. IRC Name: SirBilly Character Names (Optional):