Vlar's Offical List of Memorable IRC Quotes!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Vlar, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. EndlessMike

    EndlessMike Member

    Sep 28, 2015
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    15:43:14] <Meradin> Joshius smells like pop tarts
    [15:43:23] <joshius> At times
    [15:43:24] UOR_1971 has quit (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    [15:43:35] <joshius> WB Meradin
    [15:43:40] <Meradin> Thanks bubba
    [15:43:51] <Radish> i play like that a little bit, joshius
    [15:43:54] <joshius> You smell like fishsteaks
    [15:44:00] <Meradin> Guilty.
    [15:44:10] <Meradin> Someone bombed my house
    [15:44:16] <joshius> Weird.
    [15:44:21] <Meradin> put fucking fish steaks stacked to the ceiling
    [15:44:26] <joshius> You've bombed the entire server. lol
    [15:44:29] <Meradin> three storys u
    [15:44:33] <Hawkins> hahah yeah man
    [15:44:46] <Radish> push that z axis to the max
    [15:44:51] <Meradin> one or two fish steaks is hardly a bomb, and it wasent just me ﷯
    [15:45:07] <Meradin> just spent 20 mins picking up over 1700 fish steaks
    [15:45:18] <joshius> Its a tough business you're in.
    [15:45:21] <Meradin> fucking dicks
    [15:45:23] <Radish> no scavenger agent?
    [15:45:32] <Meradin> thats using the scav angent
    [15:45:32] <joshius> Full of dastardly folks.
    [15:45:37] <Radish> oh wow
    [15:46:18] <Meradin> I deserved that one, but item bombing is aginst the rules. so hopefullythat doesnt happen again.
  2. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [08:04:32] <Rem> So who's Lasse's char?
    [08:04:40] <Rem> sorry we were fooling around in occlo
    [08:04:50] <Rem> ill pay u 100k for what happened to u
    [08:04:50] <Lasse> God damn
    [08:04:56] <Rem> sorry >w<
    [08:05:08] <Rem> ill pay u 100k
    [08:05:10] <Lasse> Heh, well its uo
    [08:05:19] <Lasse> Keep your money, my fault for makroing in town
    [08:05:20] <Rem> sorry my friend was trying this wall trick to show me
    [08:05:22] <Rem> ill pay u ^o^
    [08:05:31] <Rem> nooo>w< i want to apy
    [08:05:45] <Lasse> Well wait a sec, i ress myself
    [08:05:50] <Rem> im a cutesy guy i dont pk
    [08:05:56] <Rem> OwO
    [08:06:31] wylwrk is now known as wylwrk_atwork.
    [08:12:58] <Zyler> Lasse they killing you in town?
    [08:13:20] <Lasse> Im not sure what happend, but i find myself dead, and then 100k richer
    [08:13:29] <Zyler> hahha
    [08:13:39] <Zyler> you are like Charlie Sheen
    [08:13:54] <Lasse> Less drugs! :D
    newme likes this.
  3. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [17:33:55] <Tholyn> why is the tailoring delay twice as long as blacksmithy?
    [17:33:58] <CaptainMorgan> If you're looking for another understocked bod vendor, mine is at my yew gate villa
    [17:34:20] <CaptainMorgan> because rock beats scissors
    [17:34:28] Sauryn has quit (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    [17:34:42] <Zyler> hahha
    [17:34:45] <Tholyn> lol
    wylwrk, Cha and newme like this.
  4. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [21:26:06] Telamon joined the channel.
    [21:26:06] ChanServ sets mode +qo Telamon Telamon
    [21:26:17] <Mindless> Welcome to Renaissance Telamon.
    [21:26:28] <wylwrk> +1
    [21:26:35] <Zyler> hah
    [21:26:45] <CaptainMorgan> lol
    newme likes this.
  5. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [22:51:14] <@DarkWing> Go Ducks
    [22:51:17] <Taliic> there we go
    [22:51:19] <Mandevu> boom
    [22:51:27] <Taliic> eat it renaissance bot
    [22:51:40] <Taliic> go oregon
    [22:51:52] DarkWing was kicked by Renaissance (request).
    [22:51:53] DarkWing joined the channel.
    [22:51:53] ChanServ sets mode +o DarkWing
    [22:52:29] <Bamilus> LMAO
    [22:52:40] <Zyler> hahha
    newme and Bamilus like this.
  6. CaptainMorgan

    CaptainMorgan Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2014
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    newme and Lightshade like this.
  7. WhiteZero

    WhiteZero New Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Just a little discussion with Telamon about CUB, Razor, donations, and the server in general.

    09:58 Telamon http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/CleanUpBrit

    09:59 Hawkins just put in the cub patch and let the chips fall where they may, the complainers can get bent lol
    09:59 Hawkins hahahh
    10:00 WhiteZero CUB points for tossing Rares? lol

    10:03 WhiteZero Telamon: I didnt see any carpentry stuff in the CUB screenshots, will they also be included?
    10:04 Hawkins i don't think anything craftable will be
    10:04 WhiteZero ahh
    10:04 Telamon Craftable items will have a mechanism to return them to their base parts
    10:04 Timelord_Work Yes people would take advantage of that
    10:04 Telamon but items obtained via crafting will not have a value
    10:05 Telamon so you cant just craft into the cub barrel
    10:05 Telamon But this also means youll have something to do with useless items
    10:05 WhiteZero hmm I might need to hold off building my Carpenter until that is done? or really, it's going to take more than a few weeks, so nevermind
    10:05 Telamon like ballot box deeds, lockpicks, gnarled staves
    10:05 Telamon Ergo you can turn gnarled staves, into kindling
    10:05 Hawkins whats left to do to finish this?
    10:06 Telamon not much its almost finished, then it will be moved to test center
    10:06 WhiteZero woot
    10:06 Hawkins can't wait, looks awesome
    10:08 Telamon The system itself is not that crazy
    10:08 Telamon its the management system we had to build ingame that is the complex part
    10:09 Telamon so the staff can manage it, deal with bugs, values, mistakes
    10:09 Telamon without reboots
    10:09 WhiteZero very nice
    10:09 WhiteZero as opposed to the management system being independant of hte game?
    10:10 Telamon Wityhout it, if I wanted to change the value of something, disable a group of turn-ins, etc
    10:10 Telamon I would have to reboot to fix it
    10:10 WhiteZero gotcha
    10:10 Telamon It also has extensive website tracking, scoreboards, all that jazz
    10:10 WhiteZero baller, Telamon
    10:11 Telamon So players will be able to keep track of their personal efforts to clean up the server
    10:11 Telamon Who turned in the most magic weapons, in 2016 for instance
    10:11 WhiteZero is this totally unique? or was it at least partially lifted from somewhere else?
    10:11 Telamon or the most completed treasuremaps
    10:11 WhiteZero the code tha tis
    10:11 Telamon Wrote it myself
    10:11 Telamon I think there are a few public systems, but they are terrible
    10:11 WhiteZero lol
    10:11 Telamon The barrel (will be craftable)
    10:11 WhiteZero "Everyone else's system is terrible but mine!"
    10:12 Telamon and it can be placed anywhere in your house
    10:12 Telamon yea ive learned to not trust public runuo coding, except the xmlspawner, and regions in a box
    10:12 Telamon even so they are bug heavy
    10:12 Telamon Our last crash was due to a bug in the regions in a box system
    10:12 WhiteZero damn
    10:13 Telamon Most existing systems simply use the sell value of items, as a cheap way to score things
    10:15 Telamon The barrels bonus function is that it will replicate some of the aspects of the salvage barrel that OSI added
    10:15 WhiteZero Telamon is there a particular reason the version of Razor on the homepage is like 3 years old? Oversight or issues with .14 on UOR?
    10:15 Telamon White, Mark took over razor development
    10:15 Telamon and changed the donation links to point to him, vs Zippy
    10:15 Telamon He also refused to allow UOR to be listed in the shard list
    10:15 Telamon While adding all his for profit servers
    10:15 WhiteZero so more in protest?
    10:16 Telamon It also has been very buggy with people losing profiles, errors, etc
    10:16 Telamon players are welcome to use it, however we support the version we have on the website
    10:16 WhiteZero understandable
    10:16 Telamon Also most of the changes to razor are to support the new client
    10:17 Telamon I believe there are a few things that they finally fixed that were performance issues
    10:17 Telamon but I trust Zippy, more than Mark
    10:17 Telamon Mark destroyed RunUO with 2.4 and 2.5
    10:17 WhiteZero RunUO drama, can't say I know what thats all about
    10:17 Telamon Which is also why our code is based on 2.2
    10:17 Telamon He converted the whole codebase to miliseconds since boot, away from datetime
    10:18 Telamon Added a ton of performance issues
    10:18 WhiteZero not like you REALLY need newer RunUO for a classic era anyway?
    10:18 Telamon That is very true
    10:18 Telamon We wanted stability
    10:18 WhiteZero for sure
    10:18 WhiteZero this server has had, what, weeks and weeks of uptime before? thats better than most others I've seen
    10:18 Telamon Mark also made me mad on reddit
    10:19 WhiteZero
    10:19 Telamon by accusing UOR of "not giving back to the UO community:"
    10:19 Telamon by developing open source
    10:19 Telamon Meanwhile he only works when paid, and runs servers that have donation shops
    10:19 WhiteZero so you dont open source your stuff?
    10:20 Telamon 99% no
    10:20 WhiteZero thats your prerogative, but curious why
    10:20 Telamon I spend most of my time working with other shard owners, on dealing with development issues
    10:20 Telamon But our players, helped develop our code, by testing, researching, etc
    10:20 Telamon And in a sense the players own it, it would damage the community to share the hard work we put in here
    10:21 WhiteZero well if thats the case, you could totally have a survey to see if people want it shared
    10:21 Hawkins seems the freeshard business can be pretty cuthroat since a lot of them profit from them (like UOF etc.)
    10:21 Telamon Its less about the sharing, and more about offering all UO players, a unqiue UOR era to play in
    10:21 Telamon that isnt marred by the normal UO greedyness
    10:22 WhiteZero fair enough
    10:22 Telamon If we release the code, there would be 10-20 copycat servers, all with donation shops
    10:22 Telamon attempting to lure away our players
    10:22 WhiteZero Hawkins: how much profit can be there really? assuming server costs and whatnot, and the relatively low playerbase
    10:22 Hawkins apparently a lot of profit to be made
    10:23 Hawkins people spend big RL money for pixels
    10:23 WhiteZero anyone seen the numbers?
    10:23 Hawkins i dunno
    10:23 Etrogann I know I was playing on a different shard before I came here. YOu could buy almost anything and people spent tons.
    10:24 Larloch yeea I played a places that sold skill balls
    10:24 Telamon Anywhere from 20-30k to 200k a year
    10:24 Larloch it was like 10 or 20 per gm
    10:24 Telamon Depending on the server, and how much you lie to people
    10:24 WhiteZero whaaaaa
    10:24 Telamon Some players just open a server every 6 months, ask for money, sell items, close the server
    10:24 Telamon repeat
    10:24 Larloch pay to play is fucking lamesauce
    10:24 WhiteZero jeebus
    10:25 Telamon Look at IPY2, it made 200-300k
    10:25 Telamon only lasted 16 months
    10:25 WhiteZero god damn
    10:25 Telamon They pocketed the money, didnt pay the staff, no development, walked away
    10:25 Telamon Another server I wont name, the guy remodeled his house, bought and wrecked 2 dodge vipers
    10:25 Telamon while advertising $4000 tiered donation rewards on reddit
    10:26 Hawkins damn
    10:26 Telamon The reason I mention that, is the desire for easy money would lead to our hard work here, being abused
    10:26 Telamon Ive put more work into UOR, and our players have donated more time here, than most servers combined
    10:26 WhiteZero thats admirable, man
    10:26 Telamon One of the most profitable servers, just steals code, ideas, websites for everyone else
    10:27 Hawkins probably the same one who was DDoS'ing us
    10:27 Telamon Im here to show people how awesome UO was in 1999/2000
    10:27 WhiteZero is there a long-term plan for UOR?
    10:27 Telamon And while we are not perfect and there is always work to do
    10:27 Telamon People are getting a 2nd or even 1st chance to see the game as we did in 1999
    10:28 Telamon Ive been a gamer for 20+ years, my best gaming experience was UO in 1998/1999
    10:28 Telamon Whitezero as long as players want us to be here, we will be here
    10:28 Hawkins i've always thought the ren erea was best, even with the trammel crap... early on it wasn't too bad
    10:28 Telamon Ive got most of our major events planned out to year 7 at this point
    10:28 WhiteZero right on
    10:29 Telamon Yea Hawkins, thats why we tried to create the hybrid T2A/UOR era
    10:29 Timelord_Work And succeeded
    10:29 Hawkins i remmeber seeing little things being taken away from us
    10:29 Telamon Publish 1 of UOR was awesome, right until they started meshing in trammel
    10:30 Telamon Ironically, UOR has as much T2A as it has UOR aspects
    Artex, newme and wylwrk like this.
  8. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    newme likes this.
  9. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [16:55:01] <@UOR> Bounty | a bounty of 1gp has been placed on Genocide! The guards of Britannia will now pay 2gp for their head. |
    [16:55:22] <Envybeam> well played genocide
    [16:55:25] <Envybeam> well played
    [16:55:29] <Envybeam> killed the naked tamer again
    [16:56:48] <Genocide> I kill clothed tamers too
    Halabinder, newme and shad like this.
  10. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [20:56:45] <invoker> is the event in about an hour
    [20:56:52] <~Telamon> Soon(tm)
    newme likes this.
  11. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 27, 2012
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    [16:55:14] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:15] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:15] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:22] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:27] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:31] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:35] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:38] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:44] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:48] <AlexCCCP> this is getting to spam levels
    [16:55:48] <UOR> Duel | hax romain has won a Standard 7x Duel - 1v1 by defeating Castaneda |
    [16:55:49] * Renaissance has kicked UOR from #Renaissance (flood)
    [16:55:50] <AlexCCCP> pure hax
    [16:55:52] <AlexCCCP> HAHAHA
    [16:55:59] <AlexCCCP> oh mah gawd thats gold
    [16:56:22] <Blaise> QUOTE THREAD
  12. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [13:40:28] <Jupiter> i just try not to die and don't fret the small stuff

    What is how to play UO?
    TheDankNugget and Jupiter like this.
  13. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I don't like pasting a section involving myself (akin to wearing a shirt of the band you're going to see at a concert cringe) but, it's been a month and this thread can never die!

    [09:47:41] <Aidan> Morning Chris
    [09:48:00] <LanDarr> Morning Telamon/Chris
    [09:49:08] <wylwrk> In honor of free platinum -
    [09:49:34] <LanDarr> Platinum is never free � gotta be here to get it
    [09:49:44] <Aidan> and time is money
    [09:49:53] <wylwrk> I steal mine... how the heck are you all gettin yours?
    [09:50:19] <wylwrk> money is time
    [09:50:23] <LanDarr> I vendor a bunch of stuff then buy it
    [09:50:29] <wylwrk> wait... what was time again?
    [09:50:47] <Aidan> an abstract concept
    [09:51:28] <wylwrk> so, an abstract concept is a current medium of exchange?
    [09:51:43] <Aidan> Hasn't it always been
    [09:52:17] <wylwrk> I suppose that all depends on the indefinite continued progress of existance and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
    newme likes this.
  14. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 24, 2015
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    23:51:20] <Zyler> ugh
    [23:51:47] <Zyler> fat lite
    [23:51:50] <Zyler> pine
    [23:52:21] <bart> time for a nap Zyler
    [23:53:39] jake has quit (Connection reset by peer).
    [23:54:05] <Zyler> nopers
    [23:54:55] <UOR_2079> Hey i saw someone at night of horrors riding a nightmare...was I just imagining that?
    [23:55:15] <Zyler> nopers
    [23:55:16] Zyler was kicked by DarkWing (Repeating - 2 times).
    [23:56:16] <[-S-]Erza> oh nopers!
    [23:56:27] <UOR_2079> lol Zy got kicked for saying Nopers twice...
    [23:56:33] <bart> looks like it is nap time after all �
    [23:56:49] <BlackEye> nopers


    [23:58:48] <Mindless> I'm gonna live on the streets with Invoker.
    [23:58:58] <Mindless> We'll cuddle up on cold nights.
    [23:58:59] <[-S-]Erza> that sale is nuts Mindless, im into that keep a lot
    [23:59:18] <Blaise> don't go sweet talkin him now
    [23:59:19] <Mindless> Wait till you see whats in the containers, lol.
    [23:59:23] <Zyler> Mindless I told you it owuld happen
    [23:59:25] <Blaise> that's what he said!
    [23:59:34] Hawkins joined the channel.
    [23:59:36] <Zyler> danky dunk
    [00:00:23] Hawkeye joined the channel.
    [00:01:22] <invoker> Mindless I once lured an orc into a vendor shop near brit's arena so I could finish training wrestling without anyone bothering me


    [00:05:17] <Sterling> im building a wall around ice and makeing tNl pay for it

    Halabinder, Dun Scaith, newme and 3 others like this.
  15. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    <sofa> wonder if you could get the cock residue off money and resell that cocke
    <sofa> err coke
    Halabinder, Zyler and newme like this.
  16. Jack of Shadows

    Jack of Shadows Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 25, 2012
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    BlackEye!whois *FD5EC7C*
    13:09BlackEye!seen *FD5EC7C*
    13:09RenaissanceNo matches were found.
    13:09 *** Tholyn joined #Renaissance
    13:10BlackEye!seen *unity-media*
    13:10RenaissanceI found 19 matches to your query. Here are the 5 most recent (sorted): UOR_4768 Xavor UOR_6624 UOR_5505 UOR_1654. UOR_4768 (~UOR@Chat4all-2307ED82.unity-media.net) was last seen quitting from #renaissance 48 minutes ago stating (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    13:11ReZonBlackeye is on the hunt
    13:12AlethicAnyone doing taming quest today?
    13:12 *** Kirby-cell joined #Renaissance
    13:14 *** [TnT]knighthawk quit (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)
    13:22 *** CordeliaBlack_AFK quit (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client)
    13:23 *** Runner joined #Renaissance
    13:24 *** [TnT]knighthawk joined #Renaissance
    13:25 *** Rammar joined #Renaissance
    13:25BlackEye!seen *CA26D80D*
    13:25RenaissanceI found 3 matches to your query (sorted): Eddie Uncle UOR_2577. Eddie (~UOR@Chat4all-CA26D80D.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) was last seen quitting from #renaissance 20 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes ago stating (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    13:25BlackEye!seen *eddie*
    13:25RenaissanceI found 2 matches to your query (sorted): Eddie FastEddie. Eddie (~UOR@Chat4all-CA26D80D.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) was last seen quitting from #renaissance 20 days, 1 hour, 51 minutes ago stating (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    13:25BlackEye!seen FastEddie
    13:25RenaissanceI found 581 matches to your query; please refine it to see any output.
    13:25BlackEye!seen FastEddie*
    13:25RenaissanceFastEddie (~UOR@Chat4all-4975F87B.neo.res.rr.com) was last seen quitting from #renaissance 165 days, 17 hours, 39 minutes ago stating (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    13:26 *** Bloodlust quit (Quit: )
    13:26BlackEye!seen *neo.res.rr*
    13:26RenaissanceI found 13 matches to your query. Here are the 5 most recent (sorted): MeKLiN Almighty_AFK Almighty RadishInTroubleAFK Radish_. MeKLiN (~UOR@Chat4all-A9827722.neo.res.rr.com) was last seen quitting from #renaissance 45 days, 12 hours, 5 minutes ago stating (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).
    13:26BlackEye!seen *4975F87B*
    13:26RenaissanceI found 2 matches to your query (sorted): FastEddie Fast. FastEddie (~UOR@Chat4all-4975F87B.neo.res.rr.com) was last seen quitting from #renaissance 165 days, 17 hours, 40 minutes ago stating (Quit: lightIRC.com Flash IRC Client).

    13:26STAVROGINglad my gf doesnt know that kinda stalkin
    13:27BlackEyeI wish it would work with PMs
    13:27BlackEyeless spam for you guys
    13:27STAVROGINi need to reach eddie too
    13:27ShadowJacklmfao at Stav
    newme and Halabinder like this.
  17. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    [19:51:26] <Zyler> Where is Vlar when I need him.....?
    [19:51:29] <Zyler> !seen vlar
    [19:51:32] <@Renaissance> Vlar (Vlar@Chat4all-4E7EF6BC.hsd1.in.comcast.net) was last seen quitting from #uorpvp 2 days, 10 hours, 45 minutes ago stating (Quit: {}).
    [19:52:02] <Zyler> PBnJ, is J for jelly or is J for jam?
    [19:52:24] <PBnJ> call me whatever you want sugar just spread it
    [19:52:39] <Zyler> lol, perfect answer!

  18. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Sorry,i use that nick very rarely. Actually only once so PB would know it was me,and nobody else would cause i had a lot of work to do and didnt want to get pinged by anyone..you know what a chatty cat i am so i knew if i let myself get into convos i wouldnt be doing anything else other than talking. :)
    Zyler and Vlar like this.
  19. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    [22:03] <Kirby> what is Large Cross CTF
    [22:03] <Vlar> it's a certain map
    [22:04] <Vlar> i hate to say this but it's kinda a big 4 team map like a giant swastika
    [22:04] <Kirby> so they should light it on fire and make it a large burning cross?
    [22:04] <Vlar> LMFAO
    Vlar, Cordelia Black and Xegugg like this.
  20. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    You gotta post the other one..the "Fishing" with a T one,pleaaase man!!

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