What are you working on?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by ReZon, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    Pirate Pebble has officially hit the high seas. I was working on the third MIB I fished up when I pulled up my first shipwrecked kraken. After a felling the beast, the creature yield a purple soggy piece of parchment smeared with dirt.


    For now, the purple parchment will go on a shelf in my home. Guess I'll need to start working on my AMIB skills next!
    MikeK and Ningauble like this.
  2. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    So you want PKs to ignore people who go AFK, outside of town, in a dungeon, while they train a character that will have the potential to pump 50-100k//hour into the economoy.. that makes sense. Sorry, but this is part of the risk you assume when training, AFK, outside of town. It's not like we're purple potting Moonglow Zoo or other town AFK macroers like some people *cough cough Stranger cough cough*

    We don't "sweep Despise" - we go to the champ spawn area. All dungeons are fair game on UOR because of boss monsters. Do you know how many 7x tamers I've killed/battled in Covetous harpies while they were trying to get the boss harpy to spawn?

    You fail to recognize, PANDA HOUSE isn't your typical PK guild. We don't PK on PVP characters. We don't PK by recalling in and simply leaving afterwards - we actually hunt. We typically spend more time running around on foot then we do casting recall to get around. Hell, we don't even gank. Of my 640+ kills, 600 are easily solo kills. Yes, some were res kills, but anyone who has been res killed by myself were most likely being impolite kids. If you call me a f*g, ni***r, or anything else offensive, you damn well better believe I'm going to take it personal and kill you again if you're dumb enough to res in my presence - we have a strong guild policy about trash talking and offensive language.
    Nadia likes this.
  3. Urza

    Urza Active Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Pork Fried Rice... I feel like you are getting off the subject. I believe what you are trying to say is: "I run around dungeons and PK and PVM". One sentence is all you needed for that.
  4. Sha-noobie

    Sha-noobie Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    I was just saying that its possible to PK and not be a jerk to new players. The Bard I spoke of was not afk, he was running for his naked, empty bagged life. Granted, if he's out of town he is fair game...that's obvious. But as the PK, you just killed him and looted his bags... you know if he has a vendor bought lute and a handful of recall regs w/rune. If that's all he had on him why take it? Sure you COULD take everything the noob has, if you wanted to be an ass... Lucky for him, I was there to get him to town.

    When I would kill other players back in the UO day, I always ressed the player at his body after I had taken what I wanted. Just seems the gentlemenly thing to do.

    Either way, my bad for bringing it up in this thread. This was not the place to start a PK flame war. Now lets hear more about what players are working on.
    Mes likes this.
  5. Marbles

    Marbles Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    I'm currently stocking my castle with pvp supplies I likely will not use.

    I did farm a ton and save up a mil for a castle, which was my first goal. First castle in my ~15 years of UO.

    I have too many spare vanqs, so I give em to players who look like they are actually playing the game, out hunting or earning gold etc. It makes me feel jolly inside. Almost as jolly as pking.

    Next goal, start pking people. Preferably ones that don't fight back, cause I'm not really that good at the pvp even after 15 years. I blame the public education system.

    Oh ya, I also like buying things off the player vendors. Duno why, maybe because I'm poor irl.

    Keza and Jupiter like this.
  6. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Making runes to all of the known, and less known bridges of sosaria. (Vesper is going to suck...)

    Also marking runes to the npc camp spawns

    Also make a way to semi-automate player made and rewarded quests.
    Wise and ReZon like this.
  7. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Now 3 weeks on shard. Got great house spots.
    Next step will be creating a little buisness with a little shop at brit moongate.
    Still farming some seed capital.

    Another goal: Getting good slayers of each type (and hold them)
    Would like
    Axe/Spear/War Fork

    They are really too rare here to drop.
    And nobody sells them it seems.
    Wise and ReZon like this.
  8. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
    Wise, Dalavar and ReZon like this.
  9. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    Leading up the introduction of Carpentry BODs, I found myself without a tinker, carpenter, and fletcher.

    Yesterday I GM'ed my first tinker and carpenter (on separate characters) Now I am training up tailoring on my carpenter and will be working on adding tinkering to his skill set next. I also am planning on making a fletcher on one of my other tailors, most likely my main BOD flipper.

    A season of crafting has begun!
    Wise likes this.
  10. Pulse

    Pulse Active Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Focusing on some crafters for the BOD system. Trying to find time to farm enough gold for a decent house or two.

    So far enjoying the shard a lot! :)
    ReZon likes this.
  11. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
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    Jun 19, 2013
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    An Corp!

    After a bit of a hiatus, I've taken to building up my first archer. My fencer has volunteered (somewhat hesitantly) to be shot at repeatedly with arrows to help this newcomer along.

    I never got around to making a fletcher, so that is also on my list of things to do, and will probably be a little helpful to my budding archer.

    I am also interested in getting a suit of Phoenix armor together, so that'll be a bit of a long term goal.

    What about the rest of UOR? What are you working on?
    Wise likes this.
  12. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    • Trying to build a collection of unique weapons.
    • Preparing for anniversary deco contest.
    • Finish off the Golden Girl Getaway.
    Wise and ReZon like this.
  13. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Organ collecting, still.

    Oh and according to Baine, I lately became learning disabled.
    Wise and ReZon like this.
  14. Bixby Legbone

    Bixby Legbone Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2015
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    I'm working on my tamer character, and blacksmith on another. I love BODs. I plan to probably bless some black sandals here in the near future. That and I'm bringing over some guildmates from various places and helping them get started in this world.
    Wise, Dalavar and ReZon like this.
  15. Daakkon

    Daakkon Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Taking over the world!
    ReZon and Wise like this.
  16. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    - Managing Project Sanctuary's growing membership base, and all the needs that go into that
    - Continuing to deco some properties for the deco contest
    - Arranging the next event PS will host soon-ish
    - trying to figure out of I have time/energy to build up yet another character.... ha!
    Keza and ReZon like this.
  17. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
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    Jan 23, 2015
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    Wow, a resurrected thread and a cool topic!

    I've been here almost two months now, taking it slow and easing back in. I didn't want to power train three accounts 24/7, just have fun and relax after work, so far so good. ( My wife has taken a mild interest and not been mad about my gaming hours, so moderation seems to be working out! )

    - Things I have accomplished so far:
    - Two Lg Brick Homes, 6x Pure Bard, Working a Crafter (GM Tailor/Carp), LJ Warrior(GM Swords,Tact,Anat,Heal), Tamer(GM Tame,Lore[Bard or Resist still up in the air ]) Several other created Characters in the works.
    -Got off the Island, hunted, shopped and got Pked twice :)
    -Participated in an O^S Dungeon Crawl without dying.
    -Watched a 1v1 Tourney
    -Banksit Occlo Bank for some of the funniest, stupid, pitiful, lame, childish, and hilarious crap I've seen since Siege Perilous Luna Bank hijinks.
    -Logged into IRC on a regular basis, tried to help ppl when possible, and asked for help-answers when I couldn't find what I needed on the Forum.

    Current Goals:
    -Get 2 PVP Characters created in time for the next "freesist"
    -Earn enough gold to Mage Train ^ both
    -Get Spells Macroed and set on keys so I can practice casting and get familiar with my spell-keys.
    -Earn enough gold to place a few more homes in strategic areas. (mining, farming, etc.)
    -Tame my first Dragon when I decide the rest of his template and get a few bonding slots.

    Future Goals:
    -Join a Guild of like minded people that I can support/hunt/pvp with. (after I can be an asset to the guild and not a leach)
    ** I am a very layed back person, I am competitive, but I dont get upset and yell at ppl, rage log/quit over death or pixles, its just a Game,
    Revenge and Karma have a funny way of working out sooner or later. Im not greedy, I will take a fair share and roll for any goodies but I'm
    not going race to every corpse and snatch everything I can grab, I didnt loot a single item or piece of gold on the O^S crawl I attended,
    I just wanted the refresher experience.**
    -Get a new Mic set up and start talking to Folks on TS or whatever People are using now.
    -Participate in CTF and PVP Tournaments and not suck!
    -Upgrade and enlarge my housing.
    -Become a supporting member of UOR while maintaining a healthy home-life and workplace( that means no late night faction sigil stealing,
    guarding-pvp sessions! )
    -Basically make UOR my go-to Unwind Time Killer Game.
    Keza, Lord Krake, garvey and 2 others like this.
  18. swiftfeet

    swiftfeet Active Member

    Jan 15, 2013
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    I have 2 goals that I would like to complete.

    1. Keep making Dexxer Archer videos to show more and more people that archery although worse than other skills is actually viable in large groups. Would like to have 10 or so active archers running around causing problems. I hope the ctf videos help and encourage more people to play an Archer. Perf scribe archers for the vast amount of mages this shard has.

    2. Make a Naturalist. If I can find a detailed guid. Prob just run UO without razor.
    Keza, ReZon and MikeK like this.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I just gimp out all the settings in Razor, but I still use it for Bandage Self.
    Trying to get more game time is always a hassle but I'd like to spend some more time getting PvP time in. However that completely detracts from any PvMing and other shit I'd like to do.
    Debating selling more shit to get more ethereals and runebooks and the other 800 things I want from plat rewards.
    No, the bubbling flask is not for sale yet. :p
    I've been eager to play my Naturalist more though, so hit me up @swiftfeet if you're ready to roll.
    ReZon and swiftfeet like this.
  20. Andersonius

    Andersonius Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2013
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    I am finally making a treasure hunter. I have cart to 99.5 and I am currently macroing my lockpicking to 95. I have so many maps its crazy though I think I may still keep stacking them until slayers are introduced as loot. I have over 200 level 5 maps alone.

    Thinking about making a third tamer but idk really.
    ReZon likes this.

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