What is your greatest challenge in combat?

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Blaise, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Pikka is the man. I miss the days we used to spend adventuring.
    bart simpson likes this.
  2. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    Mes, the answer is 8 to 15, if I counted correctly. I may be off by a factor of two though.

    Anyone is free to target me, of course - the whole point of that character is that he can't lose. The only loot he drops is murder counts.
    Mes likes this.
  3. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    100 times this. It's a big reason I don't engage in UO pvp anymore. With UO's jerky movement and lightspeed mounts, mouse targetting is really bad. Now toss in UO's mouse based movement system and mouse targetting is just god awful. Keyboard targetting is better, but still pretty bad... as you mention, you need a trillion hotkeys to do what you want.

    We all know UO's interface is ancient and clunky, but it fails the most here, imo.
  4. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 12, 2014
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    Whiny loser that makes wildy untrue claims? 8 - 15 is that so far off the mark? To say you never have more than 7 is dishonest sir. I'm talking about anyone in SL I see in the area fighting not just your group. When I first started here I joined PwN and your guild harrassed us constantly and probably had spies within. After Stranger's blow up which was prompted by a Harrower that went south due to outside forces PwN disintergrated. My experience has been the almighty TT saying they can run the champs and have the right to shut them down when they feel like it. You and crew come into a champ and destroyed us a few times posting videos laughing at us getting your jollies off others miseries. After PwN I joined KTT and more of the same experiences regarding your group. I seemed to have joined two guilds in a row that have past history which by association is now my problem. We all know what UO is and I have no interest in Trammel. My posts were never meant to be interpretted as whiny. Your factioners kill all of my characters any chance you get killing my pets dry looting etc. So excuse me if my opinion of you is less than favorable.

    I personally do not have a red and do not PK blues. Nor do I have any control or real ranking within the guilds I'm in. Seems that anyone that comments about events remotely related to you is a whiny loser and you've labeled people in the past the same way. I'm not a whiner at all I die a lot in factions, pick myself back up and get right back into it.

    Only PKs that I've encountered on this shard that had any compassion is Blaise's group. I don't know if your in the same group or not. I understand you want to clean up the past and renew your reputation.

    Instead of posting a correction to my comments you personally assualt me and this isn't the only post I've made where your response has been negative and demeaning. You and Koncept usually can't resist berating me. Your petty name calling and personal attacks are unwarranted. I have tried to stay positive... I'm new to factions and the server, make a few posts regarding factions and this is what I get? I posted in an attempt to hopefully add people to factions or cause some interest but these last few posts probably are causing the opposite affect. Instead of a simple corrective post that wasn't personal you had to take it to this point. I will defend myself in the forums, I'm not taking this bs laying down. Your not the only one that thinks as you do judging by the "likes" from the last post. I know you've all been playing together for awhile so I expect nothing less than fellow veteran UOR players to pig pile.

    I'm a good (in the sense of character) decent hearted player. I am not here to make enemies. I will concede: my post of 8-15 while 8 is true in my eyes, 15 is too wide of a margin. Your behaviour is just like that of Media of today a guy says one thing wrong and you try to bring the world down on him. People today try and define a person with one comment, one point in time instead of the sum of their actions, words and personality. I have to add or I'll get blasted for it: warranted if one action or point in time is breaking the law, causing harm to others, etc then of course they will be defined accordingly.

    Faction fights will always have differing amounts of people on each side. Big deal doesn't stop me from fighting and I've never whined about it. Only thing I'm guilty of is commenting on numbers and then becoming a victim having said comments misinterpreted as whining so others can make priggish posts. My only interactions in game with you and crew have been pvp/pk either uninvited or factions. Besides posting faction fight numbers your source of hate for me seems a bit strong for such a small infraction. I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of answering your post but now I feel that I need to defend myself so I'm not labeled by you.

    BTW our group has no beef with Dalavar hell we like the guy he's down right cool. So an off hand comment by someone else other than myself is just tossed in, for use in your PR campaign. We joke around frequently even if it is off hand.

    Can't we just stop this train wreck please? Meaning this back and forth exchange.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Dalavar likes this.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Artex, I know Mes may come off a bit snarky there but try not to take it too personally. He's just been dealing with crazy numbers claims for about a year. Hell, I remember the first time I heard of TT, they PK trapped a buddy at our rune library and his quote to me was "I just got trapped by 5 PKs at our library".
    I think the actual number was four, but you get the idea.

    I think you've got a good attitude and perhaps the TT/SL crowd is just tired of the shitty attitudes they deal with quite regularly, related to fighting. They technically were the group I rolled with, but I very rarely ever PKed with them. They are still quite honorable in that, as indicated. They aren't looting, res/mount killing, stranding, etc. Unless of course you've somehow gotten them upset for some reason or another, perhaps by not appreciating how gently they fucked your couch. In which case, they very well may grind you to dust at every opportunity. I think Stranger might have had a healthy dose of that over time, if I recall correctly.

    Anyway, don't let the forum banter dissuade you. Good fights will still happen as long as good folks get out there and fight. I'm practicing a bit with some folks and will probably hit the field in earnest again soon. Look forward to the easy kills! :)
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    My only experience with Mes and TT has been narrowly escaping their ganks or getting ganked. For what it's worth, the like I gave was not a "UOR vet player pig pile". It was because everytime they've gotten me, they've given me a res, kept my dragons alive against spawn, and not looted (even once when I had a stack of 3 platinum in my main pack). Other than that one week after the Hazy-Hatecrime-Harrower incident, they've never camped our spawns either. As someone just looking to get a PvM fix, that's appreciated.
  7. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    To be fair, the "dicks" quote Mes referenced was verbatim, from someone there. Who also proceeded to vastly overcount the number of Les Claypools as well.

    Anyways, you have to assume everyone is gonna try to bring a gun to a knife fight. There are ways to ensure equal numbers in a pvp situation on this shard, namely the player-run tournaments and the arena duel system. Other than that, people are going to angle for every advantage they can get. It's frustrating, it's why I've only ever 1v1'ed, but I can see no way around it within the faction system.

    FWIW, as a bystander, it was a lot of fun watching the IDOC. Wish I did a video recording, it was good action for a solid half hour or so.
  8. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
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    Mar 12, 2014
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    I knew that line would probably upset the band wagon... Your a well known, been around awhile, good rep, established individual. Seems your (and possibly your fellow guildmates are) afforded more courtesy than I sir. Maybe the difference a tag can make?

    There's a lot I could say but it will be misrepresented and I'll just be degraded as a whiner further, my PwN and other past experiences have shaped my opinion.

    Over all peoples perspectives differ dependant upon which side of the fence you stand.

    Looking forward to seeing you out there Blaise hopefully your fame doen't make you the favorite target! SL I presume? another Les?

    If you can't target very well make a dexer! Have a target nearest enemy and also an attack last target key. Run up to your called out opponent hit both hot keys and wack away at them. GH wands, pots and bandies with hot keys and your set. Next target key and attack last target is very handy for chasing.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    PwN and KTT both have done their fair share of bringing shit down on their tags. I can't cite who specifically encouraged it, but I assure you, the tags matter.
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    We put about eight on last night which was a several-month high point. All SL characters running beside us are with us, I haven't known an unaffiliated SL member in six months or so. Mes, Napo, Punt, Pikka, Xeg, LesClaypool, Orb, gbus, klaus, Jacare, is the entirety of our active roster, which have never all been on at the same time, and one of which joined three days ago. So that is why 15 is not a possibility, in my opinion. I think you would like to believe we have 15 on, but it's just not the case.

    You may find that your participation and membership in a guild is viewed by others as consent of their actions. Your guild has reds, your factioners back them up. If I defend someone killing ogre lords from ebola/lintlicker/airframer/others, within 30 minutes the area will be swarming with CoM factioners and *8* blue scouts and you personally will be on to defend them.

    Here are your reds dying just a few nights ago while they were attacking an RP outing.


    To our group this was unsportsmanlike and gauche. As far as our history with PwN you simply only know the history as was presented to you by your guildmates. If you ask Theo to explain to him his relationship with TT/SL he will tell you that we were once friends. We refused his membership because we wanted the battlefield to be fair to our opponents and were already a dominant force, he would have easily been one of the most skilled members of our group. It was a shame because there was much mutual respect. We chased reds from his spawns, we played together. We had a truce and we honored it despite having active reds that saw no reason not to attack champ spawns. It wasn't until two of his members, AC and Bloodclot, attacked one of ours and looted rares at an event that we went to war. Theo could not convince them to make it right and we backed up our friend (as we always will.) We talked about it at length with Theo and Looney and we were very upfront about what we felt was right if they couldn't replace what they stole. This probably led to AoD's decline. But if Theo is honest he will tell you that we never wanted any of them to quit, and when he was returning to the game he asked me for platinum to buy Looney an ethereal and I gladly gave him everything he wanted because he said it might make his friend return. KTT or *8* is simply a reincarnation of AoD and PwN, in case you did not know that.

    I was there, were you there? We came to the harrower uninvited on blues. It's our opinion that players hosting a harrower should invite the community to take part (you don't share this view, but that's okay, I think some of the reasons are well founded (thieves, looters), but is primarily uncharitable and greed driven reasoning.) We attacked noone. We did not defend ourselves when we were attacked. We simply handed out counts and walked right back in without insulting anyone or talking any trash. PwN self destructed. We had no spies for what it's worth. You go to the same spot every day, I'll just assume you're there the next day. It's pretty simple. If you talk to Stranger, ask him what happened when last month he got pked by ebola and wanted to quit.

    Our history with O^S is similar. We agreed between ourselves to call them off limits during spawns, even though they were made up majorly of enemy factioners, and even brought those factioners to their spawns at times. It wasn't until a joint spawn between O^S and SL where Hazy and HC waited until the boss was out to gank one of ours and run away that we ever considered attacking their spawns, and even then we only agreed at that time to attack those two players. I didn't feel it was right for O^S to claim no responsibility for their members but we avoided attacking anyone else until they defended those players at the spawns, then the relationship broke down further.

    In my opinion we have always been clear about our intentions with other guilds and exercised great restraint instead of flexing our power at all times. I walk right past *8* tamers farming mobs every evening and make no effort to hassle them, knowing full well we could have scouted them and taken them out before they could escape. Because at this point in time CoM and Minax reds are so active that I don't think our own should add to that. Instead we will hunt your reds because the players still trying to get a leg up can't contend with your regular numbers. We don't want to add our own to that. If you get too scared to play your reds, maybe we will play ours again. Except we won't loot, we will save pets, we will offer resses.


    Thank you.

    Well you may not perceive it as whining, but that's how I did. The only thing you're guilty of is being a victim huh? I believe you believe that as well. I did not misinterpret 15, it's 15 in most any language or context. I don't hate you, by the way, I think you might be the single most articulate member of your group. One of the only ones I haven't seen use the N word at this point. Your leaders could learn from your example.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Jupiter and Blaise like this.
  11. Artex

    Artex Well-Known Member
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    Mar 12, 2014
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    A&D - I am one of five core members of A&D. A&D was a pvm and crafting guild that we moved as a whole over from UOSA after commerce dried up over there. Tumbleweed was our GM at the time and still is. We mainly invited ourselves to champ spawns here... had a few members that were interested in factions and pvp at our peak here and were testing the waters. Defended champs a few times against raids, had a ton of fun. Since Tumble doesn't play during the summer the guild has been shelved and the rest of us that are active this time of year have joined other guilds. Only people left from A&D that I play with now are Musician and Ferarri (whom are also two of the five core members). Tumble was the glue of the guild and always enjoyed recruiting and helping new players get started. He wasn't a pvper at all but if attacked wasn't a run and hide kind of guy either. We believed in branching out making alliances with other guilds either via word or joining them with a character fully disclosing who our alts are.

    I had no idea about of the drama associated with PwN when I joined. KTT drama, I knew some of it since I had started reading the forums and posted IRC conversations. I knew a few exPwN members that joined KTT so rather than go attempt to join another guild I knew nobody in I joined KTT. I like the people in *8* don't always agree with they way some interact... I'm a low ranking member that has no say anyways. Guild has gone threw the typical stages that most tend to.

    KTT is gone for the most part with some lead members quiting or contemplating quiting... *8* is what's left.

    Adding to the actual purpose of the thread - tend to be slow on arming wands and using them effectively, always wait till it's too late. Farm those Greater Heal wands. Hard to stay alive without them. Mana drain wands are handy for dropping reflect. Lightning wands help finish people off if your running or out of mana. Most wands are 100gp if your going to buy them. GH 100-150gp a charge is the going rate.
    Basoosh likes this.
  12. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Sorry I mean "AoD", although I do remember Tumbleweed and A&D, I helped him get started killing liches in his first days on the server. I don't why know KTT change to *8* but it looks to me like the same members minus peep and garrion from my perspective.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  13. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    My biggest PvP challenge in combat is Night Sight running out.

    That and getting that last hit in. It seems like the only time I can knock somebody out is if there are external factors at play (i.e. in the field battle) and which the opponent isn't expecting (getting stuck)

    oh yeah, and mongbats.
    Wodan and Basoosh like this.
  14. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Having no horse and nights. I have a tendency to not ride horses on my fighters to increase the difficulty and dark nights just adds to the mysticism of it all.
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  15. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    There was no drama with pwn. Nearly every member with the exception of kool aid was able to go in vent without yelling at each other, fighting with each other, blaming each other. I specifically made a point to kick members who brought even a negligable amount of drama with them (kool aid, scribe). There was no shaddy shit done under the tag, and there was no truces broken on our part. The simple fact of the matter is TT got tired of farming plat and decided they would rather pk, and at the time, most of the activity was wherever we were, so thats where they came. Truces broken were on TT's part. I went out of my way to take shit from people in an effort to truly remain nuetral and allow almost anyone who could be civil to take part in our spawns. The only person not invited to our harrower was liberation, who nearly everyone can agree is a real piece of trash an. You guys went out of your way to bring lib in and grief that spawn. If your going to grief fine but for once in your life grow some balls and admit you grief. TT is not good for this shard. You say you didnt constantly harrass spawns and shut them down even though you had the power to, but in reality, you did exactly that. You guys do loot, you guys do pet kill. There was a very limited time when you pk'd by yourself mes, and during that time you rezzed and left pets alone, but once your group became highly active again all that went out of the window. I disbaned pwn because I didnt want to give you the back and forth combat that you so desperatly wanted from our group of pvmers, and didnt want to waste the next month of my time dealing with your guild. Our purpose was for pvm only and once that option was out the window I moved on to other things. You did show up and talk me out of quitting when I was feeling pretty shitty about the outlook of the shard, and I was very greatful for that. I do not think you are a bad person, I just think you try and straddle two worlds in UO and are not always honest about your intentions. Pwn did not "Self implode" as you often like to say. It was a great place to be while it lasted and nearly all who got to partake can agree to that. The level of friendship and camaraderie amoungst the core members is something that was match by few other guilds on this shard. The only mistake I made with that guild was trying to survive with a band of pvmers and no ability to defend ourselves against assholes. This is an area KTT got right, and I commend them for it.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  16. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    It doesnt matter what you fel about harrowers, we earned those skulls we had a right to do with them what we wanted. Why would us not wanting others at the harrower be greed motivated? We make the same plat reguardless of who comes. We simply got tired of people stealing the platinum that we worked to get. You and your guild like to continously say pwn was based on greed and massive loot aquisition and thus could never survive because it was so shallow, but you couldnt be more wrong. Every member was willing to give up his plat to another who failed to get any. I know its hard for you and your kind to understand but some people do actually enjoy pvm, and the main motivation for pwn was not to aquire wealth, which I already had a massive amount of, but rather to get a large group of people together to be active in pvm. I did countless spawns to gain skulls which I earned 0 plat, or gave away my plat to others who earned 0 plat. Often just to do a harrower that turned out to be a big clusterfuck (usually because of you.) in which I also gained nothing. You were told that you may attend the last harrower (despite all your recent griefing of us). I simply said respect our wishes and do not bring lib, why? Because at the last harrower we did lib made a point to grief it and wall of stone the few people who were actually attempting to kill the tenticals (An hour into the mess of a harrower that it already was). He was unable to be civil so he wasnt invited. So you made a point to send him in first, and then send him in again, and again, and again. This was griefing dude, nothing else but griefing. He did defend himself, you guys also defended yourselves, until lib ran all the way back to your group for xheals and I killed him at your feet. Only then did he keep coming back naked to give counts. I was stupid enough to invite xegugg to the harrower who then let you guys know where it was, you even arrived to the area before our guild did. Then after greifing over and over you guys spammed the location in public chat to spite us until the harrower became such a mess I ended up just leaving and getting nothing from it. For the record, brownstone was in the guild the entire time the TT drama was going on from start to finish. He wasnt told anything by his guild mates he seen it all himself so you may want to try and bullshit someone else.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  17. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    First, hardly anything you say here is true in my opinion but I don't feel like addressing it piecemeal. You have really strange ideas about what grief play is (you killing someone repeatedly because you don't want them there is not them griefing you.) And I think griefing is a dumb term anyways. You have your opinion, and I don't hate you for it stranger. I actually feel really sorry for you. When you tried to quit and give stuff to me I implored you to keep going and gave you advice as earnestly as I could. When you quit a couple weeks ago your 'friends' took everything you had and lint licker and ebola are wearing your favorite clothes now. I hope you return or find something you enjoy doing. Have a great day.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  18. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    I barley know ebola and lint licker. I simply dumped all of my stuff onto them because they current represent the biggest threat to your guild. Someone has to keep you guys in check, I saw first hand what you enjoy doing when you dont have a pvp opponent. Now they have the means to fight SL for the next decade. Also, im sure they look pretty svelt in my gear.
  19. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    You're delusional, man.
  20. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    So they dont look svelt?

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