What location type for a house do you prefer as a main?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Hollywood, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Krothu

    Krothu Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2013
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  2. hetmasteen

    hetmasteen Well-Known Member
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    Apr 16, 2017
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    Can someone tell me how @El Horno got that barrel all the way up to the roof?
  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
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    Apr 14, 2017
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    Use a ladder on top of the sst facing south that extend over the steps.

    Record a macro with your character dropping the barrel (or any object) where your character is or relative to where you want it dropped from your character. For example I'll use a stool:


    Before you move the stool into your backpack, Select Convert to Relative Location. If you do it after, it'll mess up the location in razor.

    You'll end up with this macro:


    It will take that object and you can even change it to "Lift by Type" if you have multiples of the same thing and it will drop that object at your feet.

    Then you go on your roof, place the ladder as "Castle" and face it "South"

    Walk to the end of the ladder that is hanging over the steps.

    Click your macro but make sure it isn't on loop.

    Lock down your object and use the interior decorator tool and lower it down to desired height. Sometimes a pain because of the axis, you won't be able to raise it back if you go to low. You'll need to release the object and start it back over from the ladder. Same concept with how Rezon's Occlo Marble and how he got his rune library hanging over the front steps.

    Lord Sky, Hadrian and hetmasteen like this.
  4. Jeebs

    Jeebs Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Im a big fan of the small stone tower.
    Can fit them almost anywhere, as already mentioned.
    Plenty of space for macroing, storage and deco.

    I generally pick real-estate close to Vesper but have since gotten a nice plot of 3x SST all side-by-side on a beach near Honor shrine that I love.
    I still have a small house near Vesper that's mostly used for storage now.

    I love large bricks. Lots of space, for what ever you may want. First time I place one on live I was overwhelmed with the room it had.

    My long term goal here on UOR is to own a Fort...one special Fort I have my eyes on. Have big plans for it if I can ever land it.

    I really dislike and will probably never own a swamp or dagger island home...they are just eye sore locations to me.

    My 3x SST set-up (since changed some)
    Xavant_BR, Hadrian and Ouroboros like this.
  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  6. Mino

    Mino Active Member

    Dec 1, 2018
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    Close to gate for access because none of my toons have magery to recall&gate.

    If I was a mage I would make my home in a far away location or remote island.
  7. Mexplosivo

    Mexplosivo Active Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    This time around i've aquired some pretty decent property. I i did have my own 2xTower 1 mall marble peninsula that was pretty sweet last time around.

    2 mid size houses 1/2 screen away from minoc/versper gate

    1 golem cave sst

    1 small marble in the guard zone in moonglow. i'm @Hollywood's neighbor.

    1 private villa with no neighbors for the loot accumulating.

    Probably getting rid of the Villa.
    Hollywood likes this.
  8. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
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    Apr 14, 2017
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  9. fooka03

    fooka03 Well-Known Member
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    Feb 10, 2013
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    As far as for gathering resources, mining, lj, leather, etc a stone workshop or a sandstone works well for me as there's plenty of spots for locked down stacks of goods to just drop on as needed. For vendors, a log cabin or a small marble work pretty well, plenty of places for more vendors than most would ever need. My private residences are split, I like having the large keep for the cy, and the sst is just a nice, simple layout that's very efficient.

    On the subject of location, I've always been partial to Verity for just about everything, and own more there than I probably should. Obviously mining doesn't work, nor a keep, so secluded spots are best.

    My least favorite is the tower. Just something about the wings just looks goofy and not exactly sound engineering (yes yes, fantasy game with fireballs and dragons, get over it)
  10. midgetbob

    midgetbob Well-Known Member
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    Apr 22, 2016
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    These little spots all over the world are mine-able. There are 2 spots on it that you can target, and come in all the same color varieties as the mountain sides. You're not going to be able to get the same ingot return as strip mining the side of a mountain, but... if you find a good vein or two, they're worth plinking with a garg pickaxe.
    Hollywood likes this.
  11. FisuUO:R

    FisuUO:R Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2019
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    I always like to have houses next to water and as secluded as possible. Areas with many trees around also do fine.
    I HATE open areas with no landscape, and hate more places with cramped houses.

    Fortunately I was able to place my log cabin at at the southmost part of the continent that meets both preferences. I can fish from the balcony and there´s no other house in a screen or screen and half. It has a dense jungle to my side, and sometimes its quite crowded with annoying mobs, but nothing terrible.

    I´d like to accquire a L-shape in middle of a forest soon.
  12. fooka03

    fooka03 Well-Known Member
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    Feb 10, 2013
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    Sure, I've done that, I should have clarified and said golem mining
    Xavant_BR likes this.

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