End game goals: •Own and fully decorate a fortress and or castle. •Run a full on vendor house and sell my stockpiles of goods. •Become top 10 PvPer stun mage and tamer. •Never triple box tamers. •Host PvP events, (1v1 duels on my tower, field and event style runs also) •Have my girlfriend learn the game enough for me to take 2 weeks off and still gain profits. •Have a single 1/1 item in game.
Get a monster statue drop from a Boss Win 1st in any 1 category from House Deco contest Earn at least 1 perfect Slayer Weapon including the "Indestructible" tag Start and complete 1 full collection of anything (Going to start off with the non-rares such as every Bod Mask Dye in hockey puck masks) Complete Xmas scroll Ironmans House loot a thiefs house Earn a "Top trophy" for most kills or most completed in any 1 category Kill a balron with a dexxer (bard-dexxer counts) Complete my Beholder Totem Pole Dread Lord Title Turn in a murderers head worth more than 5gp Convince Chris we need a new type of house Continue being awesome Great thread. Sometimes boredom sets in not really knowing what to do. Can come back to my list and work on one and continue to expand it.
When I'm here I try to look for communities to contribute to...RP or just townships. At this time there aren't (m)any of those to speak of. I try to keep Paws up a little when Jupiter is away, doing patrols and trying to help out those in the area I find that need it (almost never). I like to try to come up with unique ideas that people would find fun, but I'm not remotely as good as the grey wizard at that and my playtime is erratic when I'm not on vacation. On that note I was just on vacation and I've actually created an Escape Room (aka Breakout room) in UOR. The goal is for a two person 15 minute thing instead of an 2-8 hour like in RL. I was hoping to get some old friends to test it before I called it done, in case it is too easy / too hard / just not fun. Still in that phase atm.
My goal is for UOR to be here long enough so that one day when my kids are all potty trained, know how to bathe themselves, and don't otherwise need 99.9% of my attention, I can actually play with you all rather than 30 minute chunks I manage to squeeze in throughout the week. Other than that no real long-term goals...I like living in a large tower and having access to keeps for pet training. I suppose I will eventually pick up 3-4 more blessed rune books and somewhere between 3-7 more ethy nightmares. I do have one very lofty goal though...a Rikktor statuette. But I won't buy it, it has to fall into someone's pack during a Rikktor that I am doing. This one will be tough and might take a lot of Rikktors.
Remember what it was like to be a teenager again. I hope this museum stays around forever. Thanks to UOR Staff.
Decorate this keep... farm teh bajillion plat for rugs... I'm afraid. Will I be able to stop once I start the rug drug?