World Save Frequency

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by wylwrk, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Cynic explains some of the reasons why people collect crap and even provides solutions against it. I find them extremely good. Staff just never decided to go that way.

    Still I can't understand the reasoning chain:
    Counting other item hoarding places and reasons doesn't answer to the claim that the very early announcement of CuB had detrimental effects for the item collecting behaviour of people (see CuB houses all over the world). Server times would be lower without that hoarding.

    And it's true that the worst hoarders will be kind of rewarded with CuB.
    Dalavar and Orange like this.
  2. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    cub points could = player initiated town invasions

    this would reward everyone (who participates in resulting lag) vs hoarders alone
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  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  4. That Guy

    That Guy Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    There could also be small changes to simple things like cloth and tmaps for example. In my main storage house I have many containers with different "rare" hues of cloth and tmaps. If there could be a bod style of book to store these types of things that would help allot. I know it would remove a few thousand items in my house alone.
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  5. Genocide

    Genocide Active Member
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    Feb 1, 2014
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    Cynic you can fuck yourself

    Dont give us some bullshit excuse for your hording CUB shit. Acting like your saving it for any other reason than to turn it in

    Trying to blame decorated forts for the lag? Get the fuck out of here. At least people like looking at that shit and it serves a purpose. You are fucking cancer, you and every other asshat collecting shit for PUG.

    I dont expect you guys to do anything about the complaining or to be a part of the solution, but I sure as shit didnt expect you to try and justify your shit not being a part of the problem.
    Orange, Xegugg and Mes like this.
  6. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2014
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    Some people might argue that dog shit has value (manure?) ... but that's not going to stop me from picking it up and throwing it away.
    Dun Scaith and Orange like this.
  7. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    yeah this argument has always cracked me up. The heads on my roof are slowing the server but the houses packed with garbage people own are going to be rewarded.

    it's completely backwards to reward this behavior, it always has been

    also I'm really enjoying the new argument 'i could make more money vendoring the items so i'm taking a loss' - ok, but it's all trash items you have already said are not worth your time to vendor. And considering you are going to get paid in rares (so far I've seen special snowglobes and heard extra character slots on your account) - I would say everyone else is taking a loss and you're being rewarded for horseshit.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
  8. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    If you don't think heavily decorated forts don't add to the problem then I have a bridge to sell you. That's a retarded statement to put it lightly.

    I have stated, and will continue to state, that I hoard specifically for CUB. At this point it is idiotic not to. Sure, let me just barrel all of this crap and miss out on whatever rewards are provided down the road, how fucking stupid is you? I am not, however, out there creating more and more like I very well could be.
    I come off, for fun and jokes, like I hoard every single object that is generated on my screen. I do not. It would be very easy for me to loot every single fucking horseshit item from a lvl 1 chest but I'm just not motivated enough to do so. I would not, however, blame anyone else that did. CUB is coming, at least that's what we are led to believe, and I wouldn't blame anyone preparing to collect a dog fart as a reward if available.

    Forts deco'd with hundreds, maybe thousands, of heads or body parts serve no purpose. Same as houses decorated with fish steaks. Perhaps to you they do, but to me they do not. To each their own. To me, a house holding bags of vendor trash, because I'm too lazy to drag all that shit to a vendor, holds value. Even if some day I get bored enough to vendor all of that shit, it will still hold value.

    I've never tried to justify my CUB horde as a non-problem. I know it is. I make light of it in IRC from time to time when the world saves are 10 seconds or longer, as if I'm the ONLY one to blame (hefty laughter). However, like I've already made clear, I'm not going to just let all that shit decay at this point because you or anyone thinks it's going to help. That small house in the middle of nowhere isn't adding so much as a mili-second to our world saves, thinking it's as bad as you make it sound is ridiculous and fear mongering at best.
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  9. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    So, your solution is to allow players to create more heads, and create more CUB. Hey, just let it snowball, right?

    Some people over the course of 4 years collected heads, admirable. Some people over the course of 4 years bagged every ruin weapon. No matter how you look at it, that ruin weapon will ALWAYS be valued at 100gp at the vendor. Your heads will never be worth more than ego-deco™.
  10. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The heads on my fort are my decoration. They have a rich history in the names of slain players. You may prefer waterfalls made with sapphires and colored cotton, but I've never gotten off on this kind of thing. Your version of decoration is what I call tacky or kitsch. Besides this, it has been proven long ago that my fort is not a high item count area by Telamon's heatmaps. Also besides this, I would be fine with non locked down items decaying which is the only good answer to this cold war situation you have exacerbated for the purpose of greed.

    You feel some sense of entitlement because long ago Telamon made (what most of us can agree) a mistake in saying he would consider a CUB style system down the road. It doesn't appear you have ever felt any remorse for the adverse effect on server performance. You've made this bed and we get to lie on it because you are a spoiled, greedy brat that can't just admit he's causing a problem and stop clinging on to your cub houses. The best thing Telamon could do is say he's not putting cub out and if he finds a house intentionally filled with garbage he will delete it.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
  11. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2015
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    3% of the shard's wealth could create 8m heating stands, just sayin'
  12. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    A vendor's value is not an item's only worth. Can you vendor most server birth rares? Obviously not. I think a house stacked with statues is equally ego-deco. My house makes a statement about my guild's legacy on the server - heads of those we've killed, spanning years. What you consider decoration and what someone else considers decoration is different. But we both know that cub houses are not stacked with decoration. Despite this, as I"ve already said I have no issue with not-locked-down items decaying in order to solve both our perceived issues -for the good of the server. Will you go down greedily clutching your garbage demanding you be paid to let go of it?
  13. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2014
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    I've never agreed with you more!
    Alice Asteroid likes this.
  14. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
  15. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Rich history, perhaps in your own head. I can stack BIg Fish in my fort to equal your sentiment and it would be just as pointless. Like I said, to each their own. I couldn't care less how many heads you have stacked there, I used your fort as an example. I've never had an issue with anyone's decoration and I've voted, more than once, for Xegugg's type of decor which includes body parts scattered all over the place. So if your fort, in terms of shown item count, aren't an issue than neither should my CUB house. I have consolidated all of the CUB into bags which would equal just a fraction of your head count.

    I would agree with you on non-locked down items decaying. Let it all decay, wouldn't bother me one bit. Decoration on this server would change dramatically and I would adapt to it without a problem.

    There is no sense of entitlement. I prepare for what I'm told is in the works. Just like the BOD people on this server have prepared and are still preparing in hopes of carpentry BODs. Just like people are buying CY properties in preparation to sell them at a premium once moats release (this is one of your guys, btw). Just like people prepare, edit, and design their characters around upcoming holiday events. If you tell me something big is coming it's not a flaw to adapt my gameplay to benefit from the upcoming changes. That's not entitlement, that's being smart. You, however, are just bitter because I'm Cynic so it's part of your job description at this point.

    I have never contributed to any adverse effect on this server. The day Telamon PM's me about my garbage being a problem is the day I make changes. How many times has he talked to you about your head display? C'mon, be truthful here.. I have 1 CUB house, I posted it above. That house is a drop in the bucket and I guarantee you won't lag running by it, but we can't say as much about the TT fort, or my fort to be fair.
  16. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    I agree with you regarding your point on decor, I believe that's the same point I was trying to make myself.

    CUB houses do not have decor, they consolidate items, which could be sold for gold now, in preparation for the CUB release. This shouldn't be difficult to understand. Do you not loot the bodies of people you kill and throw those bags in your fort until the day you decide to do something with them? I believe I've seen screenshots of this in the past, hundreds of bags littered around. Those bags hold value to you, just like a CUB bag filled with 125 katanas hold value to me. Whether I sell those katanas now for 20k or wait for CUB, either way it's a valuable bag.

    I would absolutely get behind the mechanic where items not locked down decay. I wholeheartedly support this idea. It would help, but not fix entirely, the item count.
  17. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Keep in mind my CUB house has been that big for about 2 years now. It was just as packed back when there was no one bitching about server performance. Conveniently it's an issue now.
  18. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I trash barrel everything that isn't regs/wands/potions. The screenshots you've seen are prior to me sorting the items and deleting the waste. I save only useful items and when there are items I cannot use in excess like leather armor I donate or sell those items to players who can.

    I am not on this side of the debate because of who you are and neither are any of the other people who are against this. There are many people who do not believe players should be rewarded for increasing the item account and server save time. Is is truly that hard for you to understand that it is backwards to reward someone for storing useless items? Maybe we find the people responsible for DDOS'ing the server and give them some cool rewards too.
  19. It'sallALark

    It'sallALark Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2015
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    A little on the off side of the track, but I do enjoy clicking through player heads sometimes, it reminds me of people who I forgot used to play here.

    It also makes me wonder how many players that pks have ran off (not wanting pk changes) and wonder why thieves have the bad rap (want thieving changes badly) and have had play and mechanics nerfed or never adjusted to be proper to prodo.

    Pks have leader boards, ethys, blessed rune books and protected cys, etc, but yeah, I can totally see where it's the thieves that are the problem (/drip sarcasm)

    I'd say the status quo group(s) are have what led to player decline and it's time to stop letting them influence things and to take steps and advice from people who are outside of these core groups (who often seem like they never played in era or during fel, have never played a thief, but full of opinions on the class, lock down aspects of the game to where others can't participate ((discouraging gameplay, surely not these folks who've killed 10s if not 100s of ks of players))

    anyhow, fix stealing and bring it back to era and disband/discourage these zerg groups and player pop might pick up

    back on topic though:

    It's ridic my ping has gone from 25-30 to 80-170

    I'd almost say I feel like I'm on a sinking ship where everyone is in denial, which is unfortunate, I've looked at every other free server out there and they're garbage compared to what UOR is and could be.

    I'd say the best fix is to have a relaunch, limit houses to 1 per account, 3 per household, and make it clear no cub will ever happen and add the planned rewards into the plat system. Starting over will also give everyone something to do rather than sit around and bitch and hoard everything from keeps and forts to garbage.

    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    Dun Scaith likes this.
  20. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    The purpose of saving for CUB is not to purposefully decrease server performance which is what you're insinuating. It's simply to prepare for an upcoming server feature that has promised rewards. You think these items are useless, but they are not. Like I've said many times already, I can sell them. Even if there were no CUB I would still hold the same exact stockpile as I do now. In the event I need gold in a pinch I could always start selling bags of armor/weapons. In the event someone needs bones or paintings, I have them covered there too (ask Xegugg, she's sifted through my CUB house before for deco). I can understand your point if my CUB house were full of crafted barrel staves or ballot box deeds, but it's not. Believe it or not there are plenty of houses on this server that have boxes upon boxes of qstaves and other crafted items, I know, I've looted many houses like this. My CUB house is night and day. I can vendor everything I have in there but I'd rather wait for CUB, not just for the reward factor, but because it will allow me to rid every bag in clumps versus selling items 5 at a time. I'm just not going to barrel items that hold any type of value, that's non-sense. In a world where vanity items are selling upwards of 5-20M+ I'm not in the position to throw gold away, no matter how minuscule it may seem. I vendor all my gems, scrolls, etc. Every penny counts when I need gold to buy a 10M mask dye.

    Again, you're not rewarding people who are purposefully trying to bog down server performance. You're rewarding people for getting rid of crap they may find in their homes over time. The rare nuts like me who have gone out of our way to hoard are the exception. It would be like Telamon adamantly refusing to add any type of faction reward because SL/TT has dominated for years and have (probably) 95% of the servers silver. I would be against that just like I'm against doing away with CUB just because a select few took steps to prepare for it.

    Comparing those who collect for CUB to DDOS is just plain silly. I'm not hoarding to make server performance bad for all of us. It's simply to obtain a pecuniary gain, even if it's a dog fart... at least I'll be the first person on the server with the dog fart.
    Mindless likes this.

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