I know of one person who did that, are you aware of anyone else? I don't think it's accurate to claim people are trading HC for plat, like it's some kind of normal thing. I also would expect to find some deals on plat items under 5k per, it makes sense that the items might not always retain the same value as straight plat.
The example you posted of Arcanias shows him attempting to buy at 4k, not sell. (Successfully? He'll probably wait a while for that deal.) Then he's trying to sell at 4.5k for a quick profit. WTB price is irrelevant. I'm sorry but I don't think you people are being straight about this. I know of one person to trade HC for plat, and I know of several ethys selling for 2 million. Yz250x claims an 875k runebook bless deed. I'm always open minded, if more examples exist. So far, plat much below 4.5-5k seems to be an exception to the rule, not the new standard.
if someone want to sell a blessed runebook or ethy is because need some cash quickly, so obvously he sell it underprice
I agree Damisjana. Plat items selling for under 5k doesn't mean much to me unless it's happening on a large scale. Straight plat is also more valuable to me than an item, unless I really need the item.
You both must be on 3rd grade or something... The post is on #WTS channel with a big WTS on top of it. It says he is selling plat at 4.5k OR you can buy 1000 for 4m. I play with him everyday, I would know if he needed to buy plat.
In other news, every single commodity exists in mass quantities on this server, more than anyone playing has any real use for other than stockpiling, but they all maintain "inflated" values because only limited amounts go for sale at any given time... and people don't care to sell their stockpiles for any less than market rate. 2.8m barbed leather in circulation, clearly its worth more like 5gp each instead of 15+. The one thing plat has going for it is that nearly every player can get some additional value out of it at any point.
Nope, the word YOU isn't in there so your friend should learn how to write more clearly. My reading level is above yours son. I can understand your argument but if it's not worth gathering and selling at 5gp I can't agree that it's worth 5gp just because supply is high. If we were only allowed to sell at people's decreed values I can only imagine people would not bother to stockpile. Edit- It's a legitimate view to say it's artificially inflated, I just don't look at it that way.
The add can be interpreted as selling at 4.5 or buying at 4 and it should be written more clearly. No need to be so salty, my reading level is perfect. He's selling plat at 4.5 and I've been saying this entire time its worth around 4.5-5k. You are a disingenuous person claiming it sells for 4k all day when you have to buy 1k plat at that price, serious commenters only please, thanks.
That's actually my point, well other than the fact that nobody "gathered" 2.8m barbed leather, its passively gained(relatively speaking), by dragon farming etc. But if even a massively oversupplied commodity like barbed leather maintains an "inflated" price, it's no wonder that a massively useful commodity (plat) holds pricing very well to spite a theoretical over supply. You could make a good argument that verite ingots are borderline worthless on UOR right now, unless vendor buys them that I'm not aware of, but if anyone said WTB 20k verite ingots they would probably end up paying 8-10ea still. Plat holding its value well makes total sense, the only real argument against it from a server health standpoint is that its a massive perpetual wealth transfer from newer players to the top few % of players due to where most of the plat demand comes from.