
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Qaddafi, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 14, 2012
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    Yes I sold gold for usd on UOSA and not here, don't get confused.
    Yes sandro was staff here.
    I have more than three accounts but only use 3 of them. I've spoken with Tela about fixing this and it will be handled by the next patch via char xfers. I've started/quit here many times and started up new accounts upon coming back, those have added up. I do however stick to 3 factioners and 3 accounts online at any given time.
    Next, I was not involved in this scam one bit. As far as Scribe, I stealthed into his home on a stealther fair and square. So what if he was going to meet someone at a duel pit, how is that a scam? Like I knew he'd run there and leave his front door wide open with no house security?

    You just like to ride my bandwagon bud.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    The burden of proof is on the person(s) who make the allegations. Aside from the Sandro/Ezekiel debaucle, you have literally nothing at all (seen thus far) that can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the other three statements are true. Not only that but 'everyone' is a terribly placed superlative in regards to what people know about HC.

    I'm not saying its not possible or even unlikely, but A) many many people have access to more than their own accounts. Whether or not they actually use them (and what for) is the problem/concern. B) Underhanded scamming is part of UO, just like PKing and killing tames and C) Many people have had their wrists slapped for their actions here, and come back to play another day (Reeferman, Mutombo, etc, etc).

    I'm not trying to defend HC here, but I have yet to see any information that makes it evident that he's guilty of these allegations. The only people co-owned to my homes are people I know wouldn't handle their account information so poorly as to allow for nefarious individuals to gain access.
    I have personally used another player's accounts to dry loot them.....because they told me to when they left. I have the credentials in my email somewhere, but I haven't touched them since the last bank box was closed.

    So by all means, if you're sitting on a mountain of evidence, let's just let all the cats out of the bag. Hell, while we're at it, maybe Hazy can post the Skype logs of Genocide sending him UOA and UOS scripts or whatever the hell that was. Seems legit and fair at this point, while we're all slinging mud.

    While I'm here, yes, I have access to my children's accounts and they have access to mine. My daughter has one, my son has two and I've never collected platinum on their accounts and the most I've ever used them was my son's char for a healbot at Freesist and for a brief time I used his tamer to resurrect faction mounts while my crafter was training vet/lore. I don't even use them to hold houses like some people have and others probably still do.
  3. Faber

    Faber Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Who was the co owner that let their account get accessed? In my opinion, that person should be highly suspect. An easy way to shirk responsibility is to simply say their account got misused when in fact they could have been co conspirators.

    I know this is hindsight and I'm not intending to victim blame, but I hardly have anyone friended to my properties and no one is co owned. I've played with some of these people for years and even met up with a few irl, but I still keep my account and house access tightly restricted. And as a testament to these individuals, no one has ever asked to be given said access.

    I'm sorry you were duped in this way Qaddafi. I've always had great dealings with you. I wish you luck.
    Pirul, Basoosh and Blaise like this.
  4. Qaddafi

    Qaddafi Active Member

    May 7, 2014
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    Riddle me this Blaise the omniscient. Why would a house full of everything stolen be placed in stasis, the account of the owner frozen, and the said house set on a direct course for decay if there weren't serious violations here? I am merely reiterating what was told to me directly by staff. Should not the criminals have access to their treasure, as you seem to believe they have earned it fair and square and totally within the rules.
  5. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Perhaps it is being investigated and is frozen until a formal and final decision is made. At the end of the day, the goods were stolen from you due to poor security practices or lack of good scrutiny of those with provided access. This is not the problem of administration. If there was a rule broken in regards to account sharing, those accounts will be dealt with accordingly I would wager. The items in question are forfeit as they always have been in UO. I've never known an instance of staff returning ill-gotten items to anyone, on any shard, ever.

    As it seems to be coming to light, Hazy and Timbo had every intention of ripping you off and had been planning it for a long while. Seems that they finally got what they were after but now they're caught up in an account sharing allegation and mob scene. If Hazy really did go above and beyond his account limit by actively playing Timbo's account to loot you, I believe action should be taken. However, the evidence of all of that is not ever going to be in our hands directly.

    The rumor mill and accusations going around the last few days are enough to make anyone quit, even the guy who pays out of his fucking pocket for you to even have all these stupid ass pixels. In two months you've somehow amassed 20m value in items, and a castle and 6 keeps. Six fucking keeps, in two months. If anything, I would be just as suspect of everyone you're involved with for use of illegal third party applications. I mean hell, you've been accused of it so it must be absolute fact.

  6. Miller-

    Miller- Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Sorry to piggy back in this thread but it is related to the topic. Farewell to you folks I've enjoyed playing with.

    I'm not investing any more time on a shard that allows doucehbags to get away essentially scott free when they are breaking shard rules for the sole intent to cause damage to someone's shard experience. The bullshit justification that no meaningful action could be taken against the obvious offenders in this case because then staff would have to ban family members is simply idiotic that no common sense is applied to the obvious differences here. Factor in the lies that no staff plays here among other things and a lot of the credibility of the shard is weakened quite a bit.

    I'm just one of many that allowed myself to get overly invested here and believed the lies that staff doesn't play and abuse isn't tolerated, etc. time to cut the ties as so many other vets have here.

    This will be buried under 2 or 3 diehards here spamming the advice to trust no one and Telamon is GOD! I'm sure but I wanted to at least chime in and say bye as well.
    Wise likes this.
  7. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
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    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Man, what a difference 24hrs makes...

    Sorry to see you go, we always got on well..
  8. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    I think a petition to the white house should be made. Once we reach 100,000 signatures they must address the issue.
    Basoosh likes this.
  9. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Take care Miller. You'll be missed in O^S.
    Pirul, Avery, Ragnarok and 1 other person like this.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Telamon's not GOD and he's absolutely fallible. Assuming no 'meaningful action' has been taken is a bit of a stretch. If there's a frozen account/holdings, it sounds like some action is being taken. Whether or not that is meaningful enough to assuage the tears of a 20m gold value in losses, I can't say.
    There was denial in the early days of Sandro being Ezekiel but his own guildmates blew that up by accidentally referring to them as the same person, multiple times. I can't say whether or not he abused it but one could only assume he did to whatever extent his access permitted. At the end of the day, he's not here any more for those very reasons, so how is this a bad thing? Telamon needed someone in the early days who knew PvP inside and out and I challenge you to find a better person at the time who would have put as much hard work into this shard as Ezekiel did. It never really bothered me much but I knew people would be upset about it so I casually urged Telamon to address it in private conversations.

    All told, this is a fucking game and people are getting way to upset about investing free time into free shit that can quite literally just get turned off tomorrow if people who ACTUALLY INVESTED REAL MONEY INTO HOSTING THIS SHIT DECIDE THAT YOU KIDS CAN'T PLAY NICE AND HANDLE YOUR OWN PROBLEMS.

    If account abuse was occurring, I trust it will be handled accordingly. Everyone who thinks they know exactly what happened and who is to blame, are super high. I'm sure Telamon can barely tell what happened even with his access so the speculation by the masses or the victims is shaky at best. In the end, sorry to see you quit, again, Miller. Better luck next time/place, whatever. You were fun to do business with.
    Avery and HateCrime like this.
  11. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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  12. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I agree with most every thing you said here Blaise, except for the ALL CAPS portion. It almost sounds like a threat if people don't stop "talking" about the incident in question then someone is going to take their toys and go home. I'm sure Telemon is looking into it and that there will be a final judgement call made once he has assessed all available information, however, people should be allowed to say what is on their mind and vent as a part of getting past this event. It's healthy to debate an issue, even if some people make outrageous claims or use this situation to vent whatever pent up frustration that may have been building up in their attics. We need to allow free expression (even if they might be wrong, but then as in all good debates someone will call them on it and tell them why they are wrong) eventually things will blow over after everyone has had a chance to pipe off some steam.
  13. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I'm lost. What shard rules were broken that people keep referring to?
  14. errl

    errl New Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Miller!!! It's Coby Seagram! Come back!
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I do not in any way wish to stifle or squelch open discussion about the shard, the actions of its players or administration, ever. I just don't care for people making demands about things they only have small amounts of information on. Yes, this situation is messed up and action should be taken but to take it out, on the sole person who's actually providing this playland, with badgering and ultimatums is right out.

    All I would like to stifle is finger pointing without hard facts. Mandevu had chests of max charge wands, all of exactly the same base item type, when his keep fell. If that wasn't blatant evidence of Ezekiel abusing privileges that benefit his guildmates, I don't know what would be. I find it humorous that some people directly enjoying those spoils haven't said shit about it, even though its a way better way to point fingers at Sandro/Ezekiel/-3- than just saying that he was actively a GM while also playing the game. If you're gonna sling mud, sling it hard so it sticks and gets in their eyes. :p
  16. Ragnarok

    Ragnarok Active Member
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    Apr 18, 2014
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    If UOR were to fold, what is the next best server out there?
    Kexle likes this.
  17. Ervin

    Ervin Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I wouldn't worry about that.
  18. Caleb Holman

    Caleb Holman Active Member

    Mar 10, 2013
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    I'm leaving too.

    To sum it up as Tela put it to me, it's strictly forbidden to share accounts. Hazy had no way of accessing our house, so he cheated (used another person's account) to access our house and dry loot it. Beyond cheating, or breaking the rules, he wouldn't have had the ability to carry out the actions. Therefore it shouldn't be unheard of for staff to have returned the shit.

    I'm leaving because I feel like my time here has been a great waste and it wont be fun to play here anymore. I had a lot of fun with a lot of you, and even though I was at odds with a few of you at times, I still appreciate you as people and as players. Special thanks to O^S for being my main guild, and making me feel at home when I was new.

    Lastly.. Blaise, you should keep your stupid fucking opinion to yourself. You live to argue, and often you argue well. In this case people are pissed about something that will likely be unchanged. Why do you fucking care to comment on it? Why do you care to "correct" them in how you feel they are fallible? You can go fuck yourself, because it wasn't OUR security that was weak, it was 1 member who is a fucking moron and made a mistake trusting someone. This has nothing to do with you so go back to whatever the fuck you do on this shard.


    Im out, thanks to everyone especially O^S for the good times. Fuck you Blaise you're the most annoying piece of shit on the planet.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Then get fucked, bitch. You clearly didn't waste any of your precious fucking time reading the FAQ, did you?

    If you don't want to hear my opinion, add me to your foe list on forums. Oh wait, you turned tail like a bitch after fucking up so bad your whole guild got looted dry of shit they picked up off the ground from other quitters.

    I don't live to argue but I do really enjoy it. People are pissed because they stepped on their own dicks and administration is not handing them a fucking bandaid. I care to correct people because as much as I don't approve of everything Telamon has done, I appreciate the MASSIVE UNDERTAKING that babysitting all you goddamn crybabies has become. Your security was breached by a deceitful player who was intending to rob you with a partner. The partner handled it solo and you are fucked. This is not Telamon's problem because it's between the victims and the thieves. This is not a policy problem because no one was using more than three accounts to access your shit that you provided access to without good scrutiny. Or Timbo's really good at deception.

    All told, I never had anything bad to say about you Caleb, but thanks for showing your true colors on the way out the door, chump.
    HateCrime likes this.
  20. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 14, 2012
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    Just to set it straight, he didn't make the mistake of trusting somebody. He had planned on looting you himself and letting Hazy in to help, and then had planned to leave your guild. This was told to me by him personally, as well as to Telamon I'd imagine.
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