is it good?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by STAVROGIN, Apr 29, 2016.

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  1. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    cut and paste moderation? really?
  2. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 1, 2013
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    After having time to read through and remove a few posts I have returned this thread to its original area
    Caska VS Trees likes this.
  3. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 1, 2013
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    which player is that ?

    at 6am when I am getting ready for work yes.......
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  4. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    His name starts with Bla, as in bla bla bla.

    Edit: DAMN! My name also starts with bla! I did spit in my own bowl.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
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  5. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Samorite, reading these forums at 6am before work sounds like a serious self-punishment/road rage hazard :p

    thanks for moving them back
    Isabella and BlackEye like this.
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    While "240 plat per person in... 2-3 hours? +few k gold" ignores a pretty big piece of the recipe here, I agree that is too much plat distributed among too few players.

    I'm in favor of returning to the old system with some tweaks. Restore it to 20 plat per character, but in order to maintain the "total plat cap" of 1000, only 50 characters get plat.

    Keeping a lid on the multi-account thing... I just don't think it can be done without IP linking.
    BlackEye likes this.
  7. Isabella

    Isabella Active Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    or 10 plat to 100 characters, this way even for those that triple box they only get 30 plat so at least 33 people get some plat even if they are ALL triple boxing....that way it is the same cap as if you left your three accounts on all month for "welfare" plat...
  8. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    ... as usual, a drama post with lots of opposing opinions and I don't know who or what to believe.
    It's like watching American news. When I'm done I feel like shit the rest of the day and am not exactly sure why.
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
    BlackEye likes this.
  9. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Everyone should take a moment to go read about the reasoning that led to the system we have now, rather than judge a screenshot with limited context. Making assumptions about the situation to paint it negativity do not help us make a better server. It only serves certain players goals of trying to discourage new players who are interested in playing here. Ergo why this is posted in general discussion.
    Patch 65 Details

    The players were given ample time to comment on and discuss the system we had in place, and the abuse that was taking place. The system we have now is a step towards fixing the abuse that was rampant in the previous system. The Harrower code, in its default form was only designed to award 5 power scrolls to 5 random players, and shower the general area with gold. We initially replaced the power scrolls with platinum (20), when the server had 1/3rd the players we have now. As the server grew and players realized they could abuse the reward system to invite their friends, their alt accounts and eventually the whole server for the free platinum frenzy we had to step in and resolve the situation.

    We had a plan to address it down the road, but due to actions of a few players making posts/statements similar to this in an attempt to discourage other players we were forced to take action quicker than we would have liked. Thus a cap of 1000 platinum, and a rough system of awarding it fairly was added. This addressed the core issue with the old system where a guild would invite everyone, their friends to get 20-60 free platinum. Under the old system you invited all your friends/guildmates/the server to collect 2000-4000 platinum per harrower. Under the new system the players have to make a choice. Do you risk using a few players for greater gain, knowing you might be raided, killed or fail to kill the harrower? Or do you bring enough help to ensure success for a lesser share of the rewards?

    Trying to paint the new system as a failure, or broken out of context accomplishes nothing. The players who run a champion can choose to bring 25 players, 10 players, or 4 players trying to run 3 accounts each. The end result of a successful Harrower kill is the same. There are risks and benefits to each decision and the players involved would have still collected all of the needed skulls to summon the Harrower. As a policy on UOR we do not punish players for being good at the game, clever or creative.

    If you want to make the system better, than suggest a better system. And if you make a recommendation think about it being technically feasible.

    And to be clear trying to perform any checks based on IP's is not feasible. All you would accomplish is rewarding the players who are able to work around the system(access to multiple IP's, ability to change IP's easily, access to vpn services). You would also punish a great deal more legitimate players by removing their access to the system (roomates, brothers, families, lan parties, etc) Forcing them to find a way to cheat the system just to be on equal footing.

    It is easy to arm chair quarterback and paint the server in a negative light because you don't like that some players make effective use of a system as it is designed. I think it is telling that this is only an issue now, because of who was involved. Not anytime in the last 5 months after the system was added.

    In the month of April only 11 Harrowers were summoned and defeated.
    Zyler, Ahirman, Basoosh and 1 other person like this.
  10. Isabella

    Isabella Active Member

    Apr 24, 2015
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    I admit I know nothing as to how to code, so I genuinely am interested in the answer to my question....would it be hard to keep the system as is NOW but limit the per char plat drop to say 10 or 20 per char, this way there is also a choice of whether to let the system eat the excess plat or invite 50-100 chars to reap the benefits...? I think the only REAL thing people are complaining of is the AMOUNT these players are receiving...regardless who they may be cause in this instance it is not about this group or that...
  11. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    The discussion thread for this patch was like 10 pages of people not in agreement on what was proposed. And the people in this thread that think 200+ platinum is too much for one person to receive in a sitting aren't SL players. We have been fully capable of benefiting from this the entire time. But I still preferred when harrowers were community events and more players were encouraged to participate. The answer doesn't have to be 1000 plat split 5 ways or 3000 plat split 50 ways. There are more options than that. The system could reward 10 plat per person instead. Or could reward 20 per person up to a max of 1000.

    There were a lot of concerns about harrowers being attackable under the server's statloss and pet mechanics. Harrowers have still never been seriously attacked or contested in the history of the server (despite staff saying that was the intention of the patch).

    I'm not really concerned with talking about who's trying to discourage who and who hates new players the most or whatever. What is important is what effect this patch has had. Instead of many players receiving a small portion of a chunk of plat, few players are receiving a large portion of it.

    I'd like to also remind @Blaise that at one point in time he said he didn't believe a player should receive so much plat in one sitting. Have you flip flopped on this for some reason?
    Baine, BlackEye, Heretic and 6 others like this.
  12. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Any time I've thought about the Harrower in the time between the initial discussion and the present one, I'd inevitably come to this conclusion. I had other ideas in the initial discussion but I wish this had been tried.

    I did enjoy participating in the old shard-wide Harrowers, I'd have to say. It was fun to see so many people at the same time.
  13. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    One thing to help break up the whole "________ group is rich because of the harrowers" finger pointing, from my perspective:

    I've seen a handful of people constantly try to involve 10-20 active players (not including alt accts with tamers that are usable) to do champs for skulls over a year and only muster up enough skulls to DO a harrower. I've ALSO seen groups casually do champs almost every day and yes, they did do a lot of harrowers. I DO believe that plat is mostly held by a small margin of the server, and those people put so much damn time into doing them that YES, they deserve it.

    Having to farm champ spawns costs a lot and has a lot of time-impacting damages. Regs/pets/trash pets/time lost having fun! Retraining a 5-6xgm dragon back up from 45% skills isn't a great hobby of mine!

    What if i assembled a crew of 10 people after an hour or so of nagging people, only to come up with a who-got-the-skull debacle? This has happened often and it hurts.

    End-game UO vs having a great time tackling difficult things with friends on our 7x chars are different things. Both have their ups and downs. It takes a certain level of crazy to knock out hundreds of champs and dozens of harrowers. Those people deserve every dang coin.

    If platinum were the only currency i could see how this could be a big ordeal! I'm just glad that there is other forms of currency that people less dedicated and/or fortunate can still thrive on!
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  14. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    As a new player, people discussing their concerns about system balance doesn't discourage me from playing as much as the comments accusing those people of discouraging me.:(
    STAVROGIN, BlackEye, Heretic and 5 others like this.

    STAVROGIN Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2014
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    lemme quote those ones first:

    original post can be seen here:

    and now:

    original post:

    only? weird place to use the word only cos thats 5x more than what it was.
    and... why is that? maybe its cos its 5x more plat now than it used to be.

    i love this shard, i respect chris and all staff, i dont wanna discourage anyone and yea im not a beta-tester i joined here at 2014 but guess i care about this shards future more than those dudes.
    dudes just made 15mil or 20mil+ worth plat with just

    castspell meteor swarm
    wait for target
    last target
    if mana < x
    useskill meditation

    macro, in a month. i thought it was april fools joke but we are in may and its still the same.

    this is and will ruin the shards economy in my opinion and have to change immediately. but who am i, rite?

    "When you do things right, people won't be sure that you've done anything at all." -Chris

    oh i am sure that u have done some things... and i think this needs to get balanced for shards better will.
    we are not the enemy.
    Baine, Canis, Xegugg and 4 others like this.
  16. Decoman

    Decoman New Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    wow finally its making sense, why that same group "who was involved" is the biggest source of account abuse on the server today. Interesting... please continue.
  17. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    As someone who also wants to see this system changed and/or reverted, I think you are hurting our cause with posts like this.

    Agreed with Mes on the 10-20 per player, with a cap of 1000 overall. /signed

    STAVROGIN Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2014
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    posts like wut
  19. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 19, 2014
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    That could mean, in the worst case scenario, that someone could have made 2.750 platinum in one month. If you all feel this would be ok, I'd have to disagree with you all.

    Dedicating myself on the game exclusively to a new player guild, I personally deal with a lot of people joining and leaving the server every week. We do our best to increase player retention on the server. I personally believe that it's for the good of all of us having a server with a lot of people to play on.

    And what I can observe from this almost 2-year experience on helping new players is that there's nothing more discouraging game play (it's even worse than griefers and PKs) than to see those mega auctions and mega rich people giving them the idea that they are nowhere to be near them. "Oh man, I'll never be like that. Or it'll take me sick long. Why would I even bother? I'll just stop now.". As for some people it works like an incentive, and inspiration, to the greater majority it's demotivating to say the least.

    Do I believe these new players are wrong? Hell, no.
    Do I believe the veterans taking advantage of the system are wrong being clever and feisty and creative and awesome? I don't think so too.

    So I'm not here pointing fingers to people, but to a system that can be adjusted and fixed. And it seems the majority of people on this thread agrees with it. The ones against it seems to not exist or are merely avoiding the discussion.

    And more important, I really have reasons to believe that this affects the server's process of retaining new players, and that's the worse for me. Please just take this into consideration and think about it. Forget groups, forget faction wars, forget guild wars, forget ego wars, forget the clever and creative. Think about player retention. Donating, freesists, events are the easiest part, believe me. Let's think of the best for the server: player base and retention.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Canis, Basoosh, BlackEye and 4 others like this.
  20. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Fear mongering about evil dastardly players and their triple boxing tamers is not solving the problem. It is simply trying to convince everyone in this thread that every single player that does a Harrower gets 200 platinum. This is not the case.

    No one is presenting any actual evidence, any actual solutions. Much like the first discussion we had on the issue.

    You cannot develop mechanics based on the fear and hatred of other players as a basis to remove a system.
    You cannot develop mechanics to punish players who work hard to accomplish a goal. Because other players are envious of the end result of the hard work.
    You cannot develop mechanics with the assumption that every single player cheats 1000 accounts and runs 1000 tamers at the same time.

    If you want to show you actually care about the server, then discuss an actual solution to the problem. Before the changes to the harrower were added people invested minutes of work, towards 20-60 platinum. Under the new system a dedicated group of players, putting in a great deal of work can earn, as a group, 1000 platinum.

    Is the argument here really that we stop rewarding hard work, and reward simply tossing a few ebolts at a public harrower to get effortless platinum coins?
    So a mechanic is unfair because a group of players work hard, and earn a reward? This is unfair to the players who do not engage in the system, put in the time to earn champion skulls and summon a harrower but expect part of the rewards for doing so? Punishing players for working hard work is not a good development mentality.

    Offering players free, effortless rewards only serves to reduce their engagement on the server. Renaissance is a server where earning nice rewards is coupled with putting in the effort. The effect the old Harrower system had was new players were able to join in on the platinum frenzy and have an ethereal, blessed runebook and house of their dreams, 3-4 weeks into joining the server. Most of those players, having nothing left to work towards, simply got bored and quit.

    Making a new forum account to criticize the server will not be tolerated. Since you obviously have read the UOR Drama manual you are not a new player, just a new forum account made for the purpose of attacking the server. I very clearly explained the limits of IP Address tracking. You can engage in constructive discussion on ways to prevent abuse. Or you can play forum drama to suit your own conspiracy theory narrative.


    To Illustrate my point, the forum account that is complaining about IP abuse, has used 9 IP addresses from TOR or proxy services in the last 3-4 days. The hypocrisy of this is telling.

    Another post completely ignoring the original problem. Is the core issue with the system that certain players are working hard, summoning harrowers and earning platinum? Not the system itself? You mention harm to the economy, when the system we have now was in response to a situation that was drastically damaging the economy.

    Look at the time period around March 2015. In one day the amount of platinum on the server increased from 75,000 to 100,000 due to the old harrower system. The new system was put in place quickly as the old system was being abused by players with new accounts, friend accounts, account abuse, or just simply zero effort.

    It is easy to nitpick the server, and its systems. But if you truly want to help the server, then do some constructive work on the problem. Do not force the staff to spent all their free time doing the research to disprove inaccurate statements so players can see things for how they actually are. Not through "I hate this player" colored glasses.

    I will pause development on the server to go review the last 50 Harrowers that were run, I will analyze the IP access history of those players and determine accurate statistics to show that not every Harrower is run by a cabal of 3 account tamers.
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
    Ron Jeremy, Ahirman, Heretic and 3 others like this.
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