Need helps to make some friends join me in Ultima world

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Gutscrank, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Gutscrank

    Gutscrank Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Hi UO community

    i need your helps to make some of my friends wanna join Ultima Online, i can't do it myself because i really sucks at explaining things and im new to UO, but i looooove the game.Can you explain why this game is so awesome, and, maybe what is really fun to do in this game and what make it so unique?!

    Cordelia Black likes this.
  2. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Hello and Happy New Year! From the very start and to a thorough development, to be held no little time and a lot of significant events that will make think about the revised skills and approach to the game!

    A unique game that does everything from pumping skills to vzaimodeysviya with the world! It is also very important that the world was filled with real players, as it is in our wonderful server!

    About how you will develop and advance in the world of Ultima you'll be able to write stories! Each is unique in this way and their own interest!

    With the development will happen to you a lot of unpredictable and you will throw the world of Ultima! But you do write your way and destiny you will act like in real life! All this is embellished realism and complexity that will make you understand how beautiful this game, especially in the lived-in world!

    Do not go without disappointments and losses, as well as without rejoicing and victory, which come with difficulty! Interaction with others players will tell you the level of this game! You will be able to make friends and join a faction or guild battle to hone skills and creativity!

    And the level and quality of the above, it will be very good because it depends on clearly defined rules and the game and forum! You will help, but will have to try! The team that keeps everything under control, and infrastructure will not give you bored.

    Total game model is very attractive because the script itself is not! I played as a child, so I was a little easier now, but friends were not so, I tasted all of completeness alone!

    Play, ask, read the instructions on the website and have fun! Will help you advice and the rest is purely your desire and love for the game in this case is seasoned professionals and enthusiasts who keep the topic afloat this magnificent server!

    Thank you again to all the holiday;)
    Gutscrank and Cordelia Black like this.
  3. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    First, look at all of us, we're playing a what, 20 year old game still? The game is that good, many of us found it after years and enjoy it again. Many people have found their old buddies from the past and are playing here. The game is hard to learn at first, but luckily here on UOR there is a young program to give people some time to learn the ropes and an incredibly welcoming and helpful playerbase and staff. If at any time you find yourself bored of this game there is always a different way to play it: make a new character and try out new builds, turn off razor light filter and walk around and RP, join a guild, duel people, join factions, etc. Maybe get with your friends and make an idea and name for a guild you guys could be in, if you get a nice core you can build a decent guild and make names for yourselves. Tell them they gotta try it to find out!
    Gutscrank and Cordelia Black like this.
  4. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Nah, they don't want to play here. It'll be too hard for them. They'll get upset and quit like every other wimpy modern day gamer who tries UO.

    (reverse psychology!!!)
    Gutscrank, Kiryana, ReZon and 4 others like this.
  5. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    The game is over 20 years old and people still play it.

    If they can't understand that...

    I just rode through the forest, found an innocent woodsman working in the forest, killed him, chopped him to pieces, killed his pack mule, made a campfire, cooked a pack-mule steak, ate it, all while the spirit of the woodsman is cussing me out in ghost-language, resurrected the ghost with arcane magic, made a new friend, went to an inn in town, got wasted on ale, got into a fight, hired a beggar for one gold a day, took him to the forest, ordered him to attack a mountain troll with his fists, summoned an evil deamon from the depths of Hythloth, attacked the beggar, left it in the forest for dead, pointed and laughed, went back to town, saw a treasure chest, tried to lock pick it, exploded, went to the healer hut, got resurrected, and passed out on the street in a drunken stupor.
  6. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    For me,

    Ultima online came along just as the internet was starting to become more widely available across the globe and the western world especially. Even if you initially upon release might have been on dial up and yelling at anyone who tried to make a phonecall and disconnected you haha.

    But it was also the first game where you did not play with 2-4 players in a deathmatch or something. It was hundreds,thousands..and all real people from all over the world.
    And there was no true endgame,no quests. You made your adventure and you gathered your group of adventurers and just the social part of it ,to this day and on this shard,is lightyears beyond anything produced in the last 10 years.

    The game itself or rather,this version of it, mimics the era widely agreed to be the peak of Ultima Online before the creator left and electronic arts butchered it.
    Some things are different here..but mainly its just added content in the same spirit as added content back then,and events which also happened back then.
    You cannot pay real money to win,you can donate to the shard but you wont get any benefits from it,

    GMing skills can seem hard but take animal taming. Me,a veteran,can GM it in 3 days..a beginner perhaps a week if he has help and asks for help in the official IRC channel. On the live server 20 years ago? I got to 90 taming after 8 months and gave up.

    So while its slower here than on most servers,its still very fast. Just slow enough that you feel like youre working for it and feel good when you finish a character or a skill.

    There is PvP,Pking and thieves but its somewhat balanced i would say. Thieves even have it rough.
    Most of the PK's and Thieves also play Roleplayers or help new players out and have PvM characters etc..
    Many are quite nice if you thank them after a res and talk a little,and if you let them know youre new you may get all your stuff back and more importantly..advice and immunity for a time.

    The community here is by far the best ive been a part of since..i guess the release of original UO untill the year 2001 when i quit it. And ive tried pretty much every MMO there is. Even WoW and enjoyed it for the first 2 expansions but none of the Gritty brutality of the RTS gate that was promised..was ever delivered and in future expansions they moved further and further from it.

    You will find 90% of the people here,even the ones that some consider assholes,are generally nice and only called assholes due to personal beefs. I know atleast 2 people i hate but i would never tell a new player not to trust their advice or help. Theyre good people,i just dont like them anymore.

    There are roughly 20+ events a year, There are player made quests and events, RP and non RP. Guild wars, and PvP is picking up alot. Theres a large group of PvM people.
    You are allowed 3 accounts ( 15 characters ) so you can have a crafter,fisherman, 3 pvp chars, 2 pk chars, 3 PVM chars etc and find the playstyle you like. The only rule is you can only have 3 accounts/characters online at any one time.

    Courtesy of Keza Of Project Sanctuary ( a veteran guild that focuses on PvM and helping new people )

    Getting started via the wesbite,the absolute very beginning if you wish to play here.

    Followed by over 40+ clips of adventures and events etc.
    I began with Episode 1 of his "getting started" series,its starts with a fresh char logged in and you can watch the clips that come after too or show them to your friends.

    And heres a taste of what the PvM/RP side of the shard can look like after only a week or two of playing, you will be welcome by many guilds to join in regardless of experience or character skills but lets assume youre close to 7x gm (700 skillpoints,the skillcap).

    A co run quest by players and staff,
    Not sure if this is the one but there was one were a total of 100 players showed up! Thats UO 99 level numbers,and even then extremely high!

    Finally,join the IRC via the official website,make a forum account and introduce yourselves in the UOR general discussion forum. And if ya need anything,
    PM me here (click my profile and "Start a conversation" Or in IRC look for CordeliaBlack and send a PM. Or ask for help and that you are new,and a dozen people will always try to figure out what you need help with and how best to help you.

    Some guides to look at (These are faaaar from all of them or the best ones,but a general idea)

    All credit to the people ive mentioned or whom have written these guides,and staff. It is not my work i am merely putting them all in one place for you in this post. :)

    Thank you and i hope you can get your friends to join you in this wonderful adventure!
  7. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    One thing I enjoy is that it is a continuous world, you log out, the world continues. There is no beginning as such and no end. You can play any role style you wish.
    You can own a house here and decorate it. You can get a boat and actually have your character on the boat and sail the oceans. There are so many skills you can gain, too many to list here, and do a large verity of things.
    You have multiple characters, so you can play each one differently if you wish. Say one is a totally evil character, one is a totally good character, etc.
    And as mentioned, we have a great staff here, no one gets paid, they all volunteer their time and efforts. And a fantastic player base.
    This server is not a "pay to win", so no one get special items from staff for real world money,
    Welcome to the server, Nice to see you so excited to be here.

    I'm Westra on irc and Marjo, Governess of Wispfelt Village in game.
    Gutscrank, Cordelia Black and Kiryana like this.
  8. Gutscrank

    Gutscrank Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Thank you everyone! I've really appreciated that you ve take some of your time writing all this.
    Im pretty sure it gonna help and maybe convince some of my friend to join me! And i must say that reading all you guys make me want to continue my adventure in UO even more then before :)

    Thank you all again, and have a happy new year!!!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  9. Bayara

    Bayara Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2016
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    uhhhh NO.
    you're not going anywhere.

    :: clears throat ::

    like a few have already said...
    most lands of this age are completely forgotten, yet here we are.
    you can be whatever you want to be and have the freedom to alter your path at any time.
    rogue? warrior? tamer? bard? wizard? craftsman?
    yes! of course! too easy!
    stealth assassin? hybrid mage? warrior naturalist? treasure hunter? merchant?
    zZzZzZZZ :: wakes up suddenly :: yeah!! check! got it!
    thief beggar tamer? alchemist axe-wielding bard? bomb-throwing blacksmith archer mage?
    yes yes yes! we get it! move onto something else!!

    own property...
    fight off orc hordes...
    play the tambourine...
    ride a llama in full platemail [no, the llama does not wear the platemail]...
    open a bank account...
    be a bounty hunter...
    sail a ship...
    murder and resurrect other players...
    start or join a guild...
    Cordelia Black, newme, wylwrk and 3 others like this.
  10. Hiji Zuru

    Hiji Zuru Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Very simple:

    This is the only pure gaming experience left. There is no cost, its not pay to win in any way, there is a constant stream of fresh content and the community is awesome. The graphics are dated but who cares. This only means that UO runs well on everyone's computer and their rapid pace of PVP is never really impacted much by client side lag. We only care about the gaming experience and every other game out there is corrupted by pay to win or other bullshit theme park mechanics. Even other shards are affected by this latest gaming trend.

    You can try to play a first person shooter...Guess what? ALL OF THEM ARE HACKED TO PIECES INCLUDING COUNTER STRIKE, RUST, ARK, ETC.....No Thanks

    You can try to play a Moba but the experience is so toxic when you constantly get stuck with shitty random players who dont speak english and botting accounts 24/7.....No Thanks

    You can try to play a single player game but then its just a pathetic theme park game with little to no real challenge, cmon AI is a joke, Thanks

    You can try to play a RTS but a 13 year old korean player will wipe the floor with you and his 500 cpm and you will get thanks

    You can try another mmorpg but so many are now P2W or micro transaction nightmares and overpriced thanks

    So that covers most of the good games and genres...Have fun getting screwed in just about every online experience except this one.
    BlackEye, newme and Gutscrank like this.
  11. Gutscrank

    Gutscrank Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    By the way, for me,the graphics his one of the main reason i choosed to try Ultima(i never played before). There's something very artistic about them, and they manage to make me nostalgic somehow even tho i ve never played Ultima before. I just cant explain why lol... But the only problem, IMO, is that its a bit clunky(15 fps or something like that) and t can be hard on my eyes, but then after a couple of minutes i get use to it.
    BlackEye, Cordelia Black and newme like this.
  12. Hiji Zuru

    Hiji Zuru Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 5, 2016
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    I love the graphics and the fixed view perspective. Screw that 3d crap!

    BTW you can also mod the client a bit. There is one mod allowed here called no trees. Check it out. It's mainly used to help for PVP and placing houses.

    newme and Gutscrank like this.
  13. Gutscrank

    Gutscrank Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Ok Interesting! But i love the trees :( but i'll take that in note,i can see how it must be so useful. Especially since i myself tried to build a small stone tower without success yesterday haha. Good tip! Now i just need to find how.
    newme and PaddyOBrien like this.
  14. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    You can copy your uo installation folder and rename it, keep one normal and the other modded for placing houses and such. You can select between them with razor
    newme and Gutscrank like this.
  15. Gutscrank

    Gutscrank Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    that's a great idea! how do i actived one or the other?
    newme likes this.
  16. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    On the razor welcome screen where the server information is there is a drop down menu of your UO folder. You might need to manually find the,modded folder first for it to show up
    newme and Gutscrank like this.
  17. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Edited untill staff can re-clarify this particular mod.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  18. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Edited untill/if staff ever makes a new clarification on this mod. If staff wants i can try to dig up the old thread,i dont know who posted it unfortunately. i think its in the other forum or the forum where client art mods are posted but would have to go back atleast 2 years. But ive removed any post with the link and disabled it untill further noticed, didnt use it much but it did help make the high latency i experience here in sweden seem like it wasnt as high even though it was,the fluidity made it less noticeable. I did not notice or hear of any advantage nor did anyone in the thread mention any such,and i think there was a staff post in it but i cant swear on that,but it was a long thread. Again, ill gladly do my best to try and dig it up for a staff member and send in private if they wish to look at it and determine wether its usage is allowed or not,and if not,delete that old thread lest it be dug up,which thankfully i was unable to do so i could just remove the link.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
    Gutscrank likes this.
  19. Sait

    Sait Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    failed to execute client path when im using razor

    works without razor though :(
  20. Gutscrank

    Gutscrank Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Haa damn, now that suck :(

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