Thank you for all the hard work you put in. Please know that for me personally and many, many people I have met here desperately would like to play more than we do, but are very limited by our personal lives. In no way should it be viewed as lack of enthusiasm for the amazing content UOR offers. I hope so much that this place is still around when my kids are a bit older and my I am coasting towards retirement.
Just wanted to remind fellow pvmers out there that this event (outside of NoH) is intended for pvpers to have more engagement and fun. Do not be surprised if you log on, go to a graveyard and there are pks waiting for you or come shortly after. Do not be surprised if you see a blue off screening while you widdle away at a boss and they come to attack and kill you when it has a sliver of life left (already happened to me twice) This is felucia, pks don't care how long ago you logged on or how new you are. Have a plan of escape. There are graveyards with guard-lines near by. Even blues will not hesitate to attack you if they get the thought in their head that blood necromancer might drop a monster statue. Team up---> Some of the most fun people generally have is hackin away at monsters together. But you might want to mention whether you're the fight or flight type in case pks show up. Use cheapo silvers. Don't bring your silver vanqs to the graveyard unless you have a solid team to back you up. They still do the trick just fine. If you do get pked, brush it off and get back out there or do something else if you feel like pks are doing their rounds or have it out for ya. If you do get pked, you're more likely to be left alone in the near future if you don't shit talk them once rezzed. It's only going to affect your game time negatively, not theirs. Have fun and good luck getting some sweet rares this year.
Once the patch goes live there will be around 20-25 areas in the world in which players can find creatures linked to the new NoH dungeon. (not just the major graveyards) The spawn will match the location in volume and speed. Should you decide to brave the new dungeon I would recommend reading the guide and understanding how the scoring menu/exit system works.
Yes let me add those. Also as part of our "Make the server look like it has more female players than it might have normally" outreach program. One of the many epic items that can be found in this dungeon.
I know this is a complete derp question, but how does one sign up for the events? Looking through all the threads and searching forums, no avail. Have missed last 2 events due to me being an idiot. Please advise? Thank you very much in advance.
@RubberSoul Jump in the green event gate...gather with the others in the lobby...wait till the book appears on the tables, click book...your signed up and moved to the next lobby
You're good to me, but i missed it in Brit. Was hanging by the bank the whole time. Odd. Sorry for any inconveniences. Thanks again.