New to Shard

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Bruzzer, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. Bruzzer

    Bruzzer New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Hello there All,

    First id like to say that this shard looks awesome. I'm getting a new desktop CPU in a few days and then I'll be able to join, I've been checking out the forums and the compendium on my cell phone and I can't wait to get started.

    I first played 1998 to 2000 on Atlantic, then again on Atlantic 2005 - 2006, but the more item based instead of skill based the game became the more I lost interest, I most recently played on the 2nd age shard which was OK but doesn't have the template flexibility or the weapon and armor depth this shard has.

    It looks like my 1st 3 characters will be a provo\dexxer and a couple of crafters.

    Here is what I'm thinking for provo\dexxer
    GM Archery
    90 Hiding
    50 resist
    50 magery
    10 Tracking which should be around 25 shown.
    100/100/25 SDI

    See you all soon.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  2. Lord Sky

    Lord Sky Well-Known Member
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    Dec 2, 2015
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    you need anatomy... don’t do that build.
  3. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
  4. Bruzzer

    Bruzzer New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Thank You,

    Well, I won't be getting hit much as an archer and a provo bard so healing won't need anatomy, plus archery doesent have a special that depends on anatomy like the melee weapons do, and the damage bonus from anatomy really isn't that much, plus most of my damage will come from monsters killing each other with provo.....I can always change skills later if needed, I've certainly been wrong before.

    Now for melee weapons anatomy is certainly a must.

    The point about archery being expensive is well taken, I'm prepared to fight lots of harpies for feathers and use my bowcrafter on another account for arrows and GM bows.... I enjoy naturally increasing my skills while making gold and gathering resources.

    Thanks for the other tips too, especially concerning ocllo.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
    Blacklow likes this.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    welcome bruzzer!

    Forgot to add some details
    *stealth edit*

    I commend you and understand your desire to relive past joys. Sounds like you were an archer in the past.

    I would call to your attention the general culture of this shard and want you to feel like you can make way. A fundamental principle we all foster here is a Felluca play style, regardless of whether we are good at pvp or not.

    Note that PKs run rampant in squads of at least 2 or more and are generally unchecked by active "anti-pk" guilds so you will get mowed over numerous times if you go solo for a bit. There are guilds out there that travel in large numbers but because of limited play-time due to "adulting" and smaller population, you just cannot count on any good guys coming in to save the day.

    Remember that we are almost all middle-aged or beyond now and while the maturity might still be lacking, the vast knowledge of game mechanics has grown so almost all pks are armed so heavily you won't stand a chance against them unless you are equally armed and learned about pvp.

    You can succeed if you can recall quickly and bank often. If you cannot slay monsters quickly you will increase your odds of running into these maraufing packs of PKs.

    And as final word I would recommend alternating spots. You could go to harpies for raw materials and also Ratman valley to slay rat archers to stock up on many already crafted arrows.

    Best of luck out there!
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  6. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Well-Known Member
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    Jan 13, 2015
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    Welcome aboard!

    It's good to already have a goal in mind when starting UO again, and it's great to hear that you plan to take your time.

    I think there are many of us here that would agree that the early stages of UO are often some of the best times.
    One likes this.
  7. Epikur

    Epikur Active Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    I started with a peace dexer who funded a provo mage. With that one you can already make as much money you need for everything else.
    One likes this.
  8. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Play your game my dude!

    I did everything backwards/'wrong' I made a Provo Mage and went straight into the dungeons, made enough gold to buy a house then left the young program and set upon working on my dungeon crawling lock picker to make my first millions.

    I've got an archer I rarely use but enjoy when an opportunity presents itself to use that toon.

    You'll quickly (and enjoyably) learn what works best for you to get what you want out of your time here!
    Orion GM BD and One like this.
  9. Epikur

    Epikur Active Member

    Nov 21, 2018
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    A lockpicker is also much recommended. You make a lot of money with it and it is save from PKs
    Orion GM BD likes this.
  10. Southpaw

    Southpaw Active Member

    Oct 29, 2018
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    Welcome to Shard, I myself started with a peace / swords. I have only been here about a month now. Either templat you choose I'm sure you will love it here. With all the character slots that is available to you,you call try a alot of different templates.

    Welcome and enjoy you time here.
    One likes this.
  11. Bruzzer

    Bruzzer New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome and the game help, I can see I have a lot to learn about the shard.

    I promise to have the recall button handy, lol.
    Orion GM BD, One and Jupiter like this.

    POTHEAD Active Member

    Apr 30, 2014
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    Hello and welcome to UO:R!

    1st tip make sure you have all three of your accounts always working on skills!

    LEARN RAZOR! with uor we are able to use Razor (and no other 3rd party program) Though it may seem overwhelming for some at first you will learn to love it.
    Here is a general guild on how to use razor

    Playing three instances of uo at once may glitch out when tabbing between them and crash.
    Here is an easy way to fix the problem:
    May take a few attempts to find the right capability, don't fear its very easy.

    Always ask for help. there is A LOT to learn don't try to learn it all without help. There are helpful people and guild.
    P'S (Project Sanctuary) is a very helpful guild. You can find them on irc. . Typle /join #ps

    As with everyone new i recommend making a bard with music & provocation to get you first bit of gold. It is easy and free to train up afk!
    Here is a Guide for working up provocation and music:

    If your into crafting making three crafters with tailoring and blacksmith (one per account) can get you Bulk Order Deeds
    Tailoring guide:
    Blacksmith guide:
    BOD Guide:
    BOD Rewards:

    End game pvm (general farming and killing champions) is usually done with tamers.
    Taming as i'm sure you remember is very powerful and take a bit of patience to work up.
    Taming guide:

    FIshing. Believe it or not fishing can net you an alright amount of gold without the hassle of dealing with pks.

    If your into pvp here is a very basic starter guide:
    Though im not to sure how active factions are at the moment. some times its poping and some times people take a break.

    Here is a guide to many guide. it may be a bit outdated and people may have found new and better ways this guide can helpful

    Hope you enjoy! GLHF!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  13. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    I won't recommend a template for you to use because I sure everyone else will recommend the same lame bard tempates. There's plenty of neat templates that work out well that are not the "usual" templates and I leave to you to come up with your own. I will just tell you why the one you propose is bad:

    GM Archery / Tactics = If you just had magery and meditation alone, you could out DPS archery/tactics and it would cost less money plus provide a whole lot more utility.

    Healing = This is going to be really lame without Anatomy, you can't cure poison (or res, but who cares about that).

    Music/Provo = Nothing wrong with this

    90 Hiding = Nothing wrong with this, 90 is plenty for the skill and it's useful if you like to hide to help handle monster aggro etc.

    50 Resist = You mine as well just have 0 resist. You aren't going to be taking damage from monster spells ideally as a ranged attack bard. Players will still do full damage to you as if you had 0 resist so... no point. For resist I think you need 70+ or it's not even worth having (and having 0 resist isn't a big deal on a non PVP and non damage-tanking PVM character). Monsters casting fireball and stuff will still do practically no damage, and monsters casting ebolt will still do as much damage as you had 0 resist.

    50 Magery = You will still fail to recall without a scroll. If you want success with a scroll, you could do less than 50. 50 Isn't enough to cast circle 5 spells reliably, and you will fail circle 4 spells very often. Buffs will only add a couple of points so it's not worth it. Without eval and with such low magery, any spell like fireball will do practically no damage.

    10 Tracking = Tracking is nerfed here, you will never track a player with this much skill ever, and you will only track an npc/monster within like the same screen, so why bother?
    Air likes this.
  14. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
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    Aug 19, 2017
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  15. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
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    Jan 15, 2015
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    I played Atlantic and Lake Superior. Was Spazz. Anarchist, Boston Carver (the second guy to own the account as my brother bought from the original). We owned the log cabins at Yew moongate, the PK house, on LS and Atiantic at one point. Welcome to UOR, best shard around.
    merlin8666 likes this.
  16. Bruzzer

    Bruzzer New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Thanks to all i appreciate the help and the welcome,

    Wow, I didn't realize archery would do less DPS than magery without eval.

    I think I should of been more clear... At the start I'm just looking for a pvm toon to make some gold and for fun, I'm not worried about optimum performance or PvP at the moment

    I'll just need 50.1 magery to recall with scrolls 100%, and I'm used to using potions to cure as I've mainly ran dexxers.

    I will take all into consideration and make changes as needed.
  17. Sara

    Sara Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    Welcome to the shard!!! I think you should make a char how you think will work for you, and with the ability to have up to 15 chars there is a lot of room to build up another one a different way and play with what you like. I just wanted to say Welcome
  18. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    It's not that it's just not optimized, Archery is just a bad skill partially due to some UOR-specific mechanics making you miss a lot or do practically no damage. At this point, I would say archery is only good for use in a group of other archers, as an automated bot for killing monster (like battle miners do), or for roleplaying. That's all, it's not even good on a dexer and a purple potion would make a more reliable kill shot while chasing someone. Also for a new player, it takes forever to gain skill in, so you're just tossing 3gp at an enemy for every swing, even your misses.

    You're better off doing a melee skill, or just doing magery.

    All you need is music + provocation + enough magery to recall, and you can make just as much money as practically any other bard template.
  19. Bruzzer

    Bruzzer New Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Hello again, I just want to say how right you guys were about anatomy and archery, i also appreciate the emphasis on learning razor, thanks to all for the help.

    After further consideration this is what I have...
    Swords 100
    Tactics 100
    Music 100
    Provo 100
    Heal 80
    Anatomy 80
    Hiding 90
    Magery 50

    As yall mentioned, archery is simply not good for a starting goldfarming toon, cost and time to make arrows, lack of speed in killing monsters, lack of slayers ect....I'll make an archer for special events and pvm at a later time.

    That's brings me to my question, I notice that many bards choose macing because of crushing blow but only the warhammer can use the special. I chose swords because they are cheap and it's easy to find slayer swords. I'd love to go macing if I could find enough magic slayer warhammers or is it best to stay with swordsmanship ?

    Thank You
  20. Mexplosivo

    Mexplosivo Active Member

    Jun 12, 2017
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    What special are you getting with swords? You're in the same position as with maces.

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